Where to celebrate New year in Russia: 5 interesting ideas
The sea, mountains or the permafrost. Snowmobiling or skiing. In a fairy tale or provincial silence. Share ideas on where to go and what to do on New year in Russia to a long vacation successful.
On snowmobiles in Karelia
Densely covered with snow, absolutely fabulous Karelia not to consider sitting in a warm house and I go outside just for the sake of the baths. Much more interesting to go on the small trails in the jungle, where you have to push with your hands bent under the weight of snow branches. Moreover, bath, and fireplace with this approach you will also be in the evening, after excellent adventure. To conquer winter Karelia is possible on skis, snowshoes, dog sleds and horses. And yet — on snowmobiles.
Among the popular tours — snowmobile Safari to Kizhi, but it is conducted in February and March. The New year offer to ride along the forest tracks. On the way we visit the on site husky kennel, and see colorful village Rubcheila and can feed a bear in zoocomplexes on the banks of Syamozero.
Waterproof and windproof overalls, helmet, appropriate footwear and gloves you will pick up before the tour. Snowmobile control will be taught. And when you're dashing taxied from the forest to the snow covered lake, it will feel almost Nansen. A great alternative to tangerines and Olivier basin.
At home in ples
To meet the New year with your friends and rent a house in some corner of Paradise — a simple but attractive idea. We know the right place — ples. A small provincial town on the hilly Bank of the Volga river has not lost its charm since the days when his loved artists. Out of the gate, go down to the waterfront, where languishing in anticipation of the summer snow-covered boats. Walk the cobblestone streets, looking in museums, private art galleries and souvenir shops. Enjoy the silence and soak up the relaxed, country atmosphere stretches.
To relax go to a coffee shop Sofia Petrovna Kuvshinnikova, and selecting the table with the best view on the Volga river, savor pastries and favorite cookies Levitan. And, since you were in Plyos, do not miss the chance to try traditional smoked bream. For the most active — but not surprised — ples, the skiing resort "Milovka". Two lifts, slopes for beginners and advanced, Luggage storage, ski instructors and snowboarding — nothing extraordinary, but it's a decent place to ride.
In ples seems quite a lot of housing for rent. I advise you to look at the houses with bath — thing for the New year.
Under the palm trees in Sochi
If you are drawn to the sea, should go to Sochi. Swimming, however, will not work: the water is too cold, but to hear the sound of the surf on new year's eve easily. At the same time you can get acquainted with the true disposition of the Black sea — a difficult storm, and have some fun, escaping from the oncoming waves. For the Sochi winter nature go to the arboretum, wander through the deserted paths, admire the relic Sequoia in a Japanese garden and feed the shivering swans in the lower part of the Park.
Autogreitis in the small Museum of the history of Sochi and the country of Stalin — promosie-palmately that on the territory of the sanatorium "Green grove". To set the mood, take a trip to the factory of sparkling wines "Abrau-Durso" (along with travel tour takes a full day) or explore the town's tasting rooms in Sochi, for example, in "Arcadia" in the Park Riviera. For contrast, take high-speed train "Swallow" up to the mountain resorts of Krasnaya Polyana. Even if you're not going to ski, climb by cable car and admire the excellent views.
Housing better to book in advance: with the fall of the ruble Sochi has become one of the most popular resorts among Russians, and good deals go fast. Think about how to get to Sochi a car, then the holidays will have much more.
Visiting the snow Maiden in Kostroma
Photo: Andrew Amerikov, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Like other ancient Russian cities, Kostroma in winter, charming. Particularly harmonious in the snow-rimmed white stone Ipatiev monastery — the same one in the Holy Trinity Cathedral which in 1613 was called to the throne of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. Mesmerizing and stark Volga for a comfortable walk along which is to dress warmly.
The main Christmas brand Kostroma — snow maiden. Frost she has no granddaughter, and daughter in the play "the snow maiden", written by Ostrovsky in Shchelykovo estate in Kostroma province. Snowy girl lives in his official residence, where all-all received her gifts, and visitors, conduct a simple excursion.
The second house of the snow Maiden in Kostroma — Terem, where guests satisfied with the performance. Except the hostess in the Mansion is inhabited by a brownie and domowina and cat Bayun — their roles they play on the conscience. There in the Tower-room and ice room: the interior is not melted, the inside is maintained at a temperature of -14°C, and tourists warm baggy coats and strong in the ice stacks (children offer milkshakes).
The hotel "the snow maiden", which is the same yard with the Tower, promise Christmas program-2017 for adults and children. There, in the restaurant "Metelitsa", party with Santa Claus and snow Maiden suit all year round, even in June.
The pole of cold in Oymyakon
Photo: Maarten Takens, CC BY-SA 2.0
The pole of cold is one of the most incredible places in our country. Visit the world snow and ice — quite an achievement in itself, and to meet there the New year — twice. Is a pole of cold in Yakutia, where it is debatable: for this title fight Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon. First one there wins, but the second is definitely more romantic. In the Oymyakon basin on the banks of the river of Indigirka river lies the sleepy village of Oymyakon.
38 km from the larger Tomtor, near which collect and record weather data. Local laughing when I hear that Moscow is freezing at -25°C. For them, -45°C is the norm, and in 1933 recorded -67,7°C. Frosts are literally crackling: tell us that the hostess is removed from the rope in the yard washed things very carefully so they do not accidentally break. So dress for the trip need to seriously: in addition to the maximum of warm clothes need appropriate footwear — boots, felt boots or boots.
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Near TomTom lives local Santa Claus — Chyskhaan. The residence he arranged for the cave, inside of which everything is covered with snowflakes and ice crystals and are beautiful ice sculptures. Taking care of heating equipment (must remain exposed only the eyes), you can walk among the unreal snowy trees and sdelayte Yakut salute, spilling a Cup of boiling water. If you are particularly lucky, you'll see the Northern lights.published
Source: www.skyscanner.ru/news/inspiration/kuda-poekhat-chtoby-neobychno-vstretit-novyi-god-v-rossii/
On snowmobiles in Karelia

