Life force - sexual energy
Sexual energy is one of the most important and powerful resource for any woman. She had mastered the most brilliant women of all ages and all traditions. Their fullness of life and joy that they exuded in the world, Fleur of magnetic attraction, seductive, alluring look, the ability to bewitch any man, thus not making any effort or above – that is, sexual energy in its purest form!
Sexual energy is not necessarily related to sex, and not necessarily collecting just after sex.
That pleasure potency in the first place. The energy of drive that a woman experiences from life and in particular, from the material manifestations of life:
the beauty of physical forms, or what we can see or feel: from our own body and to the beauty of a summer rain.
— enjoying the food, the clothes you wear and other tangible joys.
This group also includes the money as another material manifestation in the world. It is thanks to sexual energy the woman attracts in life is money. It can do so both directly and through her man. If a man earns little, so it is a disadvantage of this type of energy from women.
Woman it it is not filled!
Men are spiritual*. They could do a sofa and TV in this life. It is through YOU, dear women, a man learns to know the material world, to enjoy life and understand for yourself how this can help money.
If You refuse the material manifestations of life. For example, say, "On this season's new fur coat I don't need that old show". "This car is too expensive, do a moped". "And me so well" ( but in my heart you understand, however, that does not prevent to still get those, and even that would not hurt).
If you periodically broadcast the negative like: "That's me again today no luck. Stepped in a puddle. Boots soiled. But no money, to buy new...."
YOU LIKE PLANTS, BLOCKING the ENTIRE FLOW of SEXUAL ENERGY, cut it away and left empty.
In addition, healthy sexual energy opens the space for creative flow. Creativity is the process of creation. In your case, the creation of YOUR world, the world of which you dream. You sculpt your destiny the way you want and fill it with positivity and happiness.
What to do and where to start?
For starters, to accept and love yourself. Start respecting yourself and your needs, not to be shy and to speak about them directly, even to herself, or just send them into the Universe in the form of a query (for which there are special equipment).
Then you need to find out what is blocking your sexual energy, in consultation with a specialist. Don't look for your answer in books and on the Internet! It is a human tendency to reconcile all the exciting information on the subject he can find. Thus, to gather up even more problems, to acquire new fears, losing time and maybe money.
Next, you need to unlock what is there and to start to replenish stocks, and to learn to control sexual energy and distribute to the right channels (areas of life). For this purpose there are many techniques that allow you to:
— to sublimate sexual energy for development of creative abilities
— to improve health, due to the stability of the nervous system and the resource possibilities inherent in sexual energy
— to restore and strengthen the overall energy
— to reveal the natural feel sexual needs, to awaken the sensuality and the ability to receive a full orgasm.
-to learn to better understand yourself and your partner. And configure the subtle channels of interaction with yourself, the world and a partner on a clean wave.
*Why so? This is a topic for another article. Just trust me, yet, in the word.
Author: Irina Emelyanova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: tc-slaviya.ru

Sexual energy is not necessarily related to sex, and not necessarily collecting just after sex.
That pleasure potency in the first place. The energy of drive that a woman experiences from life and in particular, from the material manifestations of life:
the beauty of physical forms, or what we can see or feel: from our own body and to the beauty of a summer rain.
— enjoying the food, the clothes you wear and other tangible joys.
This group also includes the money as another material manifestation in the world. It is thanks to sexual energy the woman attracts in life is money. It can do so both directly and through her man. If a man earns little, so it is a disadvantage of this type of energy from women.
Woman it it is not filled!
Men are spiritual*. They could do a sofa and TV in this life. It is through YOU, dear women, a man learns to know the material world, to enjoy life and understand for yourself how this can help money.
If You refuse the material manifestations of life. For example, say, "On this season's new fur coat I don't need that old show". "This car is too expensive, do a moped". "And me so well" ( but in my heart you understand, however, that does not prevent to still get those, and even that would not hurt).
If you periodically broadcast the negative like: "That's me again today no luck. Stepped in a puddle. Boots soiled. But no money, to buy new...."
YOU LIKE PLANTS, BLOCKING the ENTIRE FLOW of SEXUAL ENERGY, cut it away and left empty.
In addition, healthy sexual energy opens the space for creative flow. Creativity is the process of creation. In your case, the creation of YOUR world, the world of which you dream. You sculpt your destiny the way you want and fill it with positivity and happiness.
What to do and where to start?
For starters, to accept and love yourself. Start respecting yourself and your needs, not to be shy and to speak about them directly, even to herself, or just send them into the Universe in the form of a query (for which there are special equipment).
Then you need to find out what is blocking your sexual energy, in consultation with a specialist. Don't look for your answer in books and on the Internet! It is a human tendency to reconcile all the exciting information on the subject he can find. Thus, to gather up even more problems, to acquire new fears, losing time and maybe money.
Next, you need to unlock what is there and to start to replenish stocks, and to learn to control sexual energy and distribute to the right channels (areas of life). For this purpose there are many techniques that allow you to:
— to sublimate sexual energy for development of creative abilities
— to improve health, due to the stability of the nervous system and the resource possibilities inherent in sexual energy
— to restore and strengthen the overall energy
— to reveal the natural feel sexual needs, to awaken the sensuality and the ability to receive a full orgasm.
-to learn to better understand yourself and your partner. And configure the subtle channels of interaction with yourself, the world and a partner on a clean wave.
*Why so? This is a topic for another article. Just trust me, yet, in the word.
Author: Irina Emelyanova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: tc-slaviya.ru
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