14 recipes for smoothies to combat vitamin deficiency

Over the winter our body is tired to resist all kinds of colds and infections. Yes, and this spring is not very conducive to the rapid recovery of immunity. The ambulance in this situation you will be healthy shakes and smoothies, which are well known to each of us components.
1. Cranberry
Juice fresh cranberries with sugar is one of the most simple and effective means to combat vitamin deficiency. But make it a cocktail that will be a favorite for your entire family. To do this, mix 1/2 Cup of cranberry juice and the same of raspberries (or raspberry puree), add a tablespoon of lime juice, vanilla syrup and a few mint leaves.
2. Beets
Beet juice is the most affordable way to strengthen the immune system and the normalization of the cardiovascular system and digestive process. For a vitamin drink, take 1/3 Cup puree of roasted beets, mix with a tablespoon of raspberries, strawberries or blueberries, add milk and to taste the vanilla.
3. Beets with citrus
Beet juice you can also "refresh" citrus. For this you will need 3 small beets, 2 lime and 1 grapefruit. Clearing from the skin, pass all ingredients through a juicer. When serving — garnish with lime zest. This drink will help you to not only "enrich our bodies" your body, but also removing toxins.
4. Avocado
For such exotic vitamin cocktail you will need 1 avocado, 1 medium ripe banana, 2 tablespoons cocoa powder, 3 tablespoons peanut butter, 2 teaspoons of honey. Stir until smooth, add milk and vanilla (to taste).
5. Orange banana
For such a cocktail pick and mix 2 ripe bananas, juice of 1 medium orange 2 tablespoons Goji berries or other berries to taste, ½ teaspoon of grated ginger, add the milk.
6. Lemon
To prepare the lemon smoothie you will need 1 Cup of almond milk, the juice of half a large lemon, the pulp of 1 banana, 1 teaspoon honey and vanilla. The mixed drink garnish with a ring of lemon and sprinkle zest.
7. Apples to kiwi
Familiar apples are very well combined with exotic kiwi, rich in vitamin C. you Need to clear 5 kiwi fruit and grind them in a blender. Skip through the juicer 1 Apple, pre-clearing it from the skin and the core. Add to the mixture the juice of 1 lemon and a little cinnamon. Mix well.
8. Parsley
Parsley has long been can be found not only in salads. Because it is not just rich in vitamins, but also stimulates the metabolism in our body. To prepare this drink, take a bunch of fresh parsley, mix it in the blender with 1 lemon. The resulting mass pour 500 ml of water, add honey to taste (2-3 tablespoons) and mix well. If you prepare this drink in the hot season, don't forget to add a few ice cubes.
9. Garnet
Pomegranate juice has long been famous for its healing properties. Well he will come back to normal and after "the winter Wake". Take ½ Cup of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, add 1 ripe chopped banana and 1 tablespoon of raspberries. Now add ¾ Cup of orange juice and the same amount of milk (you can substitute almond milk). Garnish with mint leaves.
10. Carrots with lemon
This cocktail will please not only body but also the eyes. Both literally and figuratively. For this you will need 4 large carrots, 2 lemons and 1 tablespoon of Flaxseed oil. Carrots and lemons should pass through the juicer. In the juice add the oil and stir well. To decorate this drink with a sprig of parsley.
11. Oatmeal
To fruit and vegetable juices with berries can also be added, for example, cereals and nuts. Drinks will be even more original and delicious. For preparing such a cereal smoothie you will need ½ Cup of oatmeal and the same simple natural yogurt. Add and mix well 1 banana, 3 small oranges, 1 tablespoon honey, vanilla.
12. Strawberries with coconut
Take 1 large ripe banana and a few large strawberries, mix them with a blender. Add unsweetened coconut milk (and cow) and two tablespoons of grated coconut and ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract.
13. Egg yolk
Surely each of us knows vitamin and mineral benefits of eggs. For our next cocktail take 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon honey and the juice of one lemon or orange. The resulting drink will be the best complement to Breakfast, because it is very nutritious and at the same time invigorating.
14. Loops in one glass
The basis for this drink are wheat, barley and oatmeal. These components need to take in equal proportions and grind for flour. The resulting mass pour the warm water in the ratio 1: 1 and let it brew. After 2 hours, strain, add honey to taste. This drink will quickly help to restore strength for the whole day.
All these vitamin drinks can be done not only in the spring to combat beriberi, but also to support immune health all year round. In fact, virtually all their components are well preserved, e.g., frozen. And in the hot season — simply add the prepared drink a few ice cubes. Bon appetit! published
Source: fitfixed.com
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