HOW EASILY GO TO vegetarian food?
Step by step instructions
1) change the order of reception of food: liquid before eating, fruit before meals, first meal - salad, main course - either carbohydrate or protein, but only one;
2) the exclusion of all harmful products: refined and stimulants such as coffee, tea, sausage, cake, etc .;.
3) change the proportions of raw and cooked food to raw. Gradually accustom your body to the raw food. Start to drink 100-200 g of freshly vegetable and fruit juices. Vegetables first ink, and then less and less heat treated and eventually try to use raw.
Alternate: one - steamed, just -The raw material;
4) start slowly (20-50 g) include in your diet raw vegetable dishes: wheat germ, marked cereals, edible wild fruits and herbs. Kashi soaked longer than boil.
Similarly, should arrive in the rest: eat breakfast on fruits; Replace lunch of soups, bread, meat on a glass of fresh juice, raw or lightly cooked vegetables and cereals; Change Dinner of the first and second courses, tea and nuts on a salad.
According to the season you can organize a "day of strawberries", "apple a day", "day of grapes", "Day of melons", "Day of watermelons" and so on. D. If you follow this nutritional regime, gradually and imperceptibly change the taste habits.
The food, which at first seemed tasteless, even unbearable, will be pleasant and desirable.
So everything can be reduced to a simple and affordable rules.
• Eat when hungry.
• Half of the daily food intake should be fresh
raw plant foods.
• Liquids and fruit drink before eating or do have separate
• Chew food and good wetting with saliva, what you eat slowly until the food does not turn into mush.
Juices should also be moistened with saliva, so drink them small
• The first dish - a salad of vegetables in season (leaves, roots, fruit salad triad); second course it is also desirable for the season - the protein or
starchy foods.
• Prepare raw vegetarian food, as well as main dishes just before serving.
• Abandon artificial and refined products
(Sausages, cakes, biscuits, sugar and so on. D.).
Avoid all stimulants: tea, coffee, spirits, energy drinks, carbonated drinks and chemical juices.
In general, it's simple and it's only what you want to get a result.
Meat causes many diseases including cancer.
The power supply system from the standpoint of its usefulness.