Feminine qualities, inspiring men
There are three women that inspire a man the most.The first is a sense of dignity.
The second quality is discernment. Or sensitivity.
And the third favor.
What does it mean "to behave decently"? The word "dignity" implies that the person is worth. They say: "the Coin of two lats"...the word "cost" — "the dignity". What is worthy? Deserve to do nothing – that's what she deserves. Seriously I tell you. Dignity is when the woman is absolutely calm, knows her any special effort to make it not necessary. Because: "I was born at the highest level, I'm decent, I'm a girl."
In tsarist Russia during Catherine's school-age girls somewhere from five years to seven, their wings clothes were sewn and they came with these wings. It was the same as you always now carry cell phones with them. As well as some attribute of clothing like glasses someone in some expensive frame, ribbons, hair clips. So once the girls wings were. To let everyone know that it is not the boys.
Boy what? Full of ink, a cap on the side. Here cheto torn shirt, sticking out from another school is coming. School was something different. School for girls from here go, flutter in the wings. Grammar school for boys — from there to ink such climbs shorter then he, on his side, the shirt sticks out, everything is broken, bag dangles, drags on the ground. Here came. From different planets.
Eighty million seven hundred forty three thousand thirty two
Therefore, knowing this, that I am worthy of wings from birth: "Why should I have to do something or to achieve something? It needs to have all it needs to me on the seventh floor to climb, and I did not have to clamber, to climb down, losing its wings". The wings were cut with great ceremony on the achievement of 13-14 years of age, by the way, but it was not a tragedy, I just saw it – the idea was that the memory for life was that I with wings.So, a sense of dignity in what appears – respectful of their wishes! And you have it women is called? To respect their wishes. On the letter e three times... Tell me, what's his name? E – TA-RA-RA-RA-RA-out there! TH – TA-RA-RA-RA-RA-out there! ISM — TA-RA-RA-RA-RA-out there! Uh-Ho-ISM! "I'm selfish as I can my desire to have? Why should I have to be their desires? Boo! Desires! Ah, it's a close person, this person give me that attitude! I don't have to! My husband, he actually works so hard. What desire? Should I be silent about their desires!»
Respect their desires, have self-esteem! You have your right to have your wishes fulfilled – as well as the desires of men! You know what man and woman living in the same family, is most similar? Desire of what? They have one common desire – super, you are already very close. What they both want? They have one common desire: to make a happy man. They're just like the monolith in it. They are United in this desire into one simple. In a whole – only how to satisfy a man? "How to satisfy a man?"and he and she thinks: "How to satisfy a man?»
So the dignity is when you sometimes think about women, how to satisfy a woman. Even if a man does not think about it. Dignity is to give yourself the right to their desires, beliefs, preferences. And it is often this principle is violated in the beginning of the relationship, the woman gets used to being "on the third position»
First, it is second rate because "it is necessary to make happy the person". Wants sex with you sex, wants as well, want to do so. I decided to buy the plasma, although we have, in General, repairs are not made well, let it he hangs a plasma, let him do it. All the time she makes concessions. There was a question last lecture: who should concede? Now it is clear, who to whom should concede? A need to give in their desires in the first place. That's who the woman must give first, give of yourself first. Afford to want their desires.
The following expression – "the surrounding want to take care of me — this idea of the woman represent? "All the surrounding want to take care of me – I am a woman, and how. A true lady thinks so, she always seems in her 85 years, it seems everyone wants to take care of her 50 she is 30 she is 10 seem and 5 it seems that everyone wants to take care of me. And who doesn't – it's just "not all". This is a misunderstanding, inoffensive – yet still want.
What's the difference if they all want two or three don't want, think of it...Now meeting those who want: friends, friends, relatives. This is what distinguishes self-sufficient woman, a decent woman from cocky. Opinionated means that everything in your life she will make herself.
"I know men they should so, and so and so and so and it's yours, like silk," I hear that sometimes, instruct mothers of daughters or your nieces. "Honey, you know how to handle them, it's like this, it is necessary to hold in their hands, to did not squeak. All I'll tell you". Right now! Not very good for something to hold. Or from men, nothing remains. And you can hold it, but then I look – what kind of strange form of life has turned out.
The woman in dignity should know that it is worthy of to meet all the time decent men. Even when you need help or something happened to her car, she will find a decent man. Moreover, it will find a worthy person as your life partner. So she always relies on your support. Self-confident woman, she needs support, she is never drawn, she always has a plan and she always knows how to do everything. She had it all under control. And that means she has no sense of dignity. That's all.
Manhood is reflected in the fact that "I myself", well like "I need, I'm a man". And the dignity of women – it means "I should" — "I'm a woman, I have to, I'm here at all why I was born? To take care of me and fulfill my desires," what you thought it was women's nature? Well give me a counter-version.
