Meat causes many diseases including cancer.

If you listen to the supporters of meat-eating, you might think that we are threatened with disease and death, if we do not eat meat three times a day.
In fact, with such frequent consumption of meat and we get what feared. This is - a revelation for most people who have been taught that they need to eat a lot of protein to be healthy
. In fact, the opposite is true - most people every day suffer from overeating protein, which leads to the lion's share of their ailments
. Almost all health problems, including constipation and other digestive disorders that often lead to toxemia (blood poisoning and tissues) and, ultimately, to cancer in one way or another associated with an excess of protein in the diet.
All autoimmune diseases, arthritis, premature aging, weakening of liver function, kidney failure, osteoporosis, and many other degenerative and pathogenic phenomena occur due to excess protein intake.
In general, all high-protein foods are very acid-forming, including protein-rich plant foods such as legumes. They predominate acidic minerals - chlorine, phosphorus and sulfur
. To support the homeostasis of the body to balance the acidity caused by excess protein intake.
Unfortunately, for this he takes the precious alkaline minerals - calcium - from the circulatory system
. Since the blood calcium level should be relatively constant, the body withdraws it from the bones and teeth, which leads to tooth decay and osteoporosis.
It is no accident fruits and vegetables contain some amount of protein, which is necessary to build and support the human body.
It is also no coincidence that they contain predominantly alkaline minerals: calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium.