Do not take on that it is hard to bear
In continuation:
Our guide father of the Children was waiting for them near the monastery (we found out about it, already going down). He got a TEXT and was on duty. But they'd never met, which is understandable. Distances are great, the phones going down were not.
Then the conductor told us and wrote on FB "I would have stopped him! To be understood is dangerous at night, especially on the glacier, especially tired." But turned out differently – the Wolf came down and, almost rested, went back. He exposed himself to very great danger here, at the approach to the glacier and then hang everywhere like road signs. On them – a schematic image of a man who falls from the top and the inscription: "Kazbek does not like individuals." It's not just about the top is all the Way to it.
About individuals – there may be many different opinions – whether or not you need to overcome the difficulties together. Or alone is more heroic and honest. No one for all answer to this question, there are different situations. About risk – Yes, the solo has more risks. About the justification of risk alone also decides for HIMSELF. And, Yes, there are parts of the path (in a global sense – life) that man can and must overcome himself, his fellow travelers will only hinder and distract from the search for Meaning. So a Lone Wolf (no wonder he was given such a name, with which he agreed) chose what he chose.
When he came, it was accompanied by rain, making it more difficult path, making the road slippery. The rivers had flooded through them was difficult (dangerous!) to cross the river. When he approached the Glacier, the rain ran in earnest, the Wolf decided to hide in a cave under the ice and wait out bad weather. But the ground there was unsteady, his legs began to suck in the mud. He then went on to the Glacier up. And then it was waiting for a real ambush. Extinguished the flashlight the batteries were dead. Needless to say, a good time have chosen! The sky was overcast – it was still raining. In these circumstances, to find the path up which led to the weather station – the heat, the people, life was almost impossible. It could not be seen!
The situation was complicated by the fact that at the approach to the mountain cracks in the Glacier of the small turned into a huge. Back the tractor could fall, not that man! And so deeply that it would never be found. I don't know how hundred meters of the Glacier goes down. There, in his deep rushing river that will relentlessly grind a living body, if you stumble... Perhaps he did realize it. Or not. I do not know. In a moment of danger she always feels like a real – comes after the fact rather than run out. "I began to pray – he told, — And once, but very briefly from behind the clouds the moon was out. I saw the trail".
Lone Wolf came to the station at dawn, it was Etoile tea room guides, where it was always warm and the light was on. It was light already when he came to us, briefly told what it was, and went to bed. Rather, collapsed...
All of This discuss... I mean, we left, of course, was talking about Lone Wolf and red riding Hood before he returned. Privacy cannot be maintained in the context of the campaign, when the conversation in the tent heard in all the surrounding. I don't care that it does not concern us, it is not our business, etc, etc. We cooked in one pot, it was our business what happens to the people who came with us. The reality is that nothing can hide the reality that people will always have the opinion that they want to have. They will draw their own conclusions from our actions and there's nothing you can do. Even if our motives, consequences of actions, their interpretation and their conclusions do not coincide. A long time ago I realized this and stopped to bathe, what about me and my actions are thinking. At the same time I gave myself the right to think about them what I want to talk about it with others.
What am I? Our conversations about this situation. Lone Wolf invited little red riding Hood your World. Where danger and extreme favorite content. He asked her, took her. Can't judge the motives – wanted to entertain, to delight or inspire. Maybe – check can be (and most likely) – something else. It does not matter. Absolutely! And you can understand because dumb World of Lone Wolf, not everyone can take it, especially if for the first time in the tent, the first time a heavy backpack on the shoulders. And the height adds to this dish pepper. Gornyashka, this is no joke. Some serious casting, if casting. It's all about her. And about him? Took the girl with him – took responsibility for how she is, that she was healthy and safe – (take care), but as it turned out – due myself. "Do not take on that it is hard to carry" — wise words. But if hard – so better off alone, the way the darkness and the Glacier through cracks. Yet... This stage. The good news is that now, at least, it is clear that you need someone, and you can not spend the time of your life (expensive!), to long to find out.
Chaos rocks. What for you is the Chaos, order. They can offer you his Peace, and he is to you incomprehensible, unpredictable. You have a choice – to settle in this World or out of it. Any choice is correct. However, not all of you on the road. People marked with Chaos, for you call. You pick up a glove or give away. So divergent path. Or converge. Amen.
