Climbing Kazbek: PURPOSE and MEANING. Part 2
In the sequel to the Ascent of Kazbek: PURPOSE and MEANING. Part 1
I haven't slept in a train, when to lift was several thousand kilometres – I went to Kiev and didn't sleep almost all night. Next morning I met in Kiev at Sahis, together we made a flight to Tbilisi, and then I drove the car to Stepantsminda (Kazbegi), which was supposed to start climbing.
The evening was devoted to meeting with the group. At night I again slept. Well, almost... a Long time lying in the tent, tried not to spin so as not to Wake Sahis. Fell asleep in the morning. I was worried, afraid, and prayed? I do not remember. Just didn't sleep. Maybe my subconscious did all of the above – me is not conducted.
My insomnia prevented me only at night when I was lying with his eyes open in the darkness, because I was bored not to sleep, it would be better a couple of dreams to view. In the morning I felt quite rested, although my sleep did not last more than two or three hours. Perhaps it had a form gornyashki. Though it is strange that it began on the plains, in a train, but what only miracles do not happen!
Of all the nights we spent in the mountains, I fell asleep twice. And they were 9. Then in my club joined the rest before the climb, but this was after. Maybe it was still in the nerves, the body was afraid, mind duped yourself that everything is fine, emotions are mainly engaged in the curious development of new spaces and new people. And the body was afraid.
There is a theory (I believe it), that we are omnipotent beings, but forgot about it. We know our future, all of mnogopoliarnosti future. The EGO does not know, the mind does not know the emotions are busy momentary impressions. And body feels. Not sleeping. Prepared. What? To death, perhaps... and catches every moment of conscious existence here on Earth.
I have a very serious reason to talk about it, on our way there were many signs that indicated we should not meddle on top. The last one I got after the fact, when it came back and called my father. Turns out, he slips and falls on a wet floor in the pool, severely sprained foot, and it still hurts to walk. It's like he took part of my pain is my karma, that's how I took it, although, of course, didn't want to. It happened when we were in the mountains, a coincidence? ...who thinks I have still gornyashka, let him think so.
We climbed up the canyon, to the Church – monastery. How long has it been? I now it is hard to remember, probably three hours. Maybe less. Although the feeling is more because the backpack is heavy, hot, sweat in my eyes, and rocky road does not end, twining around the mountain like a snake that protects but also smothers in his arms those who dare to climb it without proper respect.
At the bottom (very deep!) gurgled the stream. To him to roll and fall if you fall. Up rose the mountain, on which nestled the monastery. We overtook the pilgrims – men, women, children, youth. They were dressed in city clothes, lightweight shoes, were without backpacks and walked faster.
Our group stretched out along the trail, everything was going at a different pace. We didn't see each other. The tail stopped often, resting, slurped some water. My ended back at the first third of the path, and then – a miracle! Right in the middle of the trail gets a spring, a blue plastic (probably the monks tried). The water was bubbling, saturated with gas, by the grace of cold refreshing dry mouth.
Source of Strength – so I called it for myself. Unexpected, refined by human hands and need this at this moment. Of him it was hard to get water and you can drink, only leaning his lips, bending to the ground. Bowing, taking Power, rejecting pride, standing on his knees. You can, of course, and even a mug to use, but a mug away in the backpack, and thirsty right now, so on your knees, mortals!
Near the monastery was our first stop, it lasted for two days, and it was a very good reason. The first test - Kazbek smirked at us from above, called to his cloud and took ally for the Sun to cast a glare on our faces and clouding doubts our souls.
In General, to stay for a long time (a day roughly), on the way up is a necessity. Because you need to acclimate to the new altitude, the body has to get used to the smaller amount of oxygen. So we — don't just stand there, and move actively.
It is desirable – lifting briefly above. So we pitched tents, ate, and went up. Alex has spent a small educational program – how to walk in the mountains. It turned out (I didn't!), in the mountains the shortest distance between two points is not straight but broken line. To climb better traverse the zigzag. So less stress on the joints, so the path is easier and safer.
We climbed to near the tip, and from it was visible on the ridge another couple – on and on and on. They teased and enticed, my feet itched to run on up. But we stopped, it was getting dark, had to go down and the evening program we were still expecting, meaningful and alluring. Today we had to name Names. And yet – time for a Miracle!
