Rid breeches: 5 simple exercises
Breeches — thickening thighs from the outside, also called "ears" that would upset any woman. The cause of this unpleasant "decoration" is the disruption of blood flow. When congestion is the accumulation of fat molecules and the formation of fat. To solve the question of how to get rid of his breeches, to ensure the free flow of blood in the thighs. For this there are specially developed gymnastic exercises.
Twenty one million one hundred six thousand four hundred sixty nine
Exercises for breeches Warm-up. She is walking on the spot lifting the knees and placing of the feet first on the toe then the heel. Hands also need to move to the rhythm of the steps. After 1 minute of this walk, you can run for 1 minute also exercise "side steps".
The basis of the method, how to get rid of breeches is to strengthen not only external but also internal muscles of the thigh.
Training exercises associated with the development of the muscles of the thigh with its outer side. You need to lie on your left side, pull left hand and put it on her head. Both legs bent at the knee joint. And then the right leg to slowly raise and lower at least 20 times (2 sets). Also repeat for the left leg, lying on his right side.
The basis of the method, how to get rid of breeches is to strengthen not only external but also internal muscles of the thigh. Lie on your back, bent and put his feet on the feet approximately shoulder width apart, begin to dissolve hips. When you exhale you need to dilute the knees, at the breath – taking. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times for 2 sets.
Exercises for breeches, in the final part, consist in training the muscles of the buttocks and the thighs. For this you need to lie on your back, feet on the floor and put on feet. Lift your right leg along with buttock, and then slowly straighten it and bend. When breathing out, straighten your leg, when you inhale – to bend. Should feel a strong tension in the abdomen and buttocks, if the exercise is done correctly. After the 20th repetition you need to change the leg and the same time to perform the exercise for the other foot. It is necessary to do not less than 2 approaches.
Now go to the exercises related to stretching and relaxation of the muscles. To do this, lie on your back, knees bent, alternately raise the feet, the hands need to throw under the knees and the feet are bred in different directions. The legs should be completely straight. There is another exercise for muscle relaxation. Lie on your left side, put his head on his hand. And the right hand need to take the right leg back and pull it in the direction of the buttocks. You need to fix yourself in that position for a few seconds.
More about the methods how to get rid of his breeches
To solve the question of how to get rid of his breeches, to ensure the free flow of blood in the thighs.
But not only exercises for breeches will be your helpers in getting rid of the "ears". It will be necessary to begin to eat properly. In the diet there's nothing hard and new. To exclude, as usual, all fatty, fried and sweet. Meals should take no less than usual, and often better, five or six times a day. Snacks should not contain cakes, pies, candy, biscuits, chocolates, coffee, carbonated sweet drinks. It is better to replace it all on Apple, orange, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice.
Recommended to do a cellulite massage, techniques, how to get rid of his breeches, with the help of this massage, there is a lot written about it a lot and in the literature, and the Internet. The greatest effect of such a massage can be achieved by resorting to the services of a professional masseur.
There is a more aggressive and effective method to get rid of his breeches is liposuction. If deposits are minor, it is possible to make correction of the hips using vacuum, laser or ultrasonic liposuction. But it is hardly necessary to resort to these methods, if, with little effort, you can achieve the desired result yourself. To surgical intervention is better to apply to the case when all other methods have failed.
Now that you know how to get rid of his breeches, upset over the "ears" will not have to. Will have to just take myself in hand and, subject to fulfillment of all the above recommendations, there is every confidence that with the arrival of spring, your body will gain those coveted shape that you dreamed of. published
Author: Mary Queen
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: femaleportal.ru/zdorovje/figura/izbavlyaemsya-ot-galife-5-prostyx-uprazhnenij.html
Twenty one million one hundred six thousand four hundred sixty nine
Exercises for breeches Warm-up. She is walking on the spot lifting the knees and placing of the feet first on the toe then the heel. Hands also need to move to the rhythm of the steps. After 1 minute of this walk, you can run for 1 minute also exercise "side steps".
The basis of the method, how to get rid of breeches is to strengthen not only external but also internal muscles of the thigh.
Training exercises associated with the development of the muscles of the thigh with its outer side. You need to lie on your left side, pull left hand and put it on her head. Both legs bent at the knee joint. And then the right leg to slowly raise and lower at least 20 times (2 sets). Also repeat for the left leg, lying on his right side.
The basis of the method, how to get rid of breeches is to strengthen not only external but also internal muscles of the thigh. Lie on your back, bent and put his feet on the feet approximately shoulder width apart, begin to dissolve hips. When you exhale you need to dilute the knees, at the breath – taking. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times for 2 sets.
Exercises for breeches, in the final part, consist in training the muscles of the buttocks and the thighs. For this you need to lie on your back, feet on the floor and put on feet. Lift your right leg along with buttock, and then slowly straighten it and bend. When breathing out, straighten your leg, when you inhale – to bend. Should feel a strong tension in the abdomen and buttocks, if the exercise is done correctly. After the 20th repetition you need to change the leg and the same time to perform the exercise for the other foot. It is necessary to do not less than 2 approaches.
Now go to the exercises related to stretching and relaxation of the muscles. To do this, lie on your back, knees bent, alternately raise the feet, the hands need to throw under the knees and the feet are bred in different directions. The legs should be completely straight. There is another exercise for muscle relaxation. Lie on your left side, put his head on his hand. And the right hand need to take the right leg back and pull it in the direction of the buttocks. You need to fix yourself in that position for a few seconds.
More about the methods how to get rid of his breeches
To solve the question of how to get rid of his breeches, to ensure the free flow of blood in the thighs.
But not only exercises for breeches will be your helpers in getting rid of the "ears". It will be necessary to begin to eat properly. In the diet there's nothing hard and new. To exclude, as usual, all fatty, fried and sweet. Meals should take no less than usual, and often better, five or six times a day. Snacks should not contain cakes, pies, candy, biscuits, chocolates, coffee, carbonated sweet drinks. It is better to replace it all on Apple, orange, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice.
Recommended to do a cellulite massage, techniques, how to get rid of his breeches, with the help of this massage, there is a lot written about it a lot and in the literature, and the Internet. The greatest effect of such a massage can be achieved by resorting to the services of a professional masseur.
There is a more aggressive and effective method to get rid of his breeches is liposuction. If deposits are minor, it is possible to make correction of the hips using vacuum, laser or ultrasonic liposuction. But it is hardly necessary to resort to these methods, if, with little effort, you can achieve the desired result yourself. To surgical intervention is better to apply to the case when all other methods have failed.
Now that you know how to get rid of his breeches, upset over the "ears" will not have to. Will have to just take myself in hand and, subject to fulfillment of all the above recommendations, there is every confidence that with the arrival of spring, your body will gain those coveted shape that you dreamed of. published
Author: Mary Queen
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: femaleportal.ru/zdorovje/figura/izbavlyaemsya-ot-galife-5-prostyx-uprazhnenij.html