Densely covered with snow, absolutely fabulous Karelia not to consider sitting in a warm house and I go outside just for the sake of the baths. Much more interesting to go on the small trails in the jungle, where you have to push with your hands bent under the weight of snow branches. Moreover, bath, and fireplace with this approach you will also be in the evening, after excellent adventure. To conquer winter Karelia is possible on skis, snowshoes, dog sleds and horses. And yet — on snowmobiles.
Among the popular tours — snowmobile Safari to Kizhi, but it is conducted in February and March. The New year offer to ride along the forest tracks. On the way we visit the on site husky kennel, and see colorful village Rubcheila and can feed a bear in zoocomplexes on the banks of Syamozero.
Waterproof and windproof overalls, helmet, appropriate footwear and gloves you will pick up before the tour. Snowmobile control will be taught. And when you're dashing taxied from the forest to the snow covered lake, it will feel almost Nansen. A great alternative to tangerines and Olivier basin.
At home in ples

To meet the New year with your friends and rent a house in some corner of Paradise — a simple but attractive idea. We know the right place — ples. A small provincial town on the hilly Bank of the Volga river has not lost its charm since the days when his loved artists. Out of the gate, go down to the waterfront, where languishing in anticipation of the summer snow-covered boats. Walk the cobblestone streets, looking in museums, private art galleries and souvenir shops. Enjoy the silence and soak up the relaxed, country atmosphere stretches.
To relax go to a coffee shop Sofia Petrovna Kuvshinnikova, and selecting the table with the best view on the Volga river, savor pastries and favorite cookies Levitan. And, since you were in Plyos, do not miss the chance to try traditional smoked bream. For the most active — but not surprised — ples, the skiing resort "Milovka". Two lifts, slopes for beginners and advanced, Luggage storage, ski instructors and snowboarding — nothing extraordinary, but it's a decent place to ride.
In ples seems quite a lot of housing for rent. I advise you to look at the houses with bath — thing for the New year.
Under the palm trees in Sochi