A day that began with the return of Lone Wolf was not special. We're not moved – the weather interfered. Lay down at the station – ate, slept, talked. Lived on the tails of events. So it was almost until the evening. And then we began to prepare.
A guide who could lead us up, showed up yesterday. And now everything depended on the weather. The forecast was favorable, but it meant nothing because while you were in the mist, the rain, the strong wind. The conductor called Bako, and he inspired confidence.
Georgian conductor Bako was. Without fuss, without a lot of charisma – he was calm and firm. About himself he told me that it was his main occupation since he first climbed MT. He then realized that Yes, this is what he wants to do for others. And talked about it calmly, unemotionally, by the way. As a matter of course. I realized – Yes, it is possible to ascend and nothing more not to be distracted. This man knows his business.
Somewhere after lunch Sakis invited him to join us for ice sessions. Yesterday we watched a training session of the other group. Carefully and enviously watched, standing near the snowfield, trying to remember. Because could be that we have no one to train would not have undertaken. But one thing to look, another is to feel the body. How to walk the beam in cats, how not to get lost with a rope, how to hack to death with an ice pick. A lot of subtleties and nuances.
I was particularly struck by the fact that when you drop the cats you can not slow down (although they sort of seems to be designed to do it). Because then the inertia of the fall and gravity is deployed upside down. Legs need lifting and working out (slow down) with an ice pick. Yes, there is a danger to hurt themselves with these same cats, but still... still so many things that, in my opinion, there a couple of hours of study – no good. The result tends to zero, although this is better than nothing. The conductor of the Ukrainian group Max drove his, and we, the orphans, stood nearby. Later we again crossed paths with them already on the way down.
So, in the evening when the sky cleared up a bit, Bako led us to a snowfield. We dressed warm and waterproof, he remained in shorts. The lesson lasted about another half an hour. No more. I was under the impression that it was something like "Want a lesson – here's exercise. Actually I pound it is not enough". Enough, I agree, it showed the ascent, there was neither the time nor the opportunity to think about how to step over the rope and how it should be. Legs went, body was moving, and somehow everything went. "Bako, and how to fall?" — asked one of us, when the conductor announced that the session is over. "You won't fall!" confidently he announced. Aroused our enthusiasm – if he promises, then so be it! Of course, we understand that all things are possible, and fall of our not depend on it, and as luck would have it, but his determination has paid off. And like a child to believe that he knows what he's talking about.
Girls rustled and chirped as concubines of a harem from the film "White sun of the desert"
— The conductor said we're not going to fall! they echoed echoed each other and laugh from the absurdity, it would seem that this declarative thoughts. This was consonant with "the Master said that I'm his wife!" We laughed at the fact that the message was perceived in two ways: whether we, not so quickly, learn to use the ice pick with the disruption, felts have such a great conductor that he, as God, the option "drop" in the us just turns off. Whether both at the same time! But the idea we liked it!
He gave the impression of a man who in this life here, in the ascents of Kazbek and fuss with the novice sees nothing extraordinary is his ordinary, everyday life. Something like that, for me, for example, to cross the street. I will not as I cluck about such simple things! And those who the street and the car sees for the first time, also say: "What is hard? Look around and do not go under the wheels".
Bako was not one of those who loves horror and pugalki, and I liked him it was easy to decide on feats, because he's deeds are not counted and not pumped around the event of excess voltage. I then recalled and laughed at the story told them in between: "Once my friend drank all night and then this morning decided to climb out on the slope, and waved his hand over the glacier, where rose the sheer wall, covered with Packed, never melting snow In 4 hours... up" "How?!" "Two ice-axe, crampons..." of Course, no insurance, and fly in case of failure of 200 meters! (about six 9-storey houses). And here it is appropriate to insert a "retry not recommended – it is dangerous for life". Yeah, I guess it's unlikely someone in the head it would be – just a crazy local, to whom the law does not apply.
The very rock opposite the camp, on which said conductor
From this it is clear that the main requirement for the conductor – to inspire confidence – was carried out. And I may not seem my words that he was irresponsible regarding our possible venture. He carefully examined our equipment, shoes. Asked, does everyone have the flashlights and goggles, gloves (two pair minimum). Helped Supernova find more suitable shoes, and, as it turned out, free of charge for her. That is, was the necessary measure of prudence and care for the group.
