ACCEPT or fight?

I now have a large correspondence with cancer patients. Frightened, sunken into a panic, grabs for everything.
And everywhere I see a trend. The man went to the doctor, he heard that he would be cut off, or has already got under millstones of medicine, and shrank in the other direction - in naturopathy.
And the patient chooses naturopathy. Cleansing, strengthening immunity, alkalization. The process is not fast, mostly soft and natural.
And now let us keep track of how energy comes in naturopathy man? Fight! Beat! Defeating the disease !!!
Well, we understand more. With whom to fight? With cancer. Who raised the cancer? You yourself and raised. You were calm and loving and joyful? No - stress, hatred, desire to bend the world for themselves.
Then, with whom we are fighting? With his own body, which lived not in human terms, somehow worked and served us until the end, as long as he had the strength.
What is disease? This discussion of our wonderful body with us, "It hurts! I find it difficult! Stop! Help! Somebody, for God's sake !!! »
And what we do in response? We begin to fight the disease. And his hatred translate into a tumor, metastasis, sore back, stiff knees ... This would be the energy, but in peaceful purposes!
Hatred brings only hatred, there is nowhere to take love and health.
What to do? It's simple - at first calm down. The disease, it is a signal that we are not there, we spend more energy than we get, do not develop, do not go to the Love.
And it does not just settle down, it is necessary to send Love to your body:
- Ask for forgiveness: "Forgive me, my body, that I brought you to this state. I sincerely ashamed. I want to cooperate with you, love you, you live happily ever after.
- I'll protect you, to feed the best and healthy eating, putting on the best clothes and useful. I learned to do for you to feast your emotions Love, Joy, Trust. I do not know how yet, but be sure to learn - I firmly promise you that, because I have no other body, you're unique. "
- Then we must thank your body. His heart is working under such conditions. His internal organs, your immune system, your hormonal system. We are alive, we see, hear, feel, react. We - this is a huge state of trillions of cells, and we want happiness and peace in this wonderful country.
- Then you have to thank my illness. "Thank you, the tumor. Thank you for the fact that I started to pay attention to their way of life, people's feelings that surround me, the - the favorite. You gave me a good restart, and that was an understatement, because I could get hit by a car, or disappear, disappearing hundreds of people every day. God always gives me a chance. Thank you so much! »
Then you just have to do it every day for a small step to health. Every day vitamins, every day live food every day positive emotions, every day thanks to the Creator for the fact that we are alive, because we are in this wonderful world.
No need to hurry. No need to fight. We must learn to be happy and grateful. Learn to feel the taste of salads and greens, the taste of juice, the joy of a pure body. Learn to separate the film (unfortunately, the usual), with joy and belonging to the miracle of every day and every moment.
Learn to stop being "oyster", able only to slam shell valves in response to any incident. Learning to live by God's high-energy, feel your Soul tuning fork highest vibration of Love and Thanks. And it's great scientists, for this we have come to this bright world. The disease does not allow us to roll this way, does not squander his divine energy is wasted. We just need to turn to joy and health. Each with its own speed. To do this, I'm with you, I have already passed this way, and I am very grateful to my body wise, because I've been given another chance to live and enjoy life.
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Sincerely, Olga Tkachev