The children do not go on Kazbek to walk
All the names are genuine all coincidences are not accidental.
The children do not go on Kazbek to walk. Children, they have to go in... kindergarten, school, the club of children's creativity (underline).
Don't go to Kazbek, there is very dangerous!
Its ice cap is melting and it becomes more conical. Now there are places where ice axe and crampons, the climbers are forced to descend from the top rope the face to the slope.
And yet there is a dizzying expanse: of course, if you have the strength to look away from the boots ahead you can be, you will see them. There are fields of blueberries! If you go the upper road, you will know what it is untold large. Collecting it to the sound of waterfalls, you dry her own mouth and fingers, and a dozen kilometers will him advertise blueberry fields.
There is a monastery floating in a fog bezels, and if you're lucky, you will find transparent "pencils" pure rock crystal in roadside dust of monastic roads (our group found a dozen of them).
There are sweet smells of Alpine meadows will remind you of what a Great Perfumer to surpass.
There's Red ice and Blue Ice, and melting under his lip, pyrite Druze beneath winking flat cubic faces — "Hello, stranger!".
There — the retina searing, dazzling white snow and hurtling falls, vysazhivaetsya rock Gardens in the fresh snow. They will remind you about why the list of equipment consisted of a helmet.
There are often clouds "go" below the trail, right under your feet. They are obedient that they can be laid in the substrate, in order to highlight the silhouette of something less than the eternal mountains, and make the phantasmagoric photos. And sometimes, they – the clouds, the mists descend from the heavens and quite a dog, crawling to the feet, fins, wagging "tails" around the tents.
Don't go to Kazbek, take care of yourself!
Better read more, eat well, go to bed on time, exercise in the morning... and nothing in your life, maybe never to happen.
"Don't go in the woods, stay in the house, they said.
— Why!? — she wondered.
— There's a wolf, he eats people like you. We are talking seriously to you.
Of course, she went and met the wolf...
— Here you see! – they squeal.
— This is my life, not a fairy tale, you silly people, she said. – I have to walk in the woods, I got to meet wolf, but otherwise my life will never begin..."
(from "the Wolf's Eyelash" Clarissa pinkola of an Aesthete)
In August 2016 by an international team of eight people gathered in the village Stepantsminda at the foot of mount Kazbek to climb to the top. That was the official version of this trip.
What happened to them? Further, read for yourself.
And those who do not like many letters, reported briefly the official results of the expedition, and briefly outline the psychological mood of the participants.
In the expedition took part: Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian and Greek on the ascent. In the absence of other flags on the top were understood only Ukrainian. Turned auto-Ukrainian patriotism. Of the eight members of the expedition on top up to 4 people.
In the beginning of the mad desire to climb to the top there was none, probably, except our guide. He arrived in Kazbegi (the second official name of the village Stepantsminda,) status. That is, in order to raise us up. Because of this desire he had for past personal and professional right.
We came here to say Hello to the mountain. To explore its alignment with the top, where the mountain who will be allowed, and that will tell him about himself in a way.
I, Natalia Walicka, hereinafter Sahis, gathered these people here, in order to place the mystery, I make it clear to everyone who he is and where he lives. Everyone here has made the feat. Don't be afraid of this word – Spiritual feat. First and foremost, for themselves and in front of him, opening to him its meaning, determining its further movement along the track of life to its own vertices.
Man can bear much, very much. So much that often ready so as not to transfer, is called a word "all". But, no. One thing he definitely can't stand is the lack of meaning. So everything he does in life, what he thinks, or moves, and of course what he sleeps and breathes contains in its reason — sense. Often very, very simple. Now, to clear from the layers of the "educational box" its simple meaning, some appear on the trail — for the first time or again.
I Ergin. This is my energy the name. It came to me a few years ago, and the journey to the Top I asked my friends to call me that. I am grateful to them for what they were involved in its activation.
As the ascent began for me? With an idea that was born from Sakhis and wolverines – and not whether we ascend to MT. She was properate in FB and newsletter, the group gathered, and I was the first who got tickets in Georgia. Although I NEVER wanted to be at 5-thousand, did not build such plans.
