Narwhal in the yard green basket, she prepared a dish from which will flow salivating at everyone!
The fastest and cheapest way to replenish the stock of vitamins and minerals in the body - regularly eat fresh herbs
The presence of food on your table from nettles, sorrel, spinach, dandelion leaves, wild garlic - a guarantee of a healthy immune system and good physical shape
. For those whose body requires vitamins in natural form, «Website» has prepared this recipe pancakes with spring greens
zelenyuPonyatie Pancakes with "green beam" - a fairly loose, so in this recipe for the accuracy of proportions, we will use faceted glass
Ingredients ! 1 tbsp. chopped young nettle leaves 1 tbsp. chopped young leaves of dandelion 1 tbsp. chopped sorrel leaves 1 tbsp. semolina 2/3 Art. flour 2 eggs 1, 5, Art. serum (can substitute low-fat yogurt) 3 cloves of garlic salt to taste 6 tablespoons. l. vegetable oils
Preparation The whole green wash, dry and finely we will cut. To measure out the required amount to be placed in a glass tight, but Trumbo. The crushed leaves of nettles and dandelion zaley boiling water and leave for a couple of minutes. Then put them in a colander, let drain the water and gently squeeze. The whole green additional Grind using a blender to get a fragrant green paste. Add the eggs, semolina, flour, whey and butter. Salt to taste, add the garlic and mix thoroughly. Set aside for 10-15 minutes to semolina swollen. Fire away pancakes on a well-heated frying pan with the minimum amount of oil.
Ever since I found this unusual recipe, in the yard or nettles or dandelions will not find: family asking them to cook emerald pancakes almost daily!
I never thought that they so enjoy this dish. Incredibly delicious, fragrant and elegant, they are perfectly combined with sour cream, yogurt or homemade yogurt.
Try to cook and entertain friends, do not forget!
The presence of food on your table from nettles, sorrel, spinach, dandelion leaves, wild garlic - a guarantee of a healthy immune system and good physical shape
. For those whose body requires vitamins in natural form, «Website» has prepared this recipe pancakes with spring greens

zelenyuPonyatie Pancakes with "green beam" - a fairly loose, so in this recipe for the accuracy of proportions, we will use faceted glass
Ingredients ! 1 tbsp. chopped young nettle leaves 1 tbsp. chopped young leaves of dandelion 1 tbsp. chopped sorrel leaves 1 tbsp. semolina 2/3 Art. flour 2 eggs 1, 5, Art. serum (can substitute low-fat yogurt) 3 cloves of garlic salt to taste 6 tablespoons. l. vegetable oils
Preparation The whole green wash, dry and finely we will cut. To measure out the required amount to be placed in a glass tight, but Trumbo. The crushed leaves of nettles and dandelion zaley boiling water and leave for a couple of minutes. Then put them in a colander, let drain the water and gently squeeze. The whole green additional Grind using a blender to get a fragrant green paste. Add the eggs, semolina, flour, whey and butter. Salt to taste, add the garlic and mix thoroughly. Set aside for 10-15 minutes to semolina swollen. Fire away pancakes on a well-heated frying pan with the minimum amount of oil.
Ever since I found this unusual recipe, in the yard or nettles or dandelions will not find: family asking them to cook emerald pancakes almost daily!
I never thought that they so enjoy this dish. Incredibly delicious, fragrant and elegant, they are perfectly combined with sour cream, yogurt or homemade yogurt.
Try to cook and entertain friends, do not forget!
Not every chef knows these culinary techniques ... 17 tricks for the most successful dishes!
Caution - mold! These symptoms indicate a hidden danger in your house ...