Sakhis mentioned a few times about how people staying at high altitude, suddenly began to appreciate the benefits of civilization, for example, banal Coca-Cola was ready to buy for a fortune. And for some reason its unrealistic wanted, even if the person was not a fan of this drink down on the plain.
And now, moving away a few paces behind, admiring the sunset on mount Kazbek, she found unopened Coca in the grass. Someone forgot (posted from a backpack?) specially for us. The materialization of ideas in its purest form. No, not lying here banks with coke! And nothing is not lying, even garbage is not here, despite the fact that people is a lot! But for us one lying around...
We didn't drink it immediately, wait. It was our champagne when we returned from the summit of Kazbek. At the throat of everyone who remained. There are not all. All alive, but not all made it to the finish. That's the paradox. Or those who got, not alive in our World? Or have they now your World? We can still meet? Events suggested that it is not very...
Back to the topic of names, in order not to frighten the reader prematurely. He did not run away, shaking his finger at his temple, feeling it necessary to clarify here this strange tradition to change names. Purpose and meaning is to undermine his name.
You see, we are so attached to their name that don't even matter we like it or not, we are very attached to him. Very! We in particular rejoice when we meet a namesake is someone with the same name as we do. Automatically draw Parallels between themselves and the other person does not associated with us, in addition to combinations of sounds to which we both respond.
That is, we inside your name not meant. Identified with some character, and it means — put this man in a "separate folder" in my head. In the same way we do with other names and also lay them "folders": Serezha to Re Natasha to Natasha, etc. But it's completely different people! Who exactly have more differences than similarities – but the anchor locks in our minds that the person packaging it commercially. The names of where we were born, usually the standard and is narrowly limited set. If it was from the standpoint of numbers, the introduction could look like this:
— What's your name?
— 48. What's yours?
— I – 39.
Very nice 39!
— Mutually. My brother's name is 48. I love this name 48.
— Oh! Cool, my mother's name was also 39.
...that met. And "they are nice", and that nice? It will be nice then, maybe, maybe not.
So as not to deprive man of his usual serial package, observe that it is useful sometimes to have a rest from their social name, and a name to give a break from myself and get bored of each other. Then to met you your name and represent – not found!
Undermining your social name, other names, nicknames and nicknames, we begin to feel within yourself the feeling of "dry residue" — what never changes in us and makes us who we are.
Here for the first time in such conditions, those who have no behind the climbing of the past, especially useful to look for a new current to today name. It will release on their own perception of themselves and their ability to afford more. And of course the metaphorical explanation for this strange ritual — "as you a boat name, so it will float!" (you remember from the cartoon).
This procedure is named name, rather capacious thing. We can't give the person a name, that is, with rhyme or reason — the first thing that he himself will come up. Because the meaning – the meaning of everything! So it's time for a long group process of finding a name for each participant (using his account of himself, scoring of the request for the period and clarifying the questions of others), it is also two: provocative practices, revealing the nature of the participants.
So they know each other closer and put an idea of "who is here and who is with us came here," And in this case, the mountains themselves are a great provocation (the guy in the mountains with a pull-take a chance!), revealing for the day with no extra Cabinet psychologization personal material.
And so, after the first day of the ascent, in the evening under the light of a new moon around the campfire, in four hours of Serrinha we gave birth to a completely fresh characters. Which, though had the same characteristics, had a chance to reveal themselves anew through the name they gave the "tribe".
And so here they are:
Lone Wolf (Minsk) — Elegant male in the Prime of life. Already managed to get a few personal wounds and successfully heal them, considerably polydrev. Managed to place to burn in the same profession, and catch a new wave in completely different activities. To taste freedom and realize that as office plankton, he is irretrievably lost to society and irreversibly in love with the freedom and freelance. Easy to move between major cities of the former CIS, which until last week could not decide what city he was flying to Tbilisi.
Condition: the willingness to feat.