Why do we want to go? Because I two times 25, and put off life in no time. Besides, I wanted to visit the Caucasus (not very clearly wanted to, but long was impressed by the stories of travelers to these places and shelved in the style of "well, suddenly one day"). It suddenly came.
Sometimes I admire people who have everything according to plan, everything is lined up and laid out on shelves in the inner and outer world. I'm not, I – Chaos, and I love it. This means that I don't plan and fail to achieve in a global sense. However, if suddenly I will sagree some idea, can strain over short distances and by then look like a real fighter. And here I was Sarel Kazbek.
What is raising 5-thousand, I did not know and not consciously trying to. I have not read the reports and impressions, not trying to prepare mentally, my Chaos inside of me. "Somehow works out!" — no matter what. Any result will suit me. At the same time (not knowing about the difficulties that will be faced), I even thought that does not rise to the top. Not from pride, but rather because of lack of information.
I saw Kazbek in the morning of the Second day, he rose above the trees of the Park, where we pitched our tents. Shone over the surrounding mountains, above the clouds. Snow, unexpected steepness, distance, cold, grandeur and inaccessibility. I gasped with delight, and tried to ignore the unattainable.
Happened. I'm here! So, I'll be There! I have no reason not to be there, since I'm already here, so close. Adventure sweetly pulled me forward, enveloping fresh breath, winking, teasing and promising unknown. And how can you aim for a slave – what you know? What's the point? Unknown – here it is, a real candy, what would it taste like?
No lie, I had a goal – to understand yourself once again. To know what I'm in this challenge which faces me manifest what I will once again be able to surprise myself. In General, the objectives of the most selfish. What I said to his companions at the first Circle meeting .
To gather in a trip to the kettle (beginner) – that's a toughie! The rucksack must not be heavy! This is the main commandment. This is because it is going up and quite a long time. But no matter how you tried, it would not have laid out too much, he will still be heavy. We're left in the car of the conductor all that is not useful in the mountains. This – documents, money, personal care products (except toothbrush and paste). Even soap left. Even combs! We have, in the company of 6 women had two combs and one mirror. Such miracles on the plains is impossible. In order not to worry about her hair, braided pigtails-ears (Sagis do it in the morning before the ascent), they could not undo many days, respectively, not comb my hair and wash the head.
We left so all the clothes went (jeans-t-shirt), extra pegs from the tents, urban shoes and even extra warm clothes, which took to be safe. Because when backpacks loaded with food, gas for cooking, helmets, ice axes, crampons and other necessary equipment for the ascent, to even the match more than it does not stick.
When I was still at home out on the phone that you need to visit, the question of the cats and ice has me stumped.
— You still need cats.
— What?
And ice axe.
— What he looks like?
OK... It will guide, he will rent everything you need for people like you.
Since I have a few days was confusing to find the right shoes, buy trekking poles, thermal underwear, lightweight and warm sleeping bag, windproof jacket, sunglasses, a flashlight on his forehead, a raincoat and Shoe covers to protect from snow, happily gave the responsibility of the conductor for what he didn't know. But in the end it turned out that my shoes still don't fit under the cat, which he took, and I had to take them to local rental.
Very, by the way, it was strange to think about snow and frost in 30-degree August heat. For me, it was surreal to think that will need a Balaclava to protect your face from the cold, 3 pairs of warm gloves and a lot of things that a normal citizen or in the summer in the far store, or absent. So to "get involved" was difficult, and to feel the seriousness of selecting "charges" was not possible.
In short, I'm kettle. A beginner who still did not smell of gunpowder.
For those who are the same makers and are not familiar with mountain adventures and, immediately explain: the ice pick is a specific hatchet. In my opinion, reminiscent of Indian tomogavk. It is needed in order to gain a foothold on ice or Packed snow. Cats – not fluffy Mercalli, it's the spikes that are attached to the soles of the shoes, and not allowed to slide, if you go on ice or snow. All that you need is already on the top of the glacier and at the last stage of the ascent to the summit, and before that hour is waiting in the wings in the backpack and pulls the shoulders.
