Puzzle stories
Kantareyra dry reservoir. São Paulo, November 18
Photo: Nacho Doce / Reuters
"It is impossible to describe what you feel when you look at this dark and disturbing landscape. In the four years that I have lived in Brazil, I've seen a lot of horror, but the drought in the area of São Paulo, continued for more than nine months, surpasses all. Because of the lack of rain Kantareyra reservoir supplying water to the largest city in South America, was to dry up. The water level reached the lowest level in recent decades. World Cup and the recent elections have distracted people from the impending disaster, but the authorities are still not enough attention is paid to the problem. When I opened the images on your computer reservoir made from a helicopter, he noticed that the image looks like a suffering woman. This is reminiscent of Edvard Munch's painting "The Scream". For me it is Mother Nature, who asks for help ».
The murder of the rebel organization "Selek" soldier of the Central African Republic. Bangui, February 5
Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters
"I came back to the hotel in Bangui after the ceremony at which the interim President of the Central African Republic (CAR) talked about national unity and promised to restore the army. I was riding in a taxi when I was asked to come back. I saw that the crowd attacked the man. People were militant, and I tried to be alert. Angry crowd can be very dangerous and unpredictable. CAR army soldiers stabbed a man suspected of involvement in the rebel organization "Selek" fought against government forces of the Central African Republic. Soldiers dragged his feet, kicked, stabbed and stoned lifeless body. I stayed there about ten minutes, but I realized that looking at lynching too long. I do not think that journalists should get used to such spectacles. What I saw shocked me, I'm still trying to forget it. I think the picture will serve as a reminder of how deep the desire for revenge in this country, and how difficult it will be to stabilize the situation there ».
Demonstrators use a huge slingshot against the National Guard. San Cristobal February 27
Photo: Carlos Garcia Rawlins / Reuters
"After several days of rioting in Caracas, we decided to go to the city of San Cristobal, where were clashes between anti-government forces and the National Guard. Barricades blocked almost all the streets, and even move around the city on a motorcycle was very difficult. When I finally arrived, it turned out that the worst is behind us. On the streets among the piles of garbage left young people with huge slingshots. With the help of residents of the upper floors of nearby houses, they drove the soldiers of the National Guard at the end of the street ».
14-year-old resident of Nepal Uttara Saud, the following practice chaupadi. Achham, Feb. 16
Photo: Navesh Chitrakar / Reuters
"Chaupadi - a practice out of women in the menstrual period. During this period, the woman is considered unclean, it is forbidden to enter the house or temple, bathe, touch the domestic animals and humans. At night they sleep in barns or sheds without windows on the floor without blankets. In some areas of Nepal such as Achham, observe this custom for many centuries. When I was shooting this story, I met a lot of women who come to follow this tradition. 14-year-old Uttara Saud said that during menstruation she has to miss school. Chaupadi often leads to death of women. They die from snake bites, attacks of wild animals, cold. When they are reared in sheds fire to keep warm, then die from suffocation or fire. There have also been cases of women who have chaupadi, victims of rape ».
Tearful Angelina Jolie about the memorial of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide. Srebrenica, March 28
Photo: Dado Ruvic / Reuters
"I was shooting like Angelina Jolie looked around the memorial to the victims of genocide in Srebrenica, where in 1995 were killed and eight thousand people. After that, the actress was supposed to meet with the women who were raped during the war in Bosnia, so many photographers rushed to the door to shoot her departure. I stayed, and I was lucky enough to photograph Angelina Jolie tears. To make this picture, I had to travel a lot. It was hot, the poor organization of the trip, colleagues often disturbed. But this picture has been particularly strong, and for me it means a lot. I am happy that in this way the whole world will know about what happened in Srebrenica. At the same time I am sad that Srebrenica remembered only in the context of war ».
Ritual in honor of the holiday Chhath Puja. New Delhi, October 30
Photo: Ahmad Masood / Reuters
"I like to shoot religious events, especially those who commit the late evening and early morning. Chhath Puja - is the Indian festival of worship of the sun god Surya. It is attended by thousands of people. In search of interesting objects for shooting, I walked along the river. Suddenly he saw a man who pushed from the shore foam women to complete the ritual before sunset. That was a real struggle: man against the foam. Foam like soap or snow, but in fact it is waste water that is discharged into the river Yamuna. When the sun came out because of the haze to hide until the morning, I had only a minute to make a good picture ».
Frozen Niagara Falls. Ontario, January 8
Photo: Aaron Harris / Reuters
"I had a task - to remove partially frozen Niagara Falls. That day I grumbled angrily, wondering why I live in this place in the winter. I do not leave the house for a long time. Photograph at such low temperatures is not easy. While I dressed for the weather, frost penetrated me to the bone. I took my two cameras and two lenses, knowing what to change something in place I will not be possible. Never seen weather photos caused such a reaction. I think it's a testament to how unhappy people feel that terrible winter ».
Red deer in Richmond Park. London, October 3
Photo: Toby Melville / Reuters
"While the area of Richmond Park only 9, 56 square kilometers, there are 650 deer graze. During the autumn rut I spent 9 hours on his feet with my 500 mm lens and a short-optics, chasing deer. I tried to find expressive images of the animal on a beautiful background. I started watching a deer about an hour before this frame, hoping that he got involved in a fight with another deer or pursues females. The fog lifted, the sun was low on the horizon, and I saw that deer antlers tangled fern. I think threads photos added a bit of humor, it seems that the deer in a hat. It also seems that he licks his lips ».
Dutch riders Bryan Schouten and Scott Deru fight after falling from a motorcycle Moto3. Germany, July 13
Photo: Thomas Peter / Reuters
"It was the 26th lap of the race Moto3. I stood behind a barrier of tires and waiting for the group of riders. I decided that after this round will move to another location to be removed, as the winner crosses the finish line. When athletes approached two skidded and they fell a few feet from each other. In the worst case, this accident would lead to stop the race and the other racers fall. Brian Shautenu thought that he knows who is to blame. He jumped to his feet and lashed out at his compatriot Scott Deru, who responded in kind. Riders had to separate doctors ».
