The energy of negative emotions strike a weak spot in the body, and specific diseases are a consequence of this ... When a man overcomes illness, there is the risk of other diseases. The negative energy of the disease continues to remain inside and destructive work. For example, return to normal activities the gastrointestinal tract. And after some time suddenly appears another disease. This is a manifestation of a pathological condition stable (UPS). The term "MTP" was created by Academician N. spondylitis, I just use it as the most appropriate in this case.
The negative energy of the disease forms in the subconscious of the special energy program, which at any moment could provoke disease. He finds a weak point and will manifest itself in the form of the disease ... Illnesses will follow one after the other, and people will constantly fight with them. The reason for this is the stable disease program. UPS introduced in energy-organism and interactions initially provokes only functional disorders. But this is only a prelude. Unconscious preparedness program overcomes the boundaries of the natural disease resistance, changes the internal reference points so that the disease becomes a value, and health is perceived as a kind of an unfortunate aberration. UPS is changing not only the internal guidelines, and standards of perception.
Therefore, it is important to prevent the development of disease, ill-health neutralize energy program. Accumulated negative energy can be converted into a harmless splash, and it needs to change its charge from minus to plus.
Of course, the description of the deep unconscious processes I give approximate, it does not have many nuances and individual characteristics, inherent in every human being. But most importantly - a correction unconscious pathological disease program. Change energozaryada, achieving inner balance leaves no room for illness. Balance health and disease is that the positive and negative forces health unconscious program balance each other. A man in such a state does not have to hurt.
Active experience of negative emotions is a powerful destabilizing factors. Unfortunately, their predominance in the real life provokes a person's predisposition to disease. Therefore it is necessary to remove the existing UPS and create a perception of the world in such a system, which will face the emotional negativity as a barricade to stop the disease and on the distant approaches.
The whole system of health practices have focused on the prevalence of human positive emotional state. But to strengthen the results and to create inner balance you need to master a particular practice, to form the internal integrity of the program and fill it freed from the UPS area.
Getting rid of the UPS start by focusing on the "the string of internal tension." Feel it along the entire length - from head to crotch. Imagine that differ from her circular waves of relaxation, which relieve tension.
Upon reaching deep relaxation listen to the feelings of the "string of internal tension." It is as if plastered with dirty rough crust. This program illness. They need to be destroyed. And for this crust Break, break it. Mentally, pull the string, and the crust is parched clay, will start to fall off pieces.
After the release of a string mental hands, remove the remains of the mud of negativity. But then again, imagine circular waves - they remove the remnants of negativity from the body.
When you have finished this step, imagine the smile in his chest - as if inside the chest imaginary lips stretched in a kind and gentle smile. At first it will be the image of your imagination, but soon there will be a real sense of soft, gentle warmth in the chest. Together with circular waves mentally distribute it in all directions. Let it fill an inner space.
Mental work requires concentration and to someone may seem daunting. But try, and soon you will realize that this practice is simple and effective. It is important to want, and you can form inside insurmountable barrier to disease and trouble!
The interior space is filled with a light smile. This will provide additional strength to resist disease.
Sherstennikov NI, "Atlas of self-help."