What version? I put forward a version. Woman is born to her desire was fulfilled, her goal was achieved by someone that it could help someone to achieve goals. That Is Knowledge. If you have other goals, we will have nothing to do, men. That's all. Man is born to help the woman fulfill her desire to reach her goals. Gladly.
The dignity of women is that she tries to follow him, and she believes that she deserves to be beautiful, take care of themselves, to be attractive. But not as something catchy – Vedic system, it is very discreet, chaste, and as you age, a woman needs to be more correct, that is not supposed to be some sort of extreme elements in appearance. But be careful, be smart – feminine in accordance with age – it is the duty of women. It is a duty.
To care for themselves. This is not the way to cry for help in this way. This is no way is a bad way. No one will come to help. So if you do not like this hairstyle on me no one is paying attention – let's try this. If so – try this. If this man – okay, let's try this. If this person is not on good terms next. Following.
You know, what is the principle in a woman who has a sense of self-esteem is high: "Every man is good for the start of the relationship, good; well I don't know what it looks like, my most trusted person on Earth – I don't know I can draw, but most likely, it is the wrong picture, so every man is good, which is not proved otherwise." Everything. "If it is proved otherwise – every good" — that is dignity. And if failed relationship, she's not offended – she with dignity building a new relationship. And now more accurately because the first time she had something to watch and not watched especially.
Realized that I don't have, and learns – builds relationships and feels worthy. No problem. "I can take care of a lot of men I worthy. I deserve to anybody of them not to enter into a close relationship. I deserve this, this is my wish, my principle. I worthy to talk about their desires, their principles."
If the woman continues to chat with someone who does not respect her, her self-esteem plummets. Because in the psyche of children and women, there is one mechanism, very good, that's what makes them the most wonderful creatures on Earth – and those and others: "I myself, especially about himself, does not judge want. I judge myself on the way to me are people who are around me. If they treat me well, so I'm good. If bad, then bad I am." Everything. But it's a trap.
Before you find the person who would have appreciated the closest person, it is necessary to form their value system or their environment, people who have dignity and respect to treat you. It is very dangerous to put your self-esteem dependent on how you relate to men. As well as the husband to put his self-esteem depended on how he treated women. This is very dangerous, it's destructive it can be. So she just ceases to communicate with him. And she has no fear, she knows she deserves a better relationship. So, somewhere this relationship is.
Easily asks for help is another sign of the dignity of women. Not trying to please a man, sacrificing himself. Comments need? No need. Because only those involved. Mainly. And even have already forgotten. So are anesthesia – you know, when in one place to beat if it starts to lose sensitivity to pain. In many practices sports, martial arts such severe while in Muay Thai it is, definitely, definitely, definitely – as long as it all goes numb and won't harden. Women sacrificing, sacrificing themselves, they start... There should be, there should be. In Kostroma it is necessary for the sister to go – she's too tough. Nephew, it is probably necessary to my sister's to pick up, because of the sisters, there is generally bad.
It's like a drug: the worse it feels, the more the saddled. It's crazy – such as Muay Thai feminine is called. Beat until then, until their brains get numb from the pain just can't hurt, super. And I don't need anything, what are you talking about. Why your workshop? What is the seminar? Do you know how old I am? What for? All passed. You know what my cross to bear, and leave me alone. Therefore, it is a dangerous sacrifice.
That is very attractive to a man as a man can say for sure – this woman's mind that she behaves as if she is the most interesting person on Earth. And really, it is very interesting.
If a woman reveals his nature, such as she had since birth, she can uncover, not afraid, man, "stunned", said: "what is This, where are you from? What planet are you from?"He's such a looks – listens and looks all the same like, looks. And thought – "I would do it from this point of view would not look" For him the revelation, he ran to his office something to record. «Eureka!"he, you know? He wonders: "How is it? Really! I thought they are just like us!"It's very interesting. But first we need to believe that you are interesting. That is the dignity of women: to be confident, that to me is very interesting.
There is a saying: "We are bored with those who are bored with us." We get bored with those people who are bored with us. You're bored with those men who are bored with you. And some men are bored with you? When they are bored with you? When you think that you are talking about. And what do you know, what you say? Well, men, they have there own cloud Cuckooland, some philosophy, some discussion, sports, and politics. And I don't know. We write many girls and women this question: what to talk about on a date? In what to say to a man? Except about the bills, about kindergarten, where necessary – in new is to take the child, or there about school. What to talk about? About nothing can not say – just be interesting.
Focus in this mantra: "I am very interesting. I'm all so interesting. I even began to wonder – what am I interesting thing". And so goes the whole a little bit all of this – you have to talk to her. All women are normal – one kind of interesting. He doesn't know what even to itself it is interesting.