After training we went to meet, and it was very serious and responsible – backpacks put all the things, leaving jackets, gloves, some water. Backpack need, because it protects the back from the wind, to go with him easier. And dress need carefully to think about and to prepare to quickly gather, when you Wake up.
To start the ascent we had in the night. Because in the middle of the day on mount Kazbek starts usually bad weather, and am still more or less clear. But for now, the evening the storm was in full swing – the wind howled, the roof above us roared, or the rain, or snow. And it would be an alibi, if not stopped. I have already said that this night is the only time we could ascend. Tomorrow for any need down because the plane tickets to sit under the Kazbek once.
Of course, we went early, at 7 o'clock in the evening. Any fool can go to sleep at 7 PM? Not me, that's for sure. And I was awake listening to the wind and did not know what to pray – that was the weather, or that it was not. I was scared to go up, and at the same time something sweet was still inside at the thought of it. This "something" was smaller. Because, if you imagine that it will happen, then the worst will regret his own stupidity and thought "fuck me here suffered, it was the same signs I was." I thought about possible death, about a possible injury. And yet – about what's ahead – unreal tension, and why? In order to tick one of those "Here was Vasya"? So the check didn't interest me, and I'm not Bob... And that interested? The fact of the complexity, I could not answer this question. And the more I pondered, the more "sweet fading something" was gone, so I'm even a trace of it felt.
Yes, I certainly could say "I'm not going", and no I would not, condemned, no one said "Boo". These were our rules – everyone does what he wants. And I was one of those who with pleasure and without any sense of guilt takes the opportunity to move out, if you are not interested and do not want. And then I realized that didn't move out. Although the paradox: the part that does NOT want dreads, I saw clearly that she told me is clear, her arguments were logical, but the feeling is transparent. But the one who really WANTS, I'm not seen at all. It was quite unusual for me.
I calmed down and went to sleep only then when he realized that the wind today blows over. It was probably 12 hours.
And then we all woke Bako. The hour of the night. Adventure began.
To be continued...
Authors: Natalia Walicka (italics), Julia Golovkin (straight text)
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: valitskaya.com/wp/
- Climbing Kazbek: PURPOSE and MEANING. Part 1
- Climbing Kazbek: PURPOSE and MEANING. Part 2
- Climbing Kazbek. EMERGENCY. Part 3
- Climbing Kazbek. THE MOUNTAIN IS CALLING. Part 4
- Afraid of their desires and fears — they come true!
- What do YOU want?
Our guide father of the Children was waiting for them near the monastery (we found out about it, already going down). He got a TEXT and was on duty. But they'd never met, which is understandable. Distances are great, the phones going down were not.
Then the conductor told us and wrote on FB "I would have stopped him! To be understood is dangerous at night, especially on the glacier, especially tired." But turned out differently – the Wolf came down and, almost rested, went back. He exposed himself to very great danger here, at the approach to the glacier and then hang everywhere like road signs. On them – a schematic image of a man who falls from the top and the inscription: "Kazbek does not like individuals." It's not just about the top is all the Way to it.
About individuals – there may be many different opinions – whether or not you need to overcome the difficulties together. Or alone is more heroic and honest. No one for all answer to this question, there are different situations. About risk – Yes, the solo has more risks. About the justification of risk alone also decides for HIMSELF. And, Yes, there are parts of the path (in a global sense – life) that man can and must overcome himself, his fellow travelers will only hinder and distract from the search for Meaning. So a Lone Wolf (no wonder he was given such a name, with which he agreed) chose what he chose.

When he came, it was accompanied by rain, making it more difficult path, making the road slippery. The rivers had flooded through them was difficult (dangerous!) to cross the river. When he approached the Glacier, the rain ran in earnest, the Wolf decided to hide in a cave under the ice and wait out bad weather. But the ground there was unsteady, his legs began to suck in the mud. He then went on to the Glacier up. And then it was waiting for a real ambush. Extinguished the flashlight the batteries were dead. Needless to say, a good time have chosen! The sky was overcast – it was still raining. In these circumstances, to find the path up which led to the weather station – the heat, the people, life was almost impossible. It could not be seen!
The situation was complicated by the fact that at the approach to the mountain cracks in the Glacier of the small turned into a huge. Back the tractor could fall, not that man! And so deeply that it would never be found. I don't know how hundred meters of the Glacier goes down. There, in his deep rushing river that will relentlessly grind a living body, if you stumble... Perhaps he did realize it. Or not. I do not know. In a moment of danger she always feels like a real – comes after the fact rather than run out. "I began to pray – he told, — And once, but very briefly from behind the clouds the moon was out. I saw the trail".