Bathed in milk man. Ferguson August 20
Photo: Adrees Latif / Reuters
"Around midnight, I saw a man in the crowd who looked as an agitator. He was one of the local dissatisfied with the actions of the police. People were holding him when he yelled at the cops. Since he did not stop screaming, the guards sprayed him in the face something irritates the eyes, maybe it was pepper spray. Friends pulled him from the scene and doused with milk to relieve the pain. I started taking pictures and noticed a bright spotlight, I think the police. I positioned the camera so that the man's head appeared around the glowing rim, drawing attention to the drops ».
Activists campaigning for the European integration of Ukraine, hiding from the water jets. Kyiv, January 23
Photo: Vasily Fedosenko / Reuters
"In Kiev, the protesters climbed the daily barricades of tires and clashed with police. It was winter, was cold, and police barricades doused with water, so that they were covered with ice. Protesters threw Molotov cocktails, police in response to shoot rubber bullets. This went on for many days. Molotov cocktails and Ukrainian flags were everywhere, people were singing the anthem of Ukraine. To shoot on the streets every day I wore a flak jacket and helmet. I was surprised by the strong desire to change the lives of people in the country. And how Ukrainians helped each other - a lot of people, including the elderly, brought to the barricades warm clothing and hot meals ».
People wait out a snow storm in the supermarket. Atlanta, January 29.
Photo: Tami Chappell / Reuters
"Atlanta is known for its mild winters. But last winter, the city has fallen snow storm, so the traffic jams on the day dragged on for many hours. That morning I was doing another job 100 miles from Atlanta, but when he learned about snow, then drove back. I grew up in these parts, and I know the back roads, it saved me from a long standing in traffic jams. Returning to the city at sunrise, I photographed everything I could. My sister told me that her friend was stuck at the grocery store Publix, which was left open at night to shelter and feed people. I went there and found a surreal scene: Some people slept on the floor. In total, I spent about 30 hours in the car before you got home ».
Peruvian singer National Orchestra vomited during the performance. Lima, May 13
Photo: Enrique Castro-Mendivil / Reuters
"I was at a concert in the National Theatre of Lima and waited out the tenor Juan Diego Florez, who was to speak with the children's choir of the Peruvian National Orchestra. Suddenly one of the girls started vomiting. Children were faced with a very respectable audience, and possibly a girl too alarmed. However, the young performers acted very professionally and continued performance, and the girl left the stage ».
Launch of the "Soyuz". Baikonur, September 26
Photo: Shamil Zhumatov / Reuters
"How would I shoot close-up launch of" Soyuz "on a background of orange flame? Especially considering that the safety at the start I must be located not less than a kilometer from the rocket. I decided to install the camera on the launch pad. Then came the second question: how to control the camera from a distance. Start time "Union" into orbit is calculated to the nearest second, so I set the timer. When the "Union" was launched in the direction of the camera flew sand and stones. Fortunately, my only losses were broken filter ».
The shooting of Somali criminals. Mogadishu, August 3
Photo: Feisal Omar / Reuters
"I shot the sentence three Somalis accused of belonging to an Islamist group" Al-Shabaab. " I took the picture while the men were still alive. After they were shot, I saw their blood gushes. They died within a few seconds, but take pictures of their corpses we were not allowed. It was a shock to see people who are waiting to be killed, and they can not do anything about it because it firmly tied to stakes. This story affected me, I panicked. It was terrible to see the blood and suffering of these people, hear their cries ».
Cradle, left Kurdish refugees on the Turkish-Syrian border. Suruç, September 27
Photo: Murad Sezer / Reuters
"Checkpoint on the Turkish-Syrian border is usually similar to a noisy beehive with crying babies and families trying to survive on the dusty ground. To my surprise the day crowds of refugees was not there. In amazement I looked around and saw a baby cot. How is it possible for someone to leave such an important thing? Where the owners in such a hurry? Is their a bus or truck there was no place for the cradle? I photographed the cradle, looking very sad and lonely. For me looks so hopeless. If the owners still hope, perhaps they would not give the cradle. I made four pictures, using a 24-mm wide-angle lens. All this time I felt the desperation that must have felt refugees. Deteriorating situation harshness of the desert, where the scorching sun could give way to a second pouring rain ».
Palestinian armed children celebrate the truce. Gaza, 26 August
Photo: Suhaib Salem / Reuters
"I photographed the celebration of Palestinians cheering on the occasion of the ceasefire and the truce with Israel. Chanting slogans, people walked the streets, went on cars and motorcycles. The cease-fire is perceived as a victory. I saw a special stage - the children smiled and waved their arms, their faces had no fear. Take the picture was not easy: the car was fast and there was not enough light. Also, my movement was restricted due to traffic jams and flows of people in the streets ».
Unopened ring at the opening of the Olympics. Sochi, February 7
Photo: David Gray / Reuters
"This image - an excellent proof that you should always expect the unexpected. Two days before the opening ceremony, I saw that the Olympic rings should appear from small balls that look like flowers, and then explode with bright sparks. Such a large change in lighting requires photographers to quickly set up the camera. I just reduced the sensitivity and faster shutter speeds, when I noticed that the top right ring is not revealed. I took a few pictures, waiting. But no. Incomplete ring and hung before the Olympics symbol disappeared. Will I be able to properly configure the camera to make an unexpected frame? The answer is in front of you. Needless to say, unopened ring has become one of the main Sochi Olympics ».
Photo: Nacho Doce / Reuters
"It is impossible to describe what you feel when you look at this dark and disturbing landscape. In the four years that I have lived in Brazil, I've seen a lot of horror, but the drought in the area of São Paulo, continued for more than nine months, surpasses all. Because of the lack of rain Kantareyra reservoir supplying water to the largest city in South America, was to dry up. The water level reached the lowest level in recent decades. World Cup and the recent elections have distracted people from the impending disaster, but the authorities are still not enough attention is paid to the problem. When I opened the images on your computer reservoir made from a helicopter, he noticed that the image looks like a suffering woman. This is reminiscent of Edvard Munch's painting "The Scream". For me it is Mother Nature, who asks for help ».

