The countries in which it is hard to be a man
We have decided that the man in charge. He is the breadwinner and the head of the family. His word has more weight. But there are parts in our world where women rule and men to be not very easy.
Fifty three million one hundred eighty five thousand sixty two
Kalash in Pakistan. There is a hypothesis that tells that the Kalash are descendants of Alexander the great's warriors. At the time they settled in the valley of Utopia and began to mix the blood with the women of the region. At the moment the population of Kalash is about 3 thousand people. Although the ancestors of this people – brave warriors, Kalash — a people of peace, not conflict. They have almost no crime. With whom to communicate his life – chooses the woman. If a man is not good enough for the woman who is the direct head of the family, she can easily show him the door with things, and get a new husband. Man has no right to argue with a woman.
Chinese tribe, mosuo. This people settled in several provinces that border with Tibet. The tribe, mosuo the power of women is so broad that they do not create the family, in the usual plan. Woman have the right to invite a man who just like for sex. Invited, in turn, has no right to refuse. When such a "marriage" have children, they live with relatives of his mother.
Culture Of Meghalaya. Meghalay – state of India. He was named in honor of one of the peoples this area. There is a clear problem with the rights of men. In all spheres of life, the power of women is absolute. Women not only lead the local tribal justice but also in charge of all family Affairs, including, and money, called the children and give them a name at its discretion. However, men Magaha attempt to resist the matriarchy: they even organized a few men's rights organizations.
The matriarchal Minangkabau. Everyone knows what the situation is of a woman in Islam: it all should be obedient to her husband. Indonesia – an Islamic country. But in nation – Minangkabau matriarchy. Tradition says that the boys of this nation in seven years sent to study in religious school. At the end of their training they leave their homes. To return ago, men are supposed to gain life experience and earn money for the family. At the time, while men earn money, women are in charge of all ongoing cases.
Himalayas. In Northern India, Bhutan and Nepal, there are several villages in which the woman may take husband several men at once. But civilization gradually takes root and on this site, making men the head of the family. Settlements in which there are male harems, becomes smaller.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: mif-facts.com.ua
Fifty three million one hundred eighty five thousand sixty two
Kalash in Pakistan. There is a hypothesis that tells that the Kalash are descendants of Alexander the great's warriors. At the time they settled in the valley of Utopia and began to mix the blood with the women of the region. At the moment the population of Kalash is about 3 thousand people. Although the ancestors of this people – brave warriors, Kalash — a people of peace, not conflict. They have almost no crime. With whom to communicate his life – chooses the woman. If a man is not good enough for the woman who is the direct head of the family, she can easily show him the door with things, and get a new husband. Man has no right to argue with a woman.
Chinese tribe, mosuo. This people settled in several provinces that border with Tibet. The tribe, mosuo the power of women is so broad that they do not create the family, in the usual plan. Woman have the right to invite a man who just like for sex. Invited, in turn, has no right to refuse. When such a "marriage" have children, they live with relatives of his mother.
Culture Of Meghalaya. Meghalay – state of India. He was named in honor of one of the peoples this area. There is a clear problem with the rights of men. In all spheres of life, the power of women is absolute. Women not only lead the local tribal justice but also in charge of all family Affairs, including, and money, called the children and give them a name at its discretion. However, men Magaha attempt to resist the matriarchy: they even organized a few men's rights organizations.
The matriarchal Minangkabau. Everyone knows what the situation is of a woman in Islam: it all should be obedient to her husband. Indonesia – an Islamic country. But in nation – Minangkabau matriarchy. Tradition says that the boys of this nation in seven years sent to study in religious school. At the end of their training they leave their homes. To return ago, men are supposed to gain life experience and earn money for the family. At the time, while men earn money, women are in charge of all ongoing cases.
Himalayas. In Northern India, Bhutan and Nepal, there are several villages in which the woman may take husband several men at once. But civilization gradually takes root and on this site, making men the head of the family. Settlements in which there are male harems, becomes smaller.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: mif-facts.com.ua
Potatoes baked with mushrooms and cheese
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