What a dense level I of the kettle, can tell this, for example, a dialogue on the phone (with Wolverine – the organizer of this event).
— Ski pants to take?- (I)
Mm... yeah — in the voice of doubt. She, too, kettle.
— So they take up a lot of space! Maybe not useful?
— Wait, now I'm the conductor calls...
All clear? No ski pants, no down jackets to do nothing on the climb, because the wind is biting, and the temperature below zero. I down jacket took, but "managed" to leave Stepantsminda in the car conductor. Then borrowed from Wolverine, but more on that later...
My carelessness was enchanting. But I realized after the fact – hindsight. And how am I still alive? Very amazed at this fact. But my Controller for a long time put to the wall, he's practically dead, so I am in the sweet confidence in Life. At least on the plain. Then, up went the other emotions.
But about the carelessness I have not regretted and is not intended to somehow fix it, because it settled. Fools (and fools) get lucky. Just – beginners. And I was – two-in-one — and a fool and a novice. So I am doubly lucky. Could two legs to break and not break any one, only track stick.
If you gather in the campaign and buy everything from scratch (track stick I just bought), it is quite expensive, so I tried to beg for friends, and something I already had. I'll tell you that the equipment is very important, it can save a life, and it is not a metaphor.
To claim that gathering, I kept the Olympic calm, of course, I can, because outwardly it looked like. But inside I was anxious. Not enough to give up, not even enough to seriously sort yourself out. But enough to know that I'm on the verge of a fairy tale "go there, do not know where, meet, do not know that". The unknown frightens agree... to calm down and to myself to pretend that I still somehow prepare, I knit socks. Wool. So no more cold feet. Two couples tied. 3 days. Not prigodilas.
Pugalki and horror stories began almost immediately and continued until the very end... We have not yet made the first step up, as our guide Alex started to explain to us that what we did is very dangerous. At the top we will have: mountain sickness (further — gornyashka), cracks, rockfalls, rivers, and other terrible danger — a terrible adventure. We need to be unified and responsible approach to what we expect.
We should not in any case voluntarily to detach from the rope, and the slightest indisposition immediately notify the conductor, because it can be the same gornyashka. We are waiting for hypothermia and possible frostbite. We need to adequately treat his own forces. And not to take on something that will not take away (in all senses).
I should say that all these warnings were issued within the package, but a little bit of everything. That is, the task to scare us nobody put, it is a very real danger. It was confirmed (repeatedly) Sakhis who have been in such travel. And Mary is one of the members of our newly formed team. She's a climber and has seen the species, although at 5 in the thousands, gathered for the first time.
I tried to find out what gornyashka, and how it manifests itself, but did not understand anything except theory. It appeared that as a result of ascent to altitude in humans begin to show symptoms of different diseases, because oxygen creates the preconditions for this.
Could get dizzy, can the heart sick, may vomit. If you start coughing, it is very dangerous, because at the height of the can very quickly, literally within a few hours occur in pulmonary edema. Sometimes, a person begins to behave inappropriately or becomes aggressive, or depressed, or starts laughing like stoned. And that's not clear at all!
If I know people a couple of days, then I would guess that for them adequately, and what is not? Maybe it's the nature of this – you go be depressed or laugh for no reason? But I'm not really bothered about this, to be honest, I was curious.
We got acquainted with each other in the evening by the firelight. There were talking about what paths brought us to this place, and that everyone hopes to find in the way. And the morning started with the bulkheads backpacks and verification of equipment, which took the Explorer. As I mentioned, my shoes were not good under the cat, they had to take the local rental.
As for me, not enough helmets, and climbing system (which then had attached a rope), Alex gave me the old, probably Soviet times (hinted at age – ha ha joke!).
China: 7 best cities to visit17 places on the Earth where winter is like a fairy tale
He even looked at me skeptically. I didn't bother, I thought, was it? However, later it turned out that it was. After a couple of days, after a closer acquaintance, when all participants have already passed a test drive, he several times repeated, glancing at me: "the first impression is deceptive". From which I concluded that looked not only kettle, but still spotty.published
Authors: Natalia Walicka, Julia Golovkin
Source: valitskaya.com/
The children do not go on Kazbek to walk. Children, they have to go in... kindergarten, school, the club of children's creativity (underline).
