8 viral photos Sochi Olympics, caught a fake

thousands of images flooding the Internet from Sochi on the eve of the Olympics. I must say, sometimes they paint a bleak picture: unfinished construction, the lack of winter weather, the mountains of debris. But do not believe everything you see. Photos do not always correspond to what claim. However, like many other things, that now enters the social network 1. In Sochi there really separable in half restroom?

At first glance, the wall that runs right through the bidet seems hilarious lyapom. Only this photo is not from Sochi. And of course, such a design is not a mistake. In fact, this shot at least six months (and probably a lot more). It is not clear that it depicts. Someone's creativity? Or maybe there is some way to wash exotic, unknown to us? What is clear is that the photo was taken well by the Olympics. 2. The name of the dessert menu of one of the institutions of Sochi really is translated into English as «ice cream in the ass» («ice cream in the ass")?

This translation was actually. But this photo was taken, at least in 2012, and certainly not in Sochi. By the way, «ass» in this case - is an abbreviation of «assortment» («assortment»). Online surfaced other options: «lemonade in the ass [ortment]» («lemonade assortment») and «cakes in the ass [ortment]» («cakes in the range"). It looks really funny, but that's not what you think. Go ahead. 3. From the cranes in Sochi goes brown water?

Some journalists have noted problems with water supply in hotels in Sochi. Maybe there the water is really not very good. But exactly this photo was taken not in Russia. The picture is dated August 2012. It was used to illustrate the fact that the state inspection revealed the poor quality of drinking water in Ukraine. 4. The Head of Sochi really is a "place for the support group"?

This is a photo supposedly of Sochi now and then there is the Internet. However, there is no evidence that the picture was taken in one of the Olympic venues or, for that matter, even just in Sochi. He appeared in December 2013 and since then dozens of humorous razoshёlsya sites because of this ridiculous neighborhood. 5. In Sochi, in fact there is a road sign warning of a possible shooting?

It is not clear where the picture is taken, but not in the Olympic Sochi. There's not so bad security to post warnings about the random gunfire. Such signs are found worldwide vicinity of military objectives. They inform people who might have heard the shots, they were not in danger. 6. This common toilet is designed for athletes to Sochi?

No, this toilet is not for athletes in Sochi, although the picture was taken in Russia. Namely, in the Kazan (Volga) University. Some wags obviously looking for pictures of Russian latrines and post them on social networks as the photo with the new Olympic venues. Good stuff for a couple of jokes, but it is unreliable. 7. This poster of the Olympic Sochi?

Poster real and old photos, it at least a year. This picture is just for those who want to portray the seedy city and unprepared. Perhaps it is, but making it to the Olympics Sochi meets quite differently. 8. All these dogs destroyed by order of the Sochi officials?

The picture is intentionally blurred because of his ugliness. You may have seen him: a lot of dead dogs, alleged victims of the plan for the destruction of stray animals in preparation for the Olympics. Homeless dogs really killed. But photos, wandering on social networks, not made in Sochi, and in Ukraine in 2012.
Source: mixednews.ru/archives/48312