Juice diet of wrinkles

This juice diet has been described in detail in the book, naturopath doctor Cheri Kalb "Gorgeous skin for 14 days» ( "The wrinkle cleance" by Cherie Calbom).
Following the Norman Walker, who, incidentally, has gone so far that ate practically only juices, and so, after him and other researchers studied the effect of natural juices, Dr. Kalb proclaimed that fresh juices, especially vegetable, are a unique health-improving product. They are able to cleanse the body of toxins, saturate it with nutrients and stop the destruction of the cells and organs of aging, that is to prolong youth.
Cheri Kalb says that after the juice diet rejuvenates the skin. In his book, Dr. describes in detail the causes of aging of skin, wrinkles, loss of overall tone and offers a complete program of radical skin rejuvenation, anti-aging treatment.
The program includes several stages successive purification and recovery. Central to it is engaged in 14-day low-carb diet enriched with natural juices. The doctor recommended to start it after a day diet consisting solely of juice. This rapid diet, according to the author, mobilizes the body, preparing it to the main stage. The one-day juice diet, you can start and finish a program to combat wrinkles. And you can use it before an important event, if you want to look a bit fresher.
So, in one day you have to eat only vegetable juices, as well as plain and mineral water, a warm vegetable broth and herbal teas. The night before, you can eat something light, such as a salad, dressed with oil or lemon juice.
Vegetable juice is prepared in a juicer. Under the vegetable juice is not necessarily the author understands the distillation of a vegetable, although it is useful, and a cocktail of any vegetables that you like. For example, you can put in a juicer carrots, a little beet, celery, parsley, tomato, sprouts, anything you want, and all that combined.
This is a one-day juice diet plan for Cheri Kalb:
In the morning
Herbal or green tea with lemon juice or hot water with a slice of lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper.
Any vegetable juice or unsweetened fruit juice
A glass of water or a cup of herbal tea
Any vegetable juice
A glass of ordinary or mineral water with lemon or vitamin C powder
Juice of eight vegetables or any vegetable juice
A glass of ordinary or mineral water with lemon
Warm vegetable soup or vegetable juice of any
A glass of any vegetable juice or cold avocado soup with cucumber or carrot
During a one-day juice diet author advises to pass a two-day course is a raw food diet, also rich in vegetable juices, and in the next 14 days to comply with low-carbohydrate diet rich in raw foods and, of course, vegetable juices. During the 14-day diet should drink daily at least 8 glasses of water and exclude from your diet all flour and starchy foods. In addition, it is impossible to use spirits, sugar, sugar substitutes, coffee. The author promises that by the end of the diet you do not recognize yourself in the mirror.