For those who want to lose weight.

Diet 1200 kcal
For those who want to lose weight
To be a good metabolism and weight loss and health was stable is a day to eat about 1,200 calories. We have compiled for you a rough menu
08:00 - oatmeal with fruit + tea or coffee
11:00 - yogurt (any berries or fruits, such as banana or strawberry)
13:00 - chicken breast (you can boil, cook on the grill or baked), vegetables (fresh, as a salad, steamed, baked), tea of your choice
16:00 - fruit and a cup of yogurt
19:00 - cottage cheese / yogurt, green tea

Over 1 month of training (without fanaticism) stretched belly can be converted to a flat stomach and flabby legs - pumped up!
Effective diet "10 days - minus 10 kg of"