Beneficial effect of vegetable juice on the body

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Vegetable juices are perfect for the diet. They are low in calories and is able in a short time to enrich the body with huge amounts of vitamins and minerals.
Juices made from vegetables are a great help in maintaining the health, beauty and longevity. I noticed that people who regularly drink vegetable juices, no skin problems, hair, nails, they do not suffer from vitamin deficiency and chronic fatigue. These drinks have a powerful regenerating effect and perfectly cleanse the body.
Carrot juice in addition to carotene, essential for good vision, skin and hair, contains vitamins b, C, E, iron, potassium, selenium, magnesium and phosphorus. It increases immunity and is recommended for people involved in sports, because a positive effect on protein synthesis in muscle tissue. We should not forget that excessive consumption of carrot juice can cause gipervitaminoz and liver disease. Just three glasses a week.
Beet juice is very useful for the circulatory system. It stimulates the production of red blood cells and increases hemoglobin level. In addition, beets cleanses the liver, biliary tract and kidneys, helps with hypertension and atherosclerosis. Beet juice is rich in b vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc and essential oils. Use 50 ml of this drink per day will allow you to keep health.

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For the maintenance of tone and cleanse the body very useful celery juice. It is effective in combating excess weight. Celery juice is rich In b vitamins, and numerous minerals. To prepare the juice from the stems and roots of plants. Thanks to a pleasant refreshing taste, it goes well with any other fruit or vegetable juices.
Tomato juice is considered the best preventive remedy of cancer. High content of lycopene makes it an indispensable staple in any health diet. What's more, lycopene has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
Cucumber juice perfectly tones the body, beneficial effects on the skin, hair and makes blood vessels stronger and more elastic, helps prevent cavities and dental disease. The high content of mineral salts makes it a great addition to any fruit juice, giving the drink a fresh and pleasant scent.

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Cabbage juice is not very pleasant taste, but as a Supplement to other fresh it will make a huge difference. It perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, treats gastritis and stomach ulcers, and diseases of the liver and spleen. This vegetable contains enormous amount of useful vitamins and minerals, making it indispensable for a healthy diet.
Pumpkin, like carrots, rich in carotene and vitamin e, and various trace elements. Calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, fluorine, zinc, b vitamins, allow pumpkin juice to have a positive impact on the activity of the intestine with a laxative effect, it also has a good diuretic effect. Therefore, this juice is best consumed with a small amount of pulp. It is indicated for heart disease, hypertension and obesity. In addition, it increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and refreshes the blood cells. It goes well with many other juices. It is not recommended to use more than 50 ml.

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Potato juice is very useful for the body. The unpleasant taste can be eliminated by mixing it with carrot juice or celery. It relieves swelling, treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body and strengthens the nervous system. However, it is contraindicated in diabetes, and lowered acidity of a stomach.published
Source: domashniy.ru/
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