What is the "Stress" and how to use it on their own (!) To cope?

Stress - is the emotional stress, the strain on the mind that a person experiences as a result of external influences.
Every day, each person gets in stressful situations, and it is important to keep at least a relative calm for the adoption of adequate solutions, so you do not have to themselves as "bite the elbows».
Psychologists have a lot of tricks, but unfortunately (or fortunately :)))), every member of our society has the financial ability to attend these guys.
Fortunately, the tradition is light, and it is very good practice ...
First step:
Remember the place where you feel comfortable, safe and comfortable.
These memories are usually rooted among children's images. Perhaps it was a village, where people spent the best days of my childhood ...
Picking the right recollection, put your right palm on the top of his head, mentally hook image space and "drag" it to the left side of the body, behind the ear, neck, shoulder, left arm to the first phalanx (closest to hand) a little finger and struggled (possibly to the effect of the pain), hold it with your fingers of his right hand, and hold a few seconds.
Second step:
Repeat the same procedure, but with the course of action. This zone is now necessary to hold the middle phalanx of the little finger-nail.
The third step:
It does the same with the way states. Middle phalanx of the ring finger.
So you have recorded three bright image at different levels of the psyche.
To activate the internal program "Three shelters," you just have to take an armful of his right hand two fingers left-hand- pinky and ring (which worked), and hold them so for some time.
This is your "vault", "Nork", which can dive at any time and under any circumstances, even for all to see, and thus fully control the situation happens to you.
To fix the program, at first it is necessary to regularly (preferably every day during the week of 5-10 minutes) to activate the "Three-seekers».