If you are drawn to the sea, should go to Sochi. Swimming, however, will not work: the water is too cold, but to hear the sound of the surf on new year's eve easily. At the same time you can get acquainted with the true disposition of the Black sea — a difficult storm, and have some fun, escaping from the oncoming waves. For the Sochi winter nature go to the arboretum, wander through the deserted paths, admire the relic Sequoia in a Japanese garden and feed the shivering swans in the lower part of the Park.
Autogreitis in the small Museum of the history of Sochi and the country of Stalin — promosie-palmately that on the territory of the sanatorium "Green grove". To set the mood, take a trip to the factory of sparkling wines "Abrau-Durso" (along with travel tour takes a full day) or explore the town's tasting rooms in Sochi, for example, in "Arcadia" in the Park Riviera. For contrast, take high-speed train "Swallow" up to the mountain resorts of Krasnaya Polyana. Even if you're not going to ski, climb by cable car and admire the excellent views.
Housing better to book in advance: with the fall of the ruble Sochi has become one of the most popular resorts among Russians, and good deals go fast. Think about how to get to Sochi a car, then the holidays will have much more.
Visiting the snow Maiden in Kostroma

Photo: Andrew Amerikov, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Like other ancient Russian cities, Kostroma in winter, charming. Particularly harmonious in the snow-rimmed white stone Ipatiev monastery — the same one in the Holy Trinity Cathedral which in 1613 was called to the throne of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. Mesmerizing and stark Volga for a comfortable walk along which is to dress warmly.
The main Christmas brand Kostroma — snow maiden. Frost she has no granddaughter, and daughter in the play "the snow maiden", written by Ostrovsky in Shchelykovo estate in Kostroma province. Snowy girl lives in his official residence, where all-all received her gifts, and visitors, conduct a simple excursion.
The second house of the snow Maiden in Kostroma — Terem, where guests satisfied with the performance. Except the hostess in the Mansion is inhabited by a brownie and domowina and cat Bayun — their roles they play on the conscience. There in the Tower-room and ice room: the interior is not melted, the inside is maintained at a temperature of -14°C, and tourists warm baggy coats and strong in the ice stacks (children offer milkshakes).
The hotel "the snow maiden", which is the same yard with the Tower, promise Christmas program-2017 for adults and children. There, in the restaurant "Metelitsa", party with Santa Claus and snow Maiden suit all year round, even in June.
The pole of cold in Oymyakon

Photo: Maarten Takens, CC BY-SA 2.0
The pole of cold is one of the most incredible places in our country. Visit the world snow and ice — quite an achievement in itself, and to meet there the New year — twice. Is a pole of cold in Yakutia, where it is debatable: for this title fight Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon. First one there wins, but the second is definitely more romantic. In the Oymyakon basin on the banks of the river of Indigirka river lies the sleepy village of Oymyakon.
38 km from the larger Tomtor, near which collect and record weather data. Local laughing when I hear that Moscow is freezing at -25°C. For them, -45°C is the norm, and in 1933 recorded -67,7°C. Frosts are literally crackling: tell us that the hostess is removed from the rope in the yard washed things very carefully so they do not accidentally break. So dress for the trip need to seriously: in addition to the maximum of warm clothes need appropriate footwear — boots, felt boots or boots.
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Near TomTom lives local Santa Claus — Chyskhaan. The residence he arranged for the cave, inside of which everything is covered with snowflakes and ice crystals and are beautiful ice sculptures. Taking care of heating equipment (must remain exposed only the eyes), you can walk among the unreal snowy trees and sdelayte Yakut salute, spilling a Cup of boiling water. If you are particularly lucky, you'll see the Northern lights.published
Source: www.skyscanner.ru/news/inspiration/kuda-poekhat-chtoby-neobychno-vstretit-novyi-god-v-rossii/
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