The murder of the rebel organization "Selek" soldier of the Central African Republic. Bangui, February 5
Photo: Siegfried Modola / Reuters
"I came back to the hotel in Bangui after the ceremony at which the interim President of the Central African Republic (CAR) talked about national unity and promised to restore the army. I was riding in a taxi when I was asked to come back. I saw that the crowd attacked the man. People were militant, and I tried to be alert. Angry crowd can be very dangerous and unpredictable. CAR army soldiers stabbed a man suspected of involvement in the rebel organization "Selek" fought against government forces of the Central African Republic. Soldiers dragged his feet, kicked, stabbed and stoned lifeless body. I stayed there about ten minutes, but I realized that looking at lynching too long. I do not think that journalists should get used to such spectacles. What I saw shocked me, I'm still trying to forget it. I think the picture will serve as a reminder of how deep the desire for revenge in this country, and how difficult it will be to stabilize the situation there ».

Demonstrators use a huge slingshot against the National Guard. San Cristobal February 27
Photo: Carlos Garcia Rawlins / Reuters
"After several days of rioting in Caracas, we decided to go to the city of San Cristobal, where were clashes between anti-government forces and the National Guard. Barricades blocked almost all the streets, and even move around the city on a motorcycle was very difficult. When I finally arrived, it turned out that the worst is behind us. On the streets among the piles of garbage left young people with huge slingshots. With the help of residents of the upper floors of nearby houses, they drove the soldiers of the National Guard at the end of the street ».

