Warm breath.

This technique combines the energy of the hands, the power of imagination and the possibility of respiratory depression. In each case, the functional disorders of the internal organs that manifest discomfort. Unless urgent action is taken, the intracellular supply of energy will soon be over, and the discomfort will increase.
Imagine that the breath is concentrated in a luminous cloud midclavicular pit in the area of the thyroid gland. A cloud exhale send energy to the solar plexus. Again inhale concentrate in the thyroid gland, and exhaling a cloud of lower energy in the solar plexus. The energy stored in the solar plexus and becomes a shining balloon. It extends from the luminous thread (beam) in the area of pain or discomfort. Ray regard to the affected part, the fabric absorbs the energy from the solar plexus. Soon discomfort gives way to mild heat. Similarly, the impact energy can affect any organ other than the heart. It is important to clearly imagine how the heat from the solar plexus surrounds the sore spot ...
Use of personal biofield increase its effectiveness. Place the palms on the sore spot. The heat from them penetrates into the skin and envelops the diseased organ. Press the palms to the body surface and warms the sore spot warm hands.
Aim the beam of energy from the solar plexus to the place you warms your hands. The heat permeates hand covers the body and penetrates the body from the outside. The energy from the solar plexus fills the body from the inside. Two energy flow reinforce each other and heat the tissue of internal organs.
Exercise is performed before the disappearance of the discomfort. With each repetition of the duration of the procedure will be reduced, as the internal structures are filled and stockpile vitality.
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