What is the meaning of his name?Looking at him, happy and free, looking into the distance at a glowing in the night, inviting ice Kazbek, I felt the anguish of his manly spirit. Often trying to capture the surrounding in his life and women to seduce their targets. Not the man prematurely to be conducted on this! Otherwise, torn his internal konfliktologiya and its goals. And he will give his Power, and not acquainted with Her. Without first being a "lone warrior" neobychnogo anyone but yourself, not having my own penance, a man cannot begin to live itself in full growth. The name Lone Wolf free, opened right to remain true to myself.
Little red riding Hood (St Petersburg) — brisk at the start, finicky ways, but tries not to show it – is suffering. Antagonistic to the Soviets, knows exactly what it wants "like a lady". And what he wants, hiding away from everyone and especially from myself, so it was interesting. Especially to others.Aware of it – the big question. For him and many others and have to respond to the ascent.
At the start of the attitude:self-centered.
Condition:cheerful, encouraging.
The meaning of the name:remove "good girl", to see the courage and curiosity to adventure, to dissolve perfectionism and insistence. To afford more, to stop being "the student" and to start "breaking bad" — where he wants her insides.
Careful the Wolverine (Kramatorsk) - responsive to your reflexes, eco-friendly and thin. More recently, a sharp tongue, and label expressions – wants to consolidate ruthlessness and precision in communication. Beautiful ally and the custodian of the values of the pack. Cons: too sensitive and sentimental to the signs of neglect in your address and it is very critical to indifferent.
The meaning of the name:choose yourself. Always, meeting many other people's needs, opinions and opportunities to see her and boldly put it into practise, to see the consequences of their decisions as the only correct one, to make the next choice, again choosing yourself.
Ergin (Kirovograd) — playful, sarcastic and observant. Consciously prepared for any eventuality. Credence events and excitement of depreciati... Preying on the roughness of the characters and unpredictable turns of events. Easy to include in the trust, and reveals the secrets of others.
Mood: provocative-pofigisticheski.
The meaning of the name:take the name, not bearing any sense, but having the history. To find a power beyond meaning.
Supernova (Stavropol) – reliable, strong in body and strong in spirit. Ready to help the weak, but well defines solid and people with the rod. Appreciate the atmosphere of the track of tourism, a strong spirit and a clear. Competent, understood all the difficulties of ice climbing.
Attitude:to climb to the top.
Condition:the willingness to feat.
The meaning of the name:to allow themselves to open leadership.
Playful Foxy (Moscow) — in the least shy, moderately purposeful, not sure what veils pranks, and flirting with people and space. Is in active self-knowledge. Consciously egocentrican, explores his reaction, develops their communication skills and the ability to spread its tail and hold a gun.
Talking with God (Kyiv) — Curious to the state of the participants and the dynamics of the events, the landscape of mountains the minerals under his feet, and as to how this group, comprising more than half of "zero" people that will stand the test mountain. Ready to listen to each as God and to reverse the process. Abandoning the tops because I neuritises that conceals, showing the opposite to raise the spirit exclusively to those who have to do their own potential.
Mood:to be in the middle of the group, to hear the head and tail.
Condition: emotion to a dog's joy. ( This is me )
The meaning of the name:dialogue with the mountain, and weather sensing in the context of its name.
The father of the Children (Kharkov) — Strong and skilled. Samoopredelenie that considers important or important, while tolerant, environmentally friendly and inquisitive. Prudent to the rig, demanding climbing rules, are reasonably picky about gear, mindful of the mood in the group. Responsible for the family.
Configuredto leadership.
The meaning of the name:to Cultivate conscious parenting, gentle tug, attentiveness and sensitivity while remaining in a recognized seniority.
After that, all we long did not sleep. The ritual of Naming Names is always accompanied by such energy – like a gateway opened, got Permission to Be There.
I just held him and each time he was surprised by the effect – if the Name is found, get the point, people like flashes in different colors, which is not allowed to appear before. And, charmed by her new glow, can't settle down, enjoying him, enjoying and playing, tasting the World anew in a new way.
8 European cities like the pictures
Fabulous Lapland
That our great company was different from all the other climbers and explorers of the peaks. Eight of us, we call each other weird names, we are different and we go up.
Kazbek is shining above us, casting twilight shadows, we go there!
