Cause of morning puffiness

If you are familiar with the problem of swollen, he loves to talk my friend, "like a water corn" face in the morning, it is time to understand
! I will mention the most common causes of swelling of the morning, from the banal to serious "bell" on the part of organs and body systems:
- Salted food for dinner at night and before going to bed.
- Extremely salty food (eg herring.) For dinner - even if it takes place in 5 hours before bedtime
. - Drink a large volume of water in the afternoon
. After 17.00-18.00 desirable to drink no more than 0.3 liters of H20. Exception: workout evening
. - Very tight dinner. Fatty, junk food (not even salt!) Will lead to accumulation of fluid in body tissues. A lot of protein and fat in the food retain water.
- Easy carbohydrates at dinner and at bedtime (all sweets, flour, sweet fruits, berries). Sahara also retain fluid in the body.
- Spirits in the evening. Blocks kidneys and prevents liquid filtration.
- Drink more water than your body needs (standard count of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight - partly a myth, because you can eat a lot of fruit or live at the North Pole)
. - Drink heavily digestible, low-quality water that is not used by the cells adequately, but remains in the intercellular tissue. Water quality more important than quantity! High-quality water, at least, should have an alkaline potential.
- Very few moving throughout the day.
- Sleep face in the pillow or in any other position when disturbed lymph from the lymphatic vessels of the head
. - Go to bed very late (after 01.00). Thus violating many physiological processes in the body associated with biorhythms.
- Wake up very late (after 07.00). The kidneys normally already beginning to wake up at 04:00. Belated rise does not give them the opportunity to fully operate in accordance with their biological rhythms.
- Are taking hormonal contraceptives and other hormonal drugs
. - If all the above is not about you (do not believe it :)), then you need to check the status:
1) of the thyroid gland (thyroid panel, ultrasound)
2) kidney (urinalysis, ultrasound)
3) the state of the biliary system (B / x blood tests: liver function tests, ultrasound)
4) hormones (hormones analysis - the doctor will tell)
The reasons of a medical nature much more, but I suspect you have something to think about ... :)
I wish you to be tightened at all places!
Tatiana Fialkova