Don't go to Kazbek, there is very dangerous!
Its ice cap is melting and it becomes more conical. Now there are places where ice axe and crampons, the climbers are forced to descend from the top rope the face to the slope.

And yet there is a dizzying expanse: of course, if you have the strength to look away from the boots ahead you can be, you will see them. There are fields of blueberries! If you go the upper road, you will know what it is untold large. Collecting it to the sound of waterfalls, you dry her own mouth and fingers, and a dozen kilometers will him advertise blueberry fields.
There is a monastery floating in a fog bezels, and if you're lucky, you will find transparent "pencils" pure rock crystal in roadside dust of monastic roads (our group found a dozen of them).

There are sweet smells of Alpine meadows will remind you of what a Great Perfumer to surpass.
There's Red ice and Blue Ice, and melting under his lip, pyrite Druze beneath winking flat cubic faces — "Hello, stranger!".
There — the retina searing, dazzling white snow and hurtling falls, vysazhivaetsya rock Gardens in the fresh snow. They will remind you about why the list of equipment consisted of a helmet.
There are often clouds "go" below the trail, right under your feet. They are obedient that they can be laid in the substrate, in order to highlight the silhouette of something less than the eternal mountains, and make the phantasmagoric photos. And sometimes, they – the clouds, the mists descend from the heavens and quite a dog, crawling to the feet, fins, wagging "tails" around the tents.
Don't go to Kazbek, take care of yourself!
Better read more, eat well, go to bed on time, exercise in the morning... and nothing in your life, maybe never to happen.
"Don't go in the woods, stay in the house, they said.
— Why!? — she wondered.
— There's a wolf, he eats people like you. We are talking seriously to you.
Of course, she went and met the wolf...
— Here you see! – they squeal.
— This is my life, not a fairy tale, you silly people, she said. – I have to walk in the woods, I got to meet wolf, but otherwise my life will never begin..."
(from "the Wolf's Eyelash" Clarissa pinkola of an Aesthete)
In August 2016 by an international team of eight people gathered in the village Stepantsminda at the foot of mount Kazbek to climb to the top. That was the official version of this trip.
What happened to them? Further, read for yourself.
And those who do not like many letters, reported briefly the official results of the expedition, and briefly outline the psychological mood of the participants.

In the expedition took part: Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian and Greek on the ascent. In the absence of other flags on the top were understood only Ukrainian. Turned auto-Ukrainian patriotism. Of the eight members of the expedition on top up to 4 people.
In the beginning of the mad desire to climb to the top there was none, probably, except our guide. He arrived in Kazbegi (the second official name of the village Stepantsminda,) status. That is, in order to raise us up. Because of this desire he had for past personal and professional right.
We came here to say Hello to the mountain. To explore its alignment with the top, where the mountain who will be allowed, and that will tell him about himself in a way.

I, Natalia Walicka, hereinafter Sahis, gathered these people here, in order to place the mystery, I make it clear to everyone who he is and where he lives. Everyone here has made the feat. Don't be afraid of this word – Spiritual feat. First and foremost, for themselves and in front of him, opening to him its meaning, determining its further movement along the track of life to its own vertices.
Man can bear much, very much. So much that often ready so as not to transfer, is called a word "all". But, no. One thing he definitely can't stand is the lack of meaning. So everything he does in life, what he thinks, or moves, and of course what he sleeps and breathes contains in its reason — sense. Often very, very simple. Now, to clear from the layers of the "educational box" its simple meaning, some appear on the trail — for the first time or again.

I Ergin. This is my energy the name. It came to me a few years ago, and the journey to the Top I asked my friends to call me that. I am grateful to them for what they were involved in its activation.
As the ascent began for me? With an idea that was born from Sakhis and wolverines – and not whether we ascend to MT. She was properate in FB and newsletter, the group gathered, and I was the first who got tickets in Georgia. Although I NEVER wanted to be at 5-thousand, did not build such plans.