Us from his shadow to the top where the shadow is not discarded, unless it is their own. There is cold and prickly clarity about who is worth what and how much, goes without saying.published
Authors: Natalia Walicka, Julia Golovkin
Source: valitskaya.com/
I haven't slept in a train, when to lift was several thousand kilometres – I went to Kiev and didn't sleep almost all night. Next morning I met in Kiev at Sahis, together we made a flight to Tbilisi, and then I drove the car to Stepantsminda (Kazbegi), which was supposed to start climbing.
The evening was devoted to meeting with the group. At night I again slept. Well, almost... a Long time lying in the tent, tried not to spin so as not to Wake Sahis. Fell asleep in the morning. I was worried, afraid, and prayed? I do not remember. Just didn't sleep. Maybe my subconscious did all of the above – me is not conducted.

My insomnia prevented me only at night when I was lying with his eyes open in the darkness, because I was bored not to sleep, it would be better a couple of dreams to view. In the morning I felt quite rested, although my sleep did not last more than two or three hours. Perhaps it had a form gornyashki. Though it is strange that it began on the plains, in a train, but what only miracles do not happen!
Of all the nights we spent in the mountains, I fell asleep twice. And they were 9. Then in my club joined the rest before the climb, but this was after. Maybe it was still in the nerves, the body was afraid, mind duped yourself that everything is fine, emotions are mainly engaged in the curious development of new spaces and new people. And the body was afraid.
There is a theory (I believe it), that we are omnipotent beings, but forgot about it. We know our future, all of mnogopoliarnosti future. The EGO does not know, the mind does not know the emotions are busy momentary impressions. And body feels. Not sleeping. Prepared. What? To death, perhaps... and catches every moment of conscious existence here on Earth.
I have a very serious reason to talk about it, on our way there were many signs that indicated we should not meddle on top. The last one I got after the fact, when it came back and called my father. Turns out, he slips and falls on a wet floor in the pool, severely sprained foot, and it still hurts to walk. It's like he took part of my pain is my karma, that's how I took it, although, of course, didn't want to. It happened when we were in the mountains, a coincidence? ...who thinks I have still gornyashka, let him think so.

We climbed up the canyon, to the Church – monastery. How long has it been? I now it is hard to remember, probably three hours. Maybe less. Although the feeling is more because the backpack is heavy, hot, sweat in my eyes, and rocky road does not end, twining around the mountain like a snake that protects but also smothers in his arms those who dare to climb it without proper respect.
At the bottom (very deep!) gurgled the stream. To him to roll and fall if you fall. Up rose the mountain, on which nestled the monastery. We overtook the pilgrims – men, women, children, youth. They were dressed in city clothes, lightweight shoes, were without backpacks and walked faster.
Our group stretched out along the trail, everything was going at a different pace. We didn't see each other. The tail stopped often, resting, slurped some water. My ended back at the first third of the path, and then – a miracle! Right in the middle of the trail gets a spring, a blue plastic (probably the monks tried). The water was bubbling, saturated with gas, by the grace of cold refreshing dry mouth.
Source of Strength – so I called it for myself. Unexpected, refined by human hands and need this at this moment. Of him it was hard to get water and you can drink, only leaning his lips, bending to the ground. Bowing, taking Power, rejecting pride, standing on his knees. You can, of course, and even a mug to use, but a mug away in the backpack, and thirsty right now, so on your knees, mortals!
Near the monastery was our first stop, it lasted for two days, and it was a very good reason. The first test - Kazbek smirked at us from above, called to his cloud and took ally for the Sun to cast a glare on our faces and clouding doubts our souls.
In General, to stay for a long time (a day roughly), on the way up is a necessity. Because you need to acclimate to the new altitude, the body has to get used to the smaller amount of oxygen. So we — don't just stand there, and move actively.
It is desirable – lifting briefly above. So we pitched tents, ate, and went up. Alex has spent a small educational program – how to walk in the mountains. It turned out (I didn't!), in the mountains the shortest distance between two points is not straight but broken line. To climb better traverse the zigzag. So less stress on the joints, so the path is easier and safer.
We climbed to near the tip, and from it was visible on the ridge another couple – on and on and on. They teased and enticed, my feet itched to run on up. But we stopped, it was getting dark, had to go down and the evening program we were still expecting, meaningful and alluring. Today we had to name Names. And yet – time for a Miracle!

