There are only two criteria by which people assess you at the meeting
Ambient form an opinion about us in a matter of seconds. But what they pay attention to? Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy and psychologists Susan Fiske and Peter Glick studied the principles by which creates the first impression, more than 15 years and found certain patterns.
People seeing us for the first time, automatically respond to your two questions:
- «Can I trust this person?»
- «Can I respect this man?"
But in reality, reliability and empathy are essential qualities for which other people evaluate us.
"From an evolutionary point of view, - notices Cuddy - for our survival is more important to know whether the people trust around us deserve." And it really is not unreasonable, because in the cave man to determine whether his new friend to kill him and steal all his belongings did not want to, it is more important than understanding if he is smart enough to make a fire.
However, the professor did not completely deny the importance of the existing skills and experience of the person. Caddy notes that they are evaluated only after established trust. Odnobokaya demonstration of intelligence and strength can lead to very undesirable result.
If someone to whom you are trying to impress, do not trust you - you will not move far. Just creating the image of a reliable, good-hearted person, causing a slight feeling of admiration and confidence, you can count on the fact that your professional and any other quality will be appreciated.
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