Lone Wolf came to the station at dawn, it was Etoile tea room guides, where it was always warm and the light was on. It was light already when he came to us, briefly told what it was, and went to bed. Rather, collapsed...
All of This discuss... I mean, we left, of course, was talking about Lone Wolf and red riding Hood before he returned. Privacy cannot be maintained in the context of the campaign, when the conversation in the tent heard in all the surrounding. I don't care that it does not concern us, it is not our business, etc, etc. We cooked in one pot, it was our business what happens to the people who came with us. The reality is that nothing can hide the reality that people will always have the opinion that they want to have. They will draw their own conclusions from our actions and there's nothing you can do. Even if our motives, consequences of actions, their interpretation and their conclusions do not coincide. A long time ago I realized this and stopped to bathe, what about me and my actions are thinking. At the same time I gave myself the right to think about them what I want to talk about it with others.

What am I? Our conversations about this situation. Lone Wolf invited little red riding Hood your World. Where danger and extreme favorite content. He asked her, took her. Can't judge the motives – wanted to entertain, to delight or inspire. Maybe – check can be (and most likely) – something else. It does not matter. Absolutely! And you can understand because dumb World of Lone Wolf, not everyone can take it, especially if for the first time in the tent, the first time a heavy backpack on the shoulders. And the height adds to this dish pepper. Gornyashka, this is no joke. Some serious casting, if casting. It's all about her. And about him? Took the girl with him – took responsibility for how she is, that she was healthy and safe – (take care), but as it turned out – due myself. "Do not take on that it is hard to carry" — wise words. But if hard – so better off alone, the way the darkness and the Glacier through cracks. Yet... This stage. The good news is that now, at least, it is clear that you need someone, and you can not spend the time of your life (expensive!), to long to find out.
Chaos rocks. What for you is the Chaos, order. They can offer you his Peace, and he is to you incomprehensible, unpredictable. You have a choice – to settle in this World or out of it. Any choice is correct. However, not all of you on the road. People marked with Chaos, for you call. You pick up a glove or give away. So divergent path. Or converge. Amen.
A day that began with the return of Lone Wolf was not special. We're not moved – the weather interfered. Lay down at the station – ate, slept, talked. Lived on the tails of events. So it was almost until the evening. And then we began to prepare.
A guide who could lead us up, showed up yesterday. And now everything depended on the weather. The forecast was favorable, but it meant nothing because while you were in the mist, the rain, the strong wind. The conductor called Bako, and he inspired confidence.
Georgian conductor Bako was. Without fuss, without a lot of charisma – he was calm and firm. About himself he told me that it was his main occupation since he first climbed MT. He then realized that Yes, this is what he wants to do for others. And talked about it calmly, unemotionally, by the way. As a matter of course. I realized – Yes, it is possible to ascend and nothing more not to be distracted. This man knows his business.
Somewhere after lunch Sakis invited him to join us for ice sessions. Yesterday we watched a training session of the other group. Carefully and enviously watched, standing near the snowfield, trying to remember. Because could be that we have no one to train would not have undertaken. But one thing to look, another is to feel the body. How to walk the beam in cats, how not to get lost with a rope, how to hack to death with an ice pick. A lot of subtleties and nuances.
I was particularly struck by the fact that when you drop the cats you can not slow down (although they sort of seems to be designed to do it). Because then the inertia of the fall and gravity is deployed upside down. Legs need lifting and working out (slow down) with an ice pick. Yes, there is a danger to hurt themselves with these same cats, but still... still so many things that, in my opinion, there a couple of hours of study – no good. The result tends to zero, although this is better than nothing. The conductor of the Ukrainian group Max drove his, and we, the orphans, stood nearby. Later we again crossed paths with them already on the way down.

So, in the evening when the sky cleared up a bit, Bako led us to a snowfield. We dressed warm and waterproof, he remained in shorts. The lesson lasted about another half an hour. No more. I was under the impression that it was something like "Want a lesson – here's exercise. Actually I pound it is not enough". Enough, I agree, it showed the ascent, there was neither the time nor the opportunity to think about how to step over the rope and how it should be. Legs went, body was moving, and somehow everything went. "Bako, and how to fall?" — asked one of us, when the conductor announced that the session is over. "You won't fall!" confidently he announced. Aroused our enthusiasm – if he promises, then so be it! Of course, we understand that all things are possible, and fall of our not depend on it, and as luck would have it, but his determination has paid off. And like a child to believe that he knows what he's talking about.