Source: pravotnosheniya.info/ZHenskie-kachestva-vdohnovlyayushchie-muzhchin-2123.html
The second quality is discernment. Or sensitivity.
And the third favor.
What does it mean "to behave decently"? The word "dignity" implies that the person is worth. They say: "the Coin of two lats"...the word "cost" — "the dignity". What is worthy? Deserve to do nothing – that's what she deserves. Seriously I tell you. Dignity is when the woman is absolutely calm, knows her any special effort to make it not necessary. Because: "I was born at the highest level, I'm decent, I'm a girl."
In tsarist Russia during Catherine's school-age girls somewhere from five years to seven, their wings clothes were sewn and they came with these wings. It was the same as you always now carry cell phones with them. As well as some attribute of clothing like glasses someone in some expensive frame, ribbons, hair clips. So once the girls wings were. To let everyone know that it is not the boys.
Boy what? Full of ink, a cap on the side. Here cheto torn shirt, sticking out from another school is coming. School was something different. School for girls from here go, flutter in the wings. Grammar school for boys — from there to ink such climbs shorter then he, on his side, the shirt sticks out, everything is broken, bag dangles, drags on the ground. Here came. From different planets.
Eighty million seven hundred forty three thousand thirty two
Therefore, knowing this, that I am worthy of wings from birth: "Why should I have to do something or to achieve something? It needs to have all it needs to me on the seventh floor to climb, and I did not have to clamber, to climb down, losing its wings". The wings were cut with great ceremony on the achievement of 13-14 years of age, by the way, but it was not a tragedy, I just saw it – the idea was that the memory for life was that I with wings.So, a sense of dignity in what appears – respectful of their wishes! And you have it women is called? To respect their wishes. On the letter e three times... Tell me, what's his name? E – TA-RA-RA-RA-RA-out there! TH – TA-RA-RA-RA-RA-out there! ISM — TA-RA-RA-RA-RA-out there! Uh-Ho-ISM! "I'm selfish as I can my desire to have? Why should I have to be their desires? Boo! Desires! Ah, it's a close person, this person give me that attitude! I don't have to! My husband, he actually works so hard. What desire? Should I be silent about their desires!»
Respect their desires, have self-esteem! You have your right to have your wishes fulfilled – as well as the desires of men! You know what man and woman living in the same family, is most similar? Desire of what? They have one common desire – super, you are already very close. What they both want? They have one common desire: to make a happy man. They're just like the monolith in it. They are United in this desire into one simple. In a whole – only how to satisfy a man? "How to satisfy a man?"and he and she thinks: "How to satisfy a man?»
So the dignity is when you sometimes think about women, how to satisfy a woman. Even if a man does not think about it. Dignity is to give yourself the right to their desires, beliefs, preferences. And it is often this principle is violated in the beginning of the relationship, the woman gets used to being "on the third position»
First, it is second rate because "it is necessary to make happy the person". Wants sex with you sex, wants as well, want to do so. I decided to buy the plasma, although we have, in General, repairs are not made well, let it he hangs a plasma, let him do it. All the time she makes concessions. There was a question last lecture: who should concede? Now it is clear, who to whom should concede? A need to give in their desires in the first place. That's who the woman must give first, give of yourself first. Afford to want their desires.
The following expression – "the surrounding want to take care of me — this idea of the woman represent? "All the surrounding want to take care of me – I am a woman, and how. A true lady thinks so, she always seems in her 85 years, it seems everyone wants to take care of her 50 she is 30 she is 10 seem and 5 it seems that everyone wants to take care of me. And who doesn't – it's just "not all". This is a misunderstanding, inoffensive – yet still want.
What's the difference if they all want two or three don't want, think of it...Now meeting those who want: friends, friends, relatives. This is what distinguishes self-sufficient woman, a decent woman from cocky. Opinionated means that everything in your life she will make herself.
"I know men they should so, and so and so and so and it's yours, like silk," I hear that sometimes, instruct mothers of daughters or your nieces. "Honey, you know how to handle them, it's like this, it is necessary to hold in their hands, to did not squeak. All I'll tell you". Right now! Not very good for something to hold. Or from men, nothing remains. And you can hold it, but then I look – what kind of strange form of life has turned out.
The woman in dignity should know that it is worthy of to meet all the time decent men. Even when you need help or something happened to her car, she will find a decent man. Moreover, it will find a worthy person as your life partner. So she always relies on your support. Self-confident woman, she needs support, she is never drawn, she always has a plan and she always knows how to do everything. She had it all under control. And that means she has no sense of dignity. That's all.
Manhood is reflected in the fact that "I myself", well like "I need, I'm a man". And the dignity of women – it means "I should" — "I'm a woman, I have to, I'm here at all why I was born? To take care of me and fulfill my desires," what you thought it was women's nature? Well give me a counter-version.
