Breathing exercises for weight loss: miraculous only 3 exercises!
I tried many ways to lose weight. Spent on the fight against obesity. Amazing, but I worked only one method – breathing exercises.
Its essence lies in the fact that with the right breath is active the flow of oxygen in the blood, which accelerates metabolism and promotes the burning of fat, and even hunger dulls. Honestly, I would never, if I have not experienced the magical effect of the method on itself.
I admit at once, in the breathing exercises I was involved very gradually and with difficulty. Could not enter it into the system, resorting to the exercises from time to time. But even this was enough in order to feel their miraculous power. Eventually, I forced myself to practice regularly, and the result was not long in coming. A couple of weeks of active employment with the small restrictions in the diet (and I have only indulged in sweet and flour) took 5 kg.
Here they are – my miracle exercise
Exercise "Wave"exercise should before meals or instead of, for example, when you are overcome with an overwhelming desire to eat. Indulge yourself in this for a couple of minutes after completing the exercise, and there, staring, and the feeling of hunger blunted.
This pose helps to relax and breathe properly
So, lie down on the floor, bend your knees and relax. One hand lay on his stomach, another on his chest and begin to breathe. On a slow deep breath to emphasize the chest and abdomen try to pull. Then, after a short delay of breath, on the inhale the belly inflate and the chest pull. All you need to perform 40 to 60 breathing cycles, breathing.
Exercise "Frog"Sit in a chair, bend your legs at a right angle and place them shoulder width apart. Put elbows on your knees, squeeze your left hand into a fist, grasp his right. Lean on the fist of his forehead. In this position of Rodin's thinker all the way to head there is not one thought. Take a deep breath through the nose, filling the belly with air, hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale through the mouth.
In our case, in the Lotus position, the right thing folded hands
The adherents of the breathing exercises recommended to do exercise for 15 minutes 3 times a day.
Exercise "Lotus"Can be performed in a sitting position on a low chair in the pose as in the previous exercise, or cross-legged in Turkish (classic Lotus position). I prefer the second option. Lower crossed arms on the cross of the legs so that the left hand lay on the right. Language at this time should rest on the area behind the upper front teeth. Keep your back straight and eyes closed. The first 5 minutes, breathe deeply, pay all your attention to this process is the so – called conscious breathing. Following 5 minutes on exhale-fully relax, trying to breathe silently as possible, while maintaining the depth of inhalation and exhalation. The last 10 minutes breathe in the familiar rhythm, trying to relax and clear your mind.
That's all. As you can see, the exercises are very simple and affordable. The main thing – to perform them correctly and regularly, and the result will certainly please you. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: damex.ru/ru/articles/health/4686/