Girls rustled and chirped as concubines of a harem from the film "White sun of the desert"
— The conductor said we're not going to fall! they echoed echoed each other and laugh from the absurdity, it would seem that this declarative thoughts. This was consonant with "the Master said that I'm his wife!" We laughed at the fact that the message was perceived in two ways: whether we, not so quickly, learn to use the ice pick with the disruption, felts have such a great conductor that he, as God, the option "drop" in the us just turns off. Whether both at the same time! But the idea we liked it!
He gave the impression of a man who in this life here, in the ascents of Kazbek and fuss with the novice sees nothing extraordinary is his ordinary, everyday life. Something like that, for me, for example, to cross the street. I will not as I cluck about such simple things! And those who the street and the car sees for the first time, also say: "What is hard? Look around and do not go under the wheels".
Bako was not one of those who loves horror and pugalki, and I liked him it was easy to decide on feats, because he's deeds are not counted and not pumped around the event of excess voltage. I then recalled and laughed at the story told them in between: "Once my friend drank all night and then this morning decided to climb out on the slope, and waved his hand over the glacier, where rose the sheer wall, covered with Packed, never melting snow In 4 hours... up" "How?!" "Two ice-axe, crampons..." of Course, no insurance, and fly in case of failure of 200 meters! (about six 9-storey houses). And here it is appropriate to insert a "retry not recommended – it is dangerous for life". Yeah, I guess it's unlikely someone in the head it would be – just a crazy local, to whom the law does not apply.

The very rock opposite the camp, on which said conductor
From this it is clear that the main requirement for the conductor – to inspire confidence – was carried out. And I may not seem my words that he was irresponsible regarding our possible venture. He carefully examined our equipment, shoes. Asked, does everyone have the flashlights and goggles, gloves (two pair minimum). Helped Supernova find more suitable shoes, and, as it turned out, free of charge for her. That is, was the necessary measure of prudence and care for the group.
After training we went to meet, and it was very serious and responsible – backpacks put all the things, leaving jackets, gloves, some water. Backpack need, because it protects the back from the wind, to go with him easier. And dress need carefully to think about and to prepare to quickly gather, when you Wake up.
To start the ascent we had in the night. Because in the middle of the day on mount Kazbek starts usually bad weather, and am still more or less clear. But for now, the evening the storm was in full swing – the wind howled, the roof above us roared, or the rain, or snow. And it would be an alibi, if not stopped. I have already said that this night is the only time we could ascend. Tomorrow for any need down because the plane tickets to sit under the Kazbek once.
Of course, we went early, at 7 o'clock in the evening. Any fool can go to sleep at 7 PM? Not me, that's for sure. And I was awake listening to the wind and did not know what to pray – that was the weather, or that it was not. I was scared to go up, and at the same time something sweet was still inside at the thought of it. This "something" was smaller. Because, if you imagine that it will happen, then the worst will regret his own stupidity and thought "fuck me here suffered, it was the same signs I was." I thought about possible death, about a possible injury. And yet – about what's ahead – unreal tension, and why? In order to tick one of those "Here was Vasya"? So the check didn't interest me, and I'm not Bob... And that interested? The fact of the complexity, I could not answer this question. And the more I pondered, the more "sweet fading something" was gone, so I'm even a trace of it felt.
Yes, I certainly could say "I'm not going", and no I would not, condemned, no one said "Boo". These were our rules – everyone does what he wants. And I was one of those who with pleasure and without any sense of guilt takes the opportunity to move out, if you are not interested and do not want. And then I realized that didn't move out. Although the paradox: the part that does NOT want dreads, I saw clearly that she told me is clear, her arguments were logical, but the feeling is transparent. But the one who really WANTS, I'm not seen at all. It was quite unusual for me.
I calmed down and went to sleep only then when he realized that the wind today blows over. It was probably 12 hours.
And then we all woke Bako. The hour of the night. Adventure began.
To be continued...
Authors: Natalia Walicka (italics), Julia Golovkin (straight text)
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: valitskaya.com/wp/