Fried milk - a fantastically delicious dessert

Fried milk sounds fantastic. Actually, this is a very delicious and simple dessert, made available to every hostess!
Ingredients (for 6 servings):
0.5 liters of milk,
150 g butter,
300 g flour,
150 g of sugar,
3 eggs,
250 g of bread crumbs,
vegetable oil for frying
a bit of cinnamon powder,
peel of half a lemon.

1. Butter to throw into a saucepan and put it on the fire. While it melts, separate the egg yolks from the whites.
2. When the butter has melted, reduce the heat and pour into a saucepan about two-thirds of flour, sifted through a sieve, stirring constantly with a whisk. Continue to work whisk another two minutes, without removing the pan from the heat.
3. Add sugar, mix well.
4. Add to the mix the lemon rind and cinnamon. Now it is necessary to carefully crush with a whisk (you can even beat) to extract from peel all aromatic oils.
5. Pour in the milk, stirring constantly. To interfere until then, until the cream begins to boil, then remove from heat and cool slightly (five minutes is sufficient).
6. To drive the egg yolks one at a time, stirring quickly so they do not have time to coagulate.
7. A large flat dish to wipe vegetable oil and a little sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
8. To shift the resulting cream, evenly distributing capacity (optimal thickness approximately 2 cm).
9. Allow to cool and put the dish in the freezer for about 3 hours (the cream must be fully frozen, for easy cutting).
10. Mix well with a fork the egg whites (do not beat). Next, cut the frozen cream into squares, diamonds or triangles.
11. Now, attention: important moment! It is very important to act quickly so that the cream does not have time to defrost. Each piece is carefully roll in flour, then dip in proteins and in the end thoroughly breaded with breadcrumbs.
12. Fry the slices in plenty of oil. The oil should be very hot, and the roasting is very fast. This is necessary in order to make the cream, sealed inside, did not have time to set. Ideally, you should get a crisp and fluid milk filling.
13. Shift to paper towel to soak up excess grease, and serve hot with berry sauce or liquid jam.

Bon appetit!
Source: /users/1077