Sochi city "failed" investors
Once in Russia, learned about the Olympic Games in Sochi, real estate prices in the city crept close to Moscow. Naive entrepreneurs seriously thought they could sell the apartment bought at an exorbitant price. Olympics and took over their hopes. We look at the unfortunate owners of luxury apartments in Sochi on.
Ever wondered why so many private investors are building real estate in Sochi?
Without tenants are not just apartments, entire apartment buildings!
Many apparently want to get rich, but according to some, many buildings were ruined ...
The Olympics have ended, and someone persistently building or not building ...
Who had time to finish, but from the windows did not have time to sell ...
Do not see the occupants ...
It's okay, the main trouble ahead ...
Immediately after the Paralympics Sochi real estate market will come out a huge amount of property,
built specifically for the needs of the Games - more than 10 thousand apartments.
Experts say developers need about 15 years to realize the Olympic legacy.
Even the windows did not have time to insert ...
Also the house is not rented ...
Such ghost houses in Sochi hundreds ...
Surprisingly, according to the same experts in connection with the increase in supply, housing is unlikely to fall in price ...
This despite the fact that prices for apartments in Sochi on the third place in the country after Moscow and St. Petersburg!
According to market participants, over 25% of buyers purchase apartments in Sochi and
apartments for permanent residence. As an investment house in Sochi is considered 15% of buyers,
25% and 31% buy a house here for the summer and year-round recreation, respectively,
3% chose the property to stay during the 2014 Olympics.
And this is live simple sochintsy
Who builds on that much
Do not you can remove construction debris?
View to a person who is so tuned ...
House of the father of tennis Kafelnikov
That's the architecture of the city of Sochi ...

Ever wondered why so many private investors are building real estate in Sochi?
Without tenants are not just apartments, entire apartment buildings!
Many apparently want to get rich, but according to some, many buildings were ruined ...

The Olympics have ended, and someone persistently building or not building ...

Who had time to finish, but from the windows did not have time to sell ...

Do not see the occupants ...

It's okay, the main trouble ahead ...

Immediately after the Paralympics Sochi real estate market will come out a huge amount of property,
built specifically for the needs of the Games - more than 10 thousand apartments.

Experts say developers need about 15 years to realize the Olympic legacy.

Even the windows did not have time to insert ...

Also the house is not rented ...

Such ghost houses in Sochi hundreds ...

Surprisingly, according to the same experts in connection with the increase in supply, housing is unlikely to fall in price ...

This despite the fact that prices for apartments in Sochi on the third place in the country after Moscow and St. Petersburg!

According to market participants, over 25% of buyers purchase apartments in Sochi and
apartments for permanent residence. As an investment house in Sochi is considered 15% of buyers,
25% and 31% buy a house here for the summer and year-round recreation, respectively,
3% chose the property to stay during the 2014 Olympics.

And this is live simple sochintsy

Who builds on that much

Do not you can remove construction debris?

View to a person who is so tuned ...

House of the father of tennis Kafelnikov

That's the architecture of the city of Sochi ...
