Snowblower with your hands
Sooner or later every yard winter comes, and making allowance for our harsh Russian climate, it often brings abundant snow precipitation. In this regard, many owners are increasingly thinking about how to make a snowblower and what it needs.
Despite the fact that in commercially available ready-made models of such units, their cost often deters people, but the problem of cleaning of snow cover remains. That's why I'm sure many will be interested to consider the question, what is a snowblower with your hands and what you need to create it.
First of all, you should determine what the unit owner need – runs on petrol or electricity? Here you need to take into account the amount of work performed, because if we are talking about how to remove snow cover from the footpaths and clear the pad for the garage, then rationally make an electric model. But if the owner will have to remove a large area, it is better suited to a petrol engine.
Having defined the type of engine, the next step is the choice of the basis for future snowthrower – whether this model is made from scratch or based it will be possible to take the tillers.
In the second case the task is considerably facilitated, since turning this unit into a snowthrower is often simply independently to construct a hinged front equipment in the form of a bucket conveyor which will rotate the blades planted on a rotor, and throw snow to the side. The only thing is we will need to transfer the rotational motion of the PTO shaft on a homemade rotor, however, a competent host will not be difficult to implement such a node.
It is important to know that any snow thrower always rests with a very high load, and therefore, its design should be approached very responsibly. The first step is to outline on paper or using electronic programs draft which reflect the size of the device, its design, major components and parts, mechanisms and transmission of rotational motion, wheel base, handle and the fuel supply system. This files most often prefer to make a DIY device that can be moved independently, which makes them much more mobile compared to self-propelled.
The main technical catch of the unit include:
A phased process of making gasoline snow thrower with his own hands:
The manufacture of the frame. For these purposes, is well suited metal area or a profiled tube, which is cut and welded in accordance with the technical needs. Here it is necessary not to forget to attach the steel angles that will serve as a reliable base gasoline engine. After attached the tiller, choosing for this purpose the options that will be most comfortable to grip snow plow. Engine. It is best to take with a simple fuel or walk-behind mower, then firmly install on the frame. To facilitate the process it is better to do a manual start motor as a generator and rechargeable battery greatly increases the weight of the machine. The design of the rotating auger and the intake of the bucket. Intake system snow it is best to cook from suitable pieces of steel sheet, pre-cut into the desired dimensions for height and length. As the rotating auger is well suited to conveyor belts, and for throwing snow at need distance the easiest way to attach a steel tube of wide diameter and suitable length. To the bottom of the bucket it is recommended to attach the ribbon of flexible plastic that will slide easily on the bottom layer of the snow cover.
To prolong the service life of the bucket and screw mechanisms, it is recommended to attach safety bolts and bushings. It is also very important to protect the engine in contact with the snow emissions, stones and dirt, which will avoid the risk of jamming of the motor and damage it. The engine should be fastened in such a way that was easy to inspect it for maintenance. The gas tank should be located, where possible, the top, and its volume is not recommended to do more than 2.5 liters. So, taking into account all these useful tips to make a snow machine with his hands for everyone who can well handle plumbing tool. Before starting work you should ensure that you have all the necessary tools and materials, then you do not waste time to rebuy the missing elements.
Some Koreans still doubt the rationality of the acquisition or creation of such a device as a snow thrower. But in fact, this unit is able to save much time and effort to master each. When you create a homemade Assembly is not necessary to buy all the elements, units and mechanisms, because if you are attentive, many of them can be made from scrap materials.
Summarizing all the above we can confidently say that really nothing too complicated in the design of the snow thrower is not. The most important thing is to carefully read its main nodes, and then competently to project everything you need. Be sure to take into account helpful advice and guidance those people who have actually created for himself so indispensable in the winter time assistant. So everyone who wants to save time and power can project and construct a good and reliable snowthrower. published
Source: spectechzone.com/tekhnika/kommunalnye/uborochnaya/snegouborochnaya/snegouborochnaya-mashina-svoimi-rukami.html
Despite the fact that in commercially available ready-made models of such units, their cost often deters people, but the problem of cleaning of snow cover remains. That's why I'm sure many will be interested to consider the question, what is a snowblower with your hands and what you need to create it.