What version? I put forward a version. Woman is born to her desire was fulfilled, her goal was achieved by someone that it could help someone to achieve goals. That Is Knowledge. If you have other goals, we will have nothing to do, men. That's all. Man is born to help the woman fulfill her desire to reach her goals. Gladly.
The dignity of women is that she tries to follow him, and she believes that she deserves to be beautiful, take care of themselves, to be attractive. But not as something catchy – Vedic system, it is very discreet, chaste, and as you age, a woman needs to be more correct, that is not supposed to be some sort of extreme elements in appearance. But be careful, be smart – feminine in accordance with age – it is the duty of women. It is a duty.
To care for themselves. This is not the way to cry for help in this way. This is no way is a bad way. No one will come to help. So if you do not like this hairstyle on me no one is paying attention – let's try this. If so – try this. If this man – okay, let's try this. If this person is not on good terms next. Following.
You know, what is the principle in a woman who has a sense of self-esteem is high: "Every man is good for the start of the relationship, good; well I don't know what it looks like, my most trusted person on Earth – I don't know I can draw, but most likely, it is the wrong picture, so every man is good, which is not proved otherwise." Everything. "If it is proved otherwise – every good" — that is dignity. And if failed relationship, she's not offended – she with dignity building a new relationship. And now more accurately because the first time she had something to watch and not watched especially.
Realized that I don't have, and learns – builds relationships and feels worthy. No problem. "I can take care of a lot of men I worthy. I deserve to anybody of them not to enter into a close relationship. I deserve this, this is my wish, my principle. I worthy to talk about their desires, their principles."
If the woman continues to chat with someone who does not respect her, her self-esteem plummets. Because in the psyche of children and women, there is one mechanism, very good, that's what makes them the most wonderful creatures on Earth – and those and others: "I myself, especially about himself, does not judge want. I judge myself on the way to me are people who are around me. If they treat me well, so I'm good. If bad, then bad I am." Everything. But it's a trap.
Before you find the person who would have appreciated the closest person, it is necessary to form their value system or their environment, people who have dignity and respect to treat you. It is very dangerous to put your self-esteem dependent on how you relate to men. As well as the husband to put his self-esteem depended on how he treated women. This is very dangerous, it's destructive it can be. So she just ceases to communicate with him. And she has no fear, she knows she deserves a better relationship. So, somewhere this relationship is.
Easily asks for help is another sign of the dignity of women. Not trying to please a man, sacrificing himself. Comments need? No need. Because only those involved. Mainly. And even have already forgotten. So are anesthesia – you know, when in one place to beat if it starts to lose sensitivity to pain. In many practices sports, martial arts such severe while in Muay Thai it is, definitely, definitely, definitely – as long as it all goes numb and won't harden. Women sacrificing, sacrificing themselves, they start... There should be, there should be. In Kostroma it is necessary for the sister to go – she's too tough. Nephew, it is probably necessary to my sister's to pick up, because of the sisters, there is generally bad.
It's like a drug: the worse it feels, the more the saddled. It's crazy – such as Muay Thai feminine is called. Beat until then, until their brains get numb from the pain just can't hurt, super. And I don't need anything, what are you talking about. Why your workshop? What is the seminar? Do you know how old I am? What for? All passed. You know what my cross to bear, and leave me alone. Therefore, it is a dangerous sacrifice.
That is very attractive to a man as a man can say for sure – this woman's mind that she behaves as if she is the most interesting person on Earth. And really, it is very interesting.
If a woman reveals his nature, such as she had since birth, she can uncover, not afraid, man, "stunned", said: "what is This, where are you from? What planet are you from?"He's such a looks – listens and looks all the same like, looks. And thought – "I would do it from this point of view would not look" For him the revelation, he ran to his office something to record. «Eureka!"he, you know? He wonders: "How is it? Really! I thought they are just like us!"It's very interesting. But first we need to believe that you are interesting. That is the dignity of women: to be confident, that to me is very interesting.
There is a saying: "We are bored with those who are bored with us." We get bored with those people who are bored with us. You're bored with those men who are bored with you. And some men are bored with you? When they are bored with you? When you think that you are talking about. And what do you know, what you say? Well, men, they have there own cloud Cuckooland, some philosophy, some discussion, sports, and politics. And I don't know. We write many girls and women this question: what to talk about on a date? In what to say to a man? Except about the bills, about kindergarten, where necessary – in new is to take the child, or there about school. What to talk about? About nothing can not say – just be interesting.
Focus in this mantra: "I am very interesting. I'm all so interesting. I even began to wonder – what am I interesting thing". And so goes the whole a little bit all of this – you have to talk to her. All women are normal – one kind of interesting. He doesn't know what even to itself it is interesting.
Source: pravotnosheniya.info/ZHenskie-kachestva-vdohnovlyayushchie-muzhchin-2123.html