Discussion of "Bad Sochi"

I am very glad that the discussion of "bad Sochi" took quite constructively. In general, I always try to write as objectively as possible, showing all sides, but people react badly to criticism. And with the right beauty Sochi. Apparently the locals become painful. Today, a good post about Sochi.
Generally, from the point of view of visiting tourists, the city has changed. Very clean, everywhere order, the normal transport, people are smiling all holiday. Now is the best time to visit Sochi. Even without the Olympics, just come for a walk, watch. Recommend. Hopefully, after the games will be able to preserve order, which is fallen. Today I put together all the positive things that have noticed while walking around town.
01. In no city in Russia, I have not seen so many janitors. Combat brigades rapid response wheeled walking around the city and clean it. The brigade consists of two janitors (broom and mop) and one commander. The commander seeks out dirt and directs wipers. One bucket of shampoo, the second with water. The whole city center licked.

02. In the suburbs also have wipers. They remove all illegal ads and clean pillars.

03. embellishing facades, all cleaned up

04. In general, the city is really very clean. Sochi is now the cleanest city in Russia.

05. plitochki, flashlights, lawns - it's nice to take a walk.

06. Benches, people on bicycles and ride ...

07. Even on the waterfront you can find good points.

08. In Sochi driven cruise ships, where guests live Olympics. Sea 16 degrees, some brave souls swimming.

09. Krusenstern stands in Sochi now for promotional purposes.

10. Protection

11. To make the Olympics road.

12. On the road in Sochi has always been a problem, let's see how the new road will save the city from traffic jams after the Olympics. Local complain that the new bypass is already falling apart.

13. In Sochi heat


15. On the occasion of the Olympics repair all stations, cleaned up at bus stations. In general, with public transport mean greatly upgraded the. But we must see what will happen to him after the Olympics.

Local complain that due to the fact that the Olympic Village admitted free buses and trains, the price of commuter routes have increased almost several times.

16. This area of Khost, near the train station. They say that before there was devastation, one of the worst areas of Sochi, order now.

17. Station Sochi washed

18. Now, from the airport to the center of Sochi can be reached by train. Business arrogant taxi drivers undermined;)

19. I very much liked the residential quarters of Sochi on the relief. All in trees. If you put things in order samostroem and parking will be even better

20. An entrance



23. In the center there was a bike path from the administration by which people still go and built-in tile bright lights dazzle at night. At sea port, near the building BOSCO worth veloparkovki busy all the time specially designed brand new bicycles there - so props for show.

24. In the central areas removed almost the entire left advertising.

25. Bosco opened their shops in Sochi. These stores are constantly turn! People stand for hours to hitting the store expensive sportswear. I can not understand it. HOW? HOW COME? That in the minds of these people? In the Olympic Park in the store queue for several hours.

26. And all this for a passport fan. Also stand for hours. It is better to get the station Adler. Even better, all draw on the Internet, will be faster. Why I took this all in "good"? Well just nice that so many people want to get to the Olympics). All these stories about the empty stands - a lie. I have been and seen what the hype. Tickets do not get it.

27. The best thing about that is in Sochi - tavern White Nights. Khinkali best in the world. Not advertising, and the truth. Local confirm.

28. I've heard that in Sochi some hells price of a taxi. I do not know if the order over the phone, the price is very affordable. From the Centre of Sochi Olympic Park (30 km) will be worth a maximum of 1000r.

29. When I saw in the center of Sochi familiar sign of paid parking, could not believe his eyes. It turns out to Sochi Moscow instance did pay parking. As long as they do not work, as I understand it. But a good start, I can only congratulate Sochi residents.

30. In honor of the Olympics have established additional information boards.

31. On the waterfront selling Olympic coins and 100-ruble banknotes. In the 25-ruble coin want 150 rubles, and 100 rubles - 425 p. Sometimes Savings Bank invests cherished 100-ruble in ATMs to them once a queue.

32. Official souvenirs everywhere.


34. There was a navigation well. Even a pointer to an ATM there. It is not clear why the nicest place on the navigation panel given to advertising? There's a good idea to place a map of the area.

35. Sochi - the first city in Russia, where tactile tiles placed according to international rules, rather than blunt Soviet guests. In Moscow, so do not know how.

Source: zyalt.livejournal.com