Why do we want to go? Because I two times 25, and put off life in no time. Besides, I wanted to visit the Caucasus (not very clearly wanted to, but long was impressed by the stories of travelers to these places and shelved in the style of "well, suddenly one day"). It suddenly came.
Sometimes I admire people who have everything according to plan, everything is lined up and laid out on shelves in the inner and outer world. I'm not, I – Chaos, and I love it. This means that I don't plan and fail to achieve in a global sense. However, if suddenly I will sagree some idea, can strain over short distances and by then look like a real fighter. And here I was Sarel Kazbek.
What is raising 5-thousand, I did not know and not consciously trying to. I have not read the reports and impressions, not trying to prepare mentally, my Chaos inside of me. "Somehow works out!" — no matter what. Any result will suit me. At the same time (not knowing about the difficulties that will be faced), I even thought that does not rise to the top. Not from pride, but rather because of lack of information.
I saw Kazbek in the morning of the Second day, he rose above the trees of the Park, where we pitched our tents. Shone over the surrounding mountains, above the clouds. Snow, unexpected steepness, distance, cold, grandeur and inaccessibility. I gasped with delight, and tried to ignore the unattainable.
Happened. I'm here! So, I'll be There! I have no reason not to be there, since I'm already here, so close. Adventure sweetly pulled me forward, enveloping fresh breath, winking, teasing and promising unknown. And how can you aim for a slave – what you know? What's the point? Unknown – here it is, a real candy, what would it taste like?

No lie, I had a goal – to understand yourself once again. To know what I'm in this challenge which faces me manifest what I will once again be able to surprise myself. In General, the objectives of the most selfish. What I said to his companions at the first Circle meeting .
To gather in a trip to the kettle (beginner) – that's a toughie! The rucksack must not be heavy! This is the main commandment. This is because it is going up and quite a long time. But no matter how you tried, it would not have laid out too much, he will still be heavy. We're left in the car of the conductor all that is not useful in the mountains. This – documents, money, personal care products (except toothbrush and paste). Even soap left. Even combs! We have, in the company of 6 women had two combs and one mirror. Such miracles on the plains is impossible. In order not to worry about her hair, braided pigtails-ears (Sagis do it in the morning before the ascent), they could not undo many days, respectively, not comb my hair and wash the head.
We left so all the clothes went (jeans-t-shirt), extra pegs from the tents, urban shoes and even extra warm clothes, which took to be safe. Because when backpacks loaded with food, gas for cooking, helmets, ice axes, crampons and other necessary equipment for the ascent, to even the match more than it does not stick.
When I was still at home out on the phone that you need to visit, the question of the cats and ice has me stumped.
— You still need cats.
— What?
And ice axe.
— What he looks like?
OK... It will guide, he will rent everything you need for people like you.
Since I have a few days was confusing to find the right shoes, buy trekking poles, thermal underwear, lightweight and warm sleeping bag, windproof jacket, sunglasses, a flashlight on his forehead, a raincoat and Shoe covers to protect from snow, happily gave the responsibility of the conductor for what he didn't know. But in the end it turned out that my shoes still don't fit under the cat, which he took, and I had to take them to local rental.
Very, by the way, it was strange to think about snow and frost in 30-degree August heat. For me, it was surreal to think that will need a Balaclava to protect your face from the cold, 3 pairs of warm gloves and a lot of things that a normal citizen or in the summer in the far store, or absent. So to "get involved" was difficult, and to feel the seriousness of selecting "charges" was not possible.
In short, I'm kettle. A beginner who still did not smell of gunpowder.
For those who are the same makers and are not familiar with mountain adventures and, immediately explain: the ice pick is a specific hatchet. In my opinion, reminiscent of Indian tomogavk. It is needed in order to gain a foothold on ice or Packed snow. Cats – not fluffy Mercalli, it's the spikes that are attached to the soles of the shoes, and not allowed to slide, if you go on ice or snow. All that you need is already on the top of the glacier and at the last stage of the ascent to the summit, and before that hour is waiting in the wings in the backpack and pulls the shoulders.