14-year-old resident of Nepal Uttara Saud, the following practice chaupadi. Achham, Feb. 16
Photo: Navesh Chitrakar / Reuters
"Chaupadi - a practice out of women in the menstrual period. During this period, the woman is considered unclean, it is forbidden to enter the house or temple, bathe, touch the domestic animals and humans. At night they sleep in barns or sheds without windows on the floor without blankets. In some areas of Nepal such as Achham, observe this custom for many centuries. When I was shooting this story, I met a lot of women who come to follow this tradition. 14-year-old Uttara Saud said that during menstruation she has to miss school. Chaupadi often leads to death of women. They die from snake bites, attacks of wild animals, cold. When they are reared in sheds fire to keep warm, then die from suffocation or fire. There have also been cases of women who have chaupadi, victims of rape ».

Tearful Angelina Jolie about the memorial of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide. Srebrenica, March 28
Photo: Dado Ruvic / Reuters
"I was shooting like Angelina Jolie looked around the memorial to the victims of genocide in Srebrenica, where in 1995 were killed and eight thousand people. After that, the actress was supposed to meet with the women who were raped during the war in Bosnia, so many photographers rushed to the door to shoot her departure. I stayed, and I was lucky enough to photograph Angelina Jolie tears. To make this picture, I had to travel a lot. It was hot, the poor organization of the trip, colleagues often disturbed. But this picture has been particularly strong, and for me it means a lot. I am happy that in this way the whole world will know about what happened in Srebrenica. At the same time I am sad that Srebrenica remembered only in the context of war ».

Ritual in honor of the holiday Chhath Puja. New Delhi, October 30
Photo: Ahmad Masood / Reuters
"I like to shoot religious events, especially those who commit the late evening and early morning. Chhath Puja - is the Indian festival of worship of the sun god Surya. It is attended by thousands of people. In search of interesting objects for shooting, I walked along the river. Suddenly he saw a man who pushed from the shore foam women to complete the ritual before sunset. That was a real struggle: man against the foam. Foam like soap or snow, but in fact it is waste water that is discharged into the river Yamuna. When the sun came out because of the haze to hide until the morning, I had only a minute to make a good picture ».

Frozen Niagara Falls. Ontario, January 8
Photo: Aaron Harris / Reuters
"I had a task - to remove partially frozen Niagara Falls. That day I grumbled angrily, wondering why I live in this place in the winter. I do not leave the house for a long time. Photograph at such low temperatures is not easy. While I dressed for the weather, frost penetrated me to the bone. I took my two cameras and two lenses, knowing what to change something in place I will not be possible. Never seen weather photos caused such a reaction. I think it's a testament to how unhappy people feel that terrible winter ».

Red deer in Richmond Park. London, October 3
Photo: Toby Melville / Reuters
"While the area of Richmond Park only 9, 56 square kilometers, there are 650 deer graze. During the autumn rut I spent 9 hours on his feet with my 500 mm lens and a short-optics, chasing deer. I tried to find expressive images of the animal on a beautiful background. I started watching a deer about an hour before this frame, hoping that he got involved in a fight with another deer or pursues females. The fog lifted, the sun was low on the horizon, and I saw that deer antlers tangled fern. I think threads photos added a bit of humor, it seems that the deer in a hat. It also seems that he licks his lips ».

Dutch riders Bryan Schouten and Scott Deru fight after falling from a motorcycle Moto3. Germany, July 13
Photo: Thomas Peter / Reuters
"It was the 26th lap of the race Moto3. I stood behind a barrier of tires and waiting for the group of riders. I decided that after this round will move to another location to be removed, as the winner crosses the finish line. When athletes approached two skidded and they fell a few feet from each other. In the worst case, this accident would lead to stop the race and the other racers fall. Brian Shautenu thought that he knows who is to blame. He jumped to his feet and lashed out at his compatriot Scott Deru, who responded in kind. Riders had to separate doctors ».

Bathed in milk man. Ferguson August 20
Photo: Adrees Latif / Reuters
"Around midnight, I saw a man in the crowd who looked as an agitator. He was one of the local dissatisfied with the actions of the police. People were holding him when he yelled at the cops. Since he did not stop screaming, the guards sprayed him in the face something irritates the eyes, maybe it was pepper spray. Friends pulled him from the scene and doused with milk to relieve the pain. I started taking pictures and noticed a bright spotlight, I think the police. I positioned the camera so that the man's head appeared around the glowing rim, drawing attention to the drops ».

