Grandma is happy: there are a lot of obedient but anxious children
Had the good fortune to sit in the society of different generations of the family. On the one hand, the grandmother with the other children. And I'm in the middle. It was so interesting to see that the grandmother basically doing with grandchildren. It is amazing. Had not noticed before. They have the karmic task of a certain age like I thought...
Know what the older generation is a lot of fear in small children? You know what stop grandparents in their grandchildren? And how do you think that can withstand old age in the children's manifestations?
Passion in the research world!
A strong degree of energy in anything.
Eighteen million nine hundred sixty three thousand nine hundred three
Children are full of excitement! It is their way of living reality. And this is not about adult understanding "arousal", of course...
Perls wrote that excitation — it "increased energy mobilization, which occurs when there is a strong interest and deep contact: erotic, aggressive, creative or any other".
At this wavelength the strongest interest and emerging momentum to the environment, grandparents or parents, no matter who, are able to limit energy and reduce the force of life:
— not hurry;
— not angry;
— not run;
— don't fight;
— not touch;
— silent;
— stop;
— don't look;
— not too happy
— not afraid;
— calm…
What is this place? As he wrote the same Perls on the place of stopped excitation produces anxiety. Until neurotic, i.e. chronic, which the child and later adult, "organizes" itself by the prohibition of a thrill in those places where it is absolutely natural.
Yes, the result is a completely distorted picture of the world, where instead of the natural excitation from life there is a lot of anxiety from stopping yourself to experience the excitement…
But is that enough to "choke" in trouble, need one more condition. In adulthood, should be able to hard to pretend that the excitation does not! That is skillfully pretend that "I don't like."
They were not worried.
That is not mad.
That not worried.
I don't want sex.
It is not necessary creativity.
I want to rejoice and make a serious face.
And so on...
"The trouble arises when we aim to introduce the excitation in the adopted framework"(Perls).
Thus, constant anxiety and somatic anxious expression — it is an attempt of the mind and body to process the natural excitation, which is not given turn. And then the point of neuroticism: naturally occurring excitation from contact with the world, own ban to test it and "making of" that I'm not excited by contact...
9 phases of the day, when the brain best absorbs information
School, nostalgic
And I think, we all have our own area "shameful", ie, fraught with rejection excitation. And so we are moving in his ignoring that either don't notice arousal to people and the world, or find your favorite ways of removing this excitement... So what? But grandma is happy: there are a lot of obedient but anxious children. published
Source: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1006024022848382&set=a.318766011574190.74529.100003223814627&type=3&theater
Know what the older generation is a lot of fear in small children? You know what stop grandparents in their grandchildren? And how do you think that can withstand old age in the children's manifestations?
Passion in the research world!
A strong degree of energy in anything.
Eighteen million nine hundred sixty three thousand nine hundred three
Children are full of excitement! It is their way of living reality. And this is not about adult understanding "arousal", of course...
Perls wrote that excitation — it "increased energy mobilization, which occurs when there is a strong interest and deep contact: erotic, aggressive, creative or any other".
At this wavelength the strongest interest and emerging momentum to the environment, grandparents or parents, no matter who, are able to limit energy and reduce the force of life:
— not hurry;
— not angry;
— not run;
— don't fight;
— not touch;
— silent;
— stop;
— don't look;
— not too happy
— not afraid;
— calm…
What is this place? As he wrote the same Perls on the place of stopped excitation produces anxiety. Until neurotic, i.e. chronic, which the child and later adult, "organizes" itself by the prohibition of a thrill in those places where it is absolutely natural.
Yes, the result is a completely distorted picture of the world, where instead of the natural excitation from life there is a lot of anxiety from stopping yourself to experience the excitement…
But is that enough to "choke" in trouble, need one more condition. In adulthood, should be able to hard to pretend that the excitation does not! That is skillfully pretend that "I don't like."
They were not worried.
That is not mad.
That not worried.
I don't want sex.
It is not necessary creativity.
I want to rejoice and make a serious face.
And so on...
"The trouble arises when we aim to introduce the excitation in the adopted framework"(Perls).
Thus, constant anxiety and somatic anxious expression — it is an attempt of the mind and body to process the natural excitation, which is not given turn. And then the point of neuroticism: naturally occurring excitation from contact with the world, own ban to test it and "making of" that I'm not excited by contact...
9 phases of the day, when the brain best absorbs information
School, nostalgic
And I think, we all have our own area "shameful", ie, fraught with rejection excitation. And so we are moving in his ignoring that either don't notice arousal to people and the world, or find your favorite ways of removing this excitement... So what? But grandma is happy: there are a lot of obedient but anxious children. published
Source: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1006024022848382&set=a.318766011574190.74529.100003223814627&type=3&theater