What a dense level I of the kettle, can tell this, for example, a dialogue on the phone (with Wolverine – the organizer of this event).
— Ski pants to take?- (I)
Mm... yeah — in the voice of doubt. She, too, kettle.
— So they take up a lot of space! Maybe not useful?
— Wait, now I'm the conductor calls...
All clear? No ski pants, no down jackets to do nothing on the climb, because the wind is biting, and the temperature below zero. I down jacket took, but "managed" to leave Stepantsminda in the car conductor. Then borrowed from Wolverine, but more on that later...

My carelessness was enchanting. But I realized after the fact – hindsight. And how am I still alive? Very amazed at this fact. But my Controller for a long time put to the wall, he's practically dead, so I am in the sweet confidence in Life. At least on the plain. Then, up went the other emotions.
But about the carelessness I have not regretted and is not intended to somehow fix it, because it settled. Fools (and fools) get lucky. Just – beginners. And I was – two-in-one — and a fool and a novice. So I am doubly lucky. Could two legs to break and not break any one, only track stick.
If you gather in the campaign and buy everything from scratch (track stick I just bought), it is quite expensive, so I tried to beg for friends, and something I already had. I'll tell you that the equipment is very important, it can save a life, and it is not a metaphor.
To claim that gathering, I kept the Olympic calm, of course, I can, because outwardly it looked like. But inside I was anxious. Not enough to give up, not even enough to seriously sort yourself out. But enough to know that I'm on the verge of a fairy tale "go there, do not know where, meet, do not know that". The unknown frightens agree... to calm down and to myself to pretend that I still somehow prepare, I knit socks. Wool. So no more cold feet. Two couples tied. 3 days. Not prigodilas.
Pugalki and horror stories began almost immediately and continued until the very end... We have not yet made the first step up, as our guide Alex started to explain to us that what we did is very dangerous. At the top we will have: mountain sickness (further — gornyashka), cracks, rockfalls, rivers, and other terrible danger — a terrible adventure. We need to be unified and responsible approach to what we expect.
We should not in any case voluntarily to detach from the rope, and the slightest indisposition immediately notify the conductor, because it can be the same gornyashka. We are waiting for hypothermia and possible frostbite. We need to adequately treat his own forces. And not to take on something that will not take away (in all senses).

I should say that all these warnings were issued within the package, but a little bit of everything. That is, the task to scare us nobody put, it is a very real danger. It was confirmed (repeatedly) Sakhis who have been in such travel. And Mary is one of the members of our newly formed team. She's a climber and has seen the species, although at 5 in the thousands, gathered for the first time.
I tried to find out what gornyashka, and how it manifests itself, but did not understand anything except theory. It appeared that as a result of ascent to altitude in humans begin to show symptoms of different diseases, because oxygen creates the preconditions for this.
Could get dizzy, can the heart sick, may vomit. If you start coughing, it is very dangerous, because at the height of the can very quickly, literally within a few hours occur in pulmonary edema. Sometimes, a person begins to behave inappropriately or becomes aggressive, or depressed, or starts laughing like stoned. And that's not clear at all!
If I know people a couple of days, then I would guess that for them adequately, and what is not? Maybe it's the nature of this – you go be depressed or laugh for no reason? But I'm not really bothered about this, to be honest, I was curious.
We got acquainted with each other in the evening by the firelight. There were talking about what paths brought us to this place, and that everyone hopes to find in the way. And the morning started with the bulkheads backpacks and verification of equipment, which took the Explorer. As I mentioned, my shoes were not good under the cat, they had to take the local rental.
As for me, not enough helmets, and climbing system (which then had attached a rope), Alex gave me the old, probably Soviet times (hinted at age – ha ha joke!).
China: 7 best cities to visit17 places on the Earth where winter is like a fairy tale
He even looked at me skeptically. I didn't bother, I thought, was it? However, later it turned out that it was. After a couple of days, after a closer acquaintance, when all participants have already passed a test drive, he several times repeated, glancing at me: "the first impression is deceptive". From which I concluded that looked not only kettle, but still spotty.published
Authors: Natalia Walicka, Julia Golovkin
Source: valitskaya.com/
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