Sakhis mentioned a few times about how people staying at high altitude, suddenly began to appreciate the benefits of civilization, for example, banal Coca-Cola was ready to buy for a fortune. And for some reason its unrealistic wanted, even if the person was not a fan of this drink down on the plain.
And now, moving away a few paces behind, admiring the sunset on mount Kazbek, she found unopened Coca in the grass. Someone forgot (posted from a backpack?) specially for us. The materialization of ideas in its purest form. No, not lying here banks with coke! And nothing is not lying, even garbage is not here, despite the fact that people is a lot! But for us one lying around...
We didn't drink it immediately, wait. It was our champagne when we returned from the summit of Kazbek. At the throat of everyone who remained. There are not all. All alive, but not all made it to the finish. That's the paradox. Or those who got, not alive in our World? Or have they now your World? We can still meet? Events suggested that it is not very...
Back to the topic of names, in order not to frighten the reader prematurely. He did not run away, shaking his finger at his temple, feeling it necessary to clarify here this strange tradition to change names. Purpose and meaning is to undermine his name.
You see, we are so attached to their name that don't even matter we like it or not, we are very attached to him. Very! We in particular rejoice when we meet a namesake is someone with the same name as we do. Automatically draw Parallels between themselves and the other person does not associated with us, in addition to combinations of sounds to which we both respond.
That is, we inside your name not meant. Identified with some character, and it means — put this man in a "separate folder" in my head. In the same way we do with other names and also lay them "folders": Serezha to Re Natasha to Natasha, etc. But it's completely different people! Who exactly have more differences than similarities – but the anchor locks in our minds that the person packaging it commercially. The names of where we were born, usually the standard and is narrowly limited set. If it was from the standpoint of numbers, the introduction could look like this:
— What's your name?
— 48. What's yours?
— I – 39.
Very nice 39!
— Mutually. My brother's name is 48. I love this name 48.
— Oh! Cool, my mother's name was also 39.
...that met. And "they are nice", and that nice? It will be nice then, maybe, maybe not.
So as not to deprive man of his usual serial package, observe that it is useful sometimes to have a rest from their social name, and a name to give a break from myself and get bored of each other. Then to met you your name and represent – not found!
Undermining your social name, other names, nicknames and nicknames, we begin to feel within yourself the feeling of "dry residue" — what never changes in us and makes us who we are.
Here for the first time in such conditions, those who have no behind the climbing of the past, especially useful to look for a new current to today name. It will release on their own perception of themselves and their ability to afford more. And of course the metaphorical explanation for this strange ritual — "as you a boat name, so it will float!" (you remember from the cartoon).
This procedure is named name, rather capacious thing. We can't give the person a name, that is, with rhyme or reason — the first thing that he himself will come up. Because the meaning – the meaning of everything! So it's time for a long group process of finding a name for each participant (using his account of himself, scoring of the request for the period and clarifying the questions of others), it is also two: provocative practices, revealing the nature of the participants.
So they know each other closer and put an idea of "who is here and who is with us came here," And in this case, the mountains themselves are a great provocation (the guy in the mountains with a pull-take a chance!), revealing for the day with no extra Cabinet psychologization personal material.
And so, after the first day of the ascent, in the evening under the light of a new moon around the campfire, in four hours of Serrinha we gave birth to a completely fresh characters. Which, though had the same characteristics, had a chance to reveal themselves anew through the name they gave the "tribe".
And so here they are:

Lone Wolf (Minsk) — Elegant male in the Prime of life. Already managed to get a few personal wounds and successfully heal them, considerably polydrev. Managed to place to burn in the same profession, and catch a new wave in completely different activities. To taste freedom and realize that as office plankton, he is irretrievably lost to society and irreversibly in love with the freedom and freelance. Easy to move between major cities of the former CIS, which until last week could not decide what city he was flying to Tbilisi.
Condition: the willingness to feat.
What is the meaning of his name?Looking at him, happy and free, looking into the distance at a glowing in the night, inviting ice Kazbek, I felt the anguish of his manly spirit. Often trying to capture the surrounding in his life and women to seduce their targets. Not the man prematurely to be conducted on this! Otherwise, torn his internal konfliktologiya and its goals. And he will give his Power, and not acquainted with Her. Without first being a "lone warrior" neobychnogo anyone but yourself, not having my own penance, a man cannot begin to live itself in full growth. The name Lone Wolf free, opened right to remain true to myself.