Activists campaigning for the European integration of Ukraine, hiding from the water jets. Kyiv, January 23
Photo: Vasily Fedosenko / Reuters
"In Kiev, the protesters climbed the daily barricades of tires and clashed with police. It was winter, was cold, and police barricades doused with water, so that they were covered with ice. Protesters threw Molotov cocktails, police in response to shoot rubber bullets. This went on for many days. Molotov cocktails and Ukrainian flags were everywhere, people were singing the anthem of Ukraine. To shoot on the streets every day I wore a flak jacket and helmet. I was surprised by the strong desire to change the lives of people in the country. And how Ukrainians helped each other - a lot of people, including the elderly, brought to the barricades warm clothing and hot meals ».

People wait out a snow storm in the supermarket. Atlanta, January 29.
Photo: Tami Chappell / Reuters
"Atlanta is known for its mild winters. But last winter, the city has fallen snow storm, so the traffic jams on the day dragged on for many hours. That morning I was doing another job 100 miles from Atlanta, but when he learned about snow, then drove back. I grew up in these parts, and I know the back roads, it saved me from a long standing in traffic jams. Returning to the city at sunrise, I photographed everything I could. My sister told me that her friend was stuck at the grocery store Publix, which was left open at night to shelter and feed people. I went there and found a surreal scene: Some people slept on the floor. In total, I spent about 30 hours in the car before you got home ».

Peruvian singer National Orchestra vomited during the performance. Lima, May 13
Photo: Enrique Castro-Mendivil / Reuters
"I was at a concert in the National Theatre of Lima and waited out the tenor Juan Diego Florez, who was to speak with the children's choir of the Peruvian National Orchestra. Suddenly one of the girls started vomiting. Children were faced with a very respectable audience, and possibly a girl too alarmed. However, the young performers acted very professionally and continued performance, and the girl left the stage ».

Launch of the "Soyuz". Baikonur, September 26
Photo: Shamil Zhumatov / Reuters
"How would I shoot close-up launch of" Soyuz "on a background of orange flame? Especially considering that the safety at the start I must be located not less than a kilometer from the rocket. I decided to install the camera on the launch pad. Then came the second question: how to control the camera from a distance. Start time "Union" into orbit is calculated to the nearest second, so I set the timer. When the "Union" was launched in the direction of the camera flew sand and stones. Fortunately, my only losses were broken filter ».

The shooting of Somali criminals. Mogadishu, August 3
Photo: Feisal Omar / Reuters
"I shot the sentence three Somalis accused of belonging to an Islamist group" Al-Shabaab. " I took the picture while the men were still alive. After they were shot, I saw their blood gushes. They died within a few seconds, but take pictures of their corpses we were not allowed. It was a shock to see people who are waiting to be killed, and they can not do anything about it because it firmly tied to stakes. This story affected me, I panicked. It was terrible to see the blood and suffering of these people, hear their cries ».

Cradle, left Kurdish refugees on the Turkish-Syrian border. Suruç, September 27
Photo: Murad Sezer / Reuters
"Checkpoint on the Turkish-Syrian border is usually similar to a noisy beehive with crying babies and families trying to survive on the dusty ground. To my surprise the day crowds of refugees was not there. In amazement I looked around and saw a baby cot. How is it possible for someone to leave such an important thing? Where the owners in such a hurry? Is their a bus or truck there was no place for the cradle? I photographed the cradle, looking very sad and lonely. For me looks so hopeless. If the owners still hope, perhaps they would not give the cradle. I made four pictures, using a 24-mm wide-angle lens. All this time I felt the desperation that must have felt refugees. Deteriorating situation harshness of the desert, where the scorching sun could give way to a second pouring rain ».

Palestinian armed children celebrate the truce. Gaza, 26 August
Photo: Suhaib Salem / Reuters
"I photographed the celebration of Palestinians cheering on the occasion of the ceasefire and the truce with Israel. Chanting slogans, people walked the streets, went on cars and motorcycles. The cease-fire is perceived as a victory. I saw a special stage - the children smiled and waved their arms, their faces had no fear. Take the picture was not easy: the car was fast and there was not enough light. Also, my movement was restricted due to traffic jams and flows of people in the streets ».

Unopened ring at the opening of the Olympics. Sochi, February 7
Photo: David Gray / Reuters
"This image - an excellent proof that you should always expect the unexpected. Two days before the opening ceremony, I saw that the Olympic rings should appear from small balls that look like flowers, and then explode with bright sparks. Such a large change in lighting requires photographers to quickly set up the camera. I just reduced the sensitivity and faster shutter speeds, when I noticed that the top right ring is not revealed. I took a few pictures, waiting. But no. Incomplete ring and hung before the Olympics symbol disappeared. Will I be able to properly configure the camera to make an unexpected frame? The answer is in front of you. Needless to say, unopened ring has become one of the main Sochi Olympics ».