Creamy soup with mango

Mango - 1 big piece as possible ripe;
Avocado - 2 things;
Linseed oil - 1 tablespoon;
Celery salt and a mixture of an Italian - to taste
. Jalapeños (can be replaced by garlic clove) - 1 widget;
Ginger root - 1 cm peeled;
Fresh carrot juice - 1, 5 cups variiruyte on the desired density of soup;
Fresh leaves of basil and mint -. For a handful
A first processor shred ginger root, and then add the remaining ingredients except the carrot juice. All mix thoroughly until smooth, and then will slowly pour the juice. Lay skeet and decorate each side dish. For garnish use red pepper, slices of avocado and mango, as well as herbs.