First of all, you should determine what the unit owner need – runs on petrol or electricity? Here you need to take into account the amount of work performed, because if we are talking about how to remove snow cover from the footpaths and clear the pad for the garage, then rationally make an electric model. But if the owner will have to remove a large area, it is better suited to a petrol engine.
Having defined the type of engine, the next step is the choice of the basis for future snowthrower – whether this model is made from scratch or based it will be possible to take the tillers.

In the second case the task is considerably facilitated, since turning this unit into a snowthrower is often simply independently to construct a hinged front equipment in the form of a bucket conveyor which will rotate the blades planted on a rotor, and throw snow to the side. The only thing is we will need to transfer the rotational motion of the PTO shaft on a homemade rotor, however, a competent host will not be difficult to implement such a node.
It is important to know that any snow thrower always rests with a very high load, and therefore, its design should be approached very responsibly. The first step is to outline on paper or using electronic programs draft which reflect the size of the device, its design, major components and parts, mechanisms and transmission of rotational motion, wheel base, handle and the fuel supply system. This files most often prefer to make a DIY device that can be moved independently, which makes them much more mobile compared to self-propelled.
The main technical catch of the unit include:
- engine;
- a carrier frame;
- control arm;
- the pipe for discharge of snow;
- fuel tank;
- sagesoftware bucket.

A phased process of making gasoline snow thrower with his own hands:
The manufacture of the frame. For these purposes, is well suited metal area or a profiled tube, which is cut and welded in accordance with the technical needs. Here it is necessary not to forget to attach the steel angles that will serve as a reliable base gasoline engine. After attached the tiller, choosing for this purpose the options that will be most comfortable to grip snow plow. Engine. It is best to take with a simple fuel or walk-behind mower, then firmly install on the frame. To facilitate the process it is better to do a manual start motor as a generator and rechargeable battery greatly increases the weight of the machine. The design of the rotating auger and the intake of the bucket. Intake system snow it is best to cook from suitable pieces of steel sheet, pre-cut into the desired dimensions for height and length. As the rotating auger is well suited to conveyor belts, and for throwing snow at need distance the easiest way to attach a steel tube of wide diameter and suitable length. To the bottom of the bucket it is recommended to attach the ribbon of flexible plastic that will slide easily on the bottom layer of the snow cover.
To prolong the service life of the bucket and screw mechanisms, it is recommended to attach safety bolts and bushings. It is also very important to protect the engine in contact with the snow emissions, stones and dirt, which will avoid the risk of jamming of the motor and damage it. The engine should be fastened in such a way that was easy to inspect it for maintenance. The gas tank should be located, where possible, the top, and its volume is not recommended to do more than 2.5 liters. So, taking into account all these useful tips to make a snow machine with his hands for everyone who can well handle plumbing tool. Before starting work you should ensure that you have all the necessary tools and materials, then you do not waste time to rebuy the missing elements.
Some Koreans still doubt the rationality of the acquisition or creation of such a device as a snow thrower. But in fact, this unit is able to save much time and effort to master each. When you create a homemade Assembly is not necessary to buy all the elements, units and mechanisms, because if you are attentive, many of them can be made from scrap materials.
Summarizing all the above we can confidently say that really nothing too complicated in the design of the snow thrower is not. The most important thing is to carefully read its main nodes, and then competently to project everything you need. Be sure to take into account helpful advice and guidance those people who have actually created for himself so indispensable in the winter time assistant. So everyone who wants to save time and power can project and construct a good and reliable snowthrower. published
Source: spectechzone.com/tekhnika/kommunalnye/uborochnaya/snegouborochnaya/snegouborochnaya-mashina-svoimi-rukami.html
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