Natural food, contributing to the concentration

The ability to be concentrated, focused - current skill nowadays. However, the modern world offers us countless occasions for distraction. Only the mobile notifications on the latest comments on the social network can cause confusion in the most concentrated human.
In fact, our diet affects slightly more than everything, including the ability to concentrate. Many people for this purpose resort to coffee. We present a list of far more useful and healthy sources.
A study conducted by David Geffen in 2015 in the University of California, Los Angeles, found an association between consumption of walnuts and improved cognitive function in adults, including the ability to concentrate. According to information received, it is recommended to add a handful of nuts at a time when especially required concentration. Walnut, compared to other nuts, contain the highest levels of antioxidants that contribute to the work of the brain.
Blueberries also famous for its high content of antioxidants, especially anthocyanins. The ideal snack is low in calories, but a lot of nutrients, such as fiber, manganese, vitamin K and C, and more, and with the property to increase the concentration.
Avocado is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, contains monounsaturated fats, which support brain function and healthy blood flow to it. The recommended daily serving of '30
Pumpkin seeds
Another simple, nutritious and healthy snacks for increasing the concentration of pumpkin seeds are high in antioxidants and omega-3. Pumpkin seeds are also a rich source of zinc, an important mineral that stimulates the brain and prevent neurological diseases (according to a study conducted in 2001 at the University of Shizuoka in Japan).