Simple exercises for people with dernirement vestibular apparatus
In early autumn, winter and early spring complaints of dizziness, particularly the elderly, can be heard much more than in the warm season. What caused the strong and frequent dizziness with them? Reason a few:
• disorder of cerebral blood circulation due to the affected with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (off-season);
• disruption of getradiomessage vestibular apparatus. In bad weather the woman certainly hadn't left on the street, and now of bright light spots, flashing passers-by and cars cause she's got something resembling sea-sickness (motion sickness);
• General weakening of the body in the cold season, vitamin deficiency.
Each of these causes unpleasant enough in itself, but their joint effects in the direct knocks the man down.
What to do in this case?
1. It is necessary to treat low back pain.
2. Should eat right to prevent beriberi.
3. It is necessary to train the vestibular and muscular apparatus.
Here are some easy exercises for seniors with dernirement vestibular apparatus.
1. Lie on your back. Turn your head left, then right. Sit down. Again lie down.
2. Sit on a chair. Turn your head left, then right. Stand up. Again sit down.
3. Stand up from the chair. Lean left, then right. Sit down.
4. Put next to two chairs. Stand with one and change to the other. Repeat the exercise.
5. Put two chairs against each other. Stand with one and change to the other. Repeat the exercise.
6. Stand up from the chair. Make a full turn (360°) over the left shoulder. Sit down. Repeat the exercise, but now turn over your right shoulder.
All exercises are performed slowly, easily and relaxed. If you're feeling insecure, use the help of friends, especially in the beginning. Don't have to do all the exercises at once, select 2-3, and then gradually introduce new ones. Start with 1-2-fold repetition (eventually increasing to 5 times) a few times a day. Avoid overloads. After exercise valid easy fatigue, maybe a little dizzy. In this case, after their performance, it is possible to lie a little.
For the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease can recommend a very effective exercise-type "Humpty Dumpty".
Lie on your back, under the neck, put roller (e.g. rolled towels), relaxed and not straining the neck ' s head left and right for 2-3 minutes. This exercise simultaneously and trains the vestibular apparatus.
It is useful to perform and exercise", Yes, Yes, no, no." Sit up straight and within a 1 minute download head like a bobblehead, up and down. Then for 1 minute turn your head left and right. The more often you do it, the better.published
Author: Vitaly Gitt
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gitt.ru/articles/fis/kruzhitsya_golova/
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