Little red riding Hood (St Petersburg) — brisk at the start, finicky ways, but tries not to show it – is suffering. Antagonistic to the Soviets, knows exactly what it wants "like a lady". And what he wants, hiding away from everyone and especially from myself, so it was interesting. Especially to others.Aware of it – the big question. For him and many others and have to respond to the ascent.
At the start of the attitude:self-centered.
Condition:cheerful, encouraging.
The meaning of the name:remove "good girl", to see the courage and curiosity to adventure, to dissolve perfectionism and insistence. To afford more, to stop being "the student" and to start "breaking bad" — where he wants her insides.
Careful the Wolverine (Kramatorsk) - responsive to your reflexes, eco-friendly and thin. More recently, a sharp tongue, and label expressions – wants to consolidate ruthlessness and precision in communication. Beautiful ally and the custodian of the values of the pack. Cons: too sensitive and sentimental to the signs of neglect in your address and it is very critical to indifferent.
The meaning of the name:choose yourself. Always, meeting many other people's needs, opinions and opportunities to see her and boldly put it into practise, to see the consequences of their decisions as the only correct one, to make the next choice, again choosing yourself.
Ergin (Kirovograd) — playful, sarcastic and observant. Consciously prepared for any eventuality. Credence events and excitement of depreciati... Preying on the roughness of the characters and unpredictable turns of events. Easy to include in the trust, and reveals the secrets of others.
Mood: provocative-pofigisticheski.
The meaning of the name:take the name, not bearing any sense, but having the history. To find a power beyond meaning.
Supernova (Stavropol) – reliable, strong in body and strong in spirit. Ready to help the weak, but well defines solid and people with the rod. Appreciate the atmosphere of the track of tourism, a strong spirit and a clear. Competent, understood all the difficulties of ice climbing.
Attitude:to climb to the top.
Condition:the willingness to feat.
The meaning of the name:to allow themselves to open leadership.
Playful Foxy (Moscow) — in the least shy, moderately purposeful, not sure what veils pranks, and flirting with people and space. Is in active self-knowledge. Consciously egocentrican, explores his reaction, develops their communication skills and the ability to spread its tail and hold a gun.
Talking with God (Kyiv) — Curious to the state of the participants and the dynamics of the events, the landscape of mountains the minerals under his feet, and as to how this group, comprising more than half of "zero" people that will stand the test mountain. Ready to listen to each as God and to reverse the process. Abandoning the tops because I neuritises that conceals, showing the opposite to raise the spirit exclusively to those who have to do their own potential.
Mood:to be in the middle of the group, to hear the head and tail.
Condition: emotion to a dog's joy. ( This is me )
The meaning of the name:dialogue with the mountain, and weather sensing in the context of its name.
The father of the Children (Kharkov) — Strong and skilled. Samoopredelenie that considers important or important, while tolerant, environmentally friendly and inquisitive. Prudent to the rig, demanding climbing rules, are reasonably picky about gear, mindful of the mood in the group. Responsible for the family.
Configuredto leadership.
The meaning of the name:to Cultivate conscious parenting, gentle tug, attentiveness and sensitivity while remaining in a recognized seniority.

After that, all we long did not sleep. The ritual of Naming Names is always accompanied by such energy – like a gateway opened, got Permission to Be There.
I just held him and each time he was surprised by the effect – if the Name is found, get the point, people like flashes in different colors, which is not allowed to appear before. And, charmed by her new glow, can't settle down, enjoying him, enjoying and playing, tasting the World anew in a new way.
8 European cities like the pictures
Fabulous Lapland
That our great company was different from all the other climbers and explorers of the peaks. Eight of us, we call each other weird names, we are different and we go up.
Kazbek is shining above us, casting twilight shadows, we go there!
Us from his shadow to the top where the shadow is not discarded, unless it is their own. There is cold and prickly clarity about who is worth what and how much, goes without saying.published
Authors: Natalia Walicka, Julia Golovkin
Source: valitskaya.com/