12 reasons why you gain weight, but eat a little
You sleep sufficient hours, eat breakfast and generally try to eat only healthy food, but continue to gain weight? The site publishes the 12 mistakes that you should try to avoid.
1. You are not using a schedule for lunch and uzhinaVashe body - shiny car. When the body is waiting for food, he begins to expend energy in an accelerated program. After all, he knows that soon receive a new batch of fuel.
If you eat every time in a different time, and also allow yourself to work long hours without eating, your body will slow down your metabolism. He just goes into power save mode as "do not know" when to feed him the next time.
The ideal schedule of meals to support the metabolism as high as possible: every 3-4 hours. Just remember that you need to have small portions.
2. Do you drink too little vodyDlya normal functioning of cells in your body they need quite a lot of water. When your body senses a lack of water, you burn at least 2% fewer calories than they could.
If you do not like plain drinking water, replace it with green tea. Each circle accelerates metabolism of at least three hours. Coffee, by the way, does the same thing, but on the condition that you will wash down with water.
3. You avoid dairy produktovMolochnye products contain nutrients that play an important role in fat burning and muscle building.
It is, in particular, a substance called conjugated linoleic acid. This whey from casein and calcium. Calcium plays an important role in metabolism. The more it is in the fat cells, the more fat your body will burn during the day.
4. You do not pay due attention to the physical nagruzkamVash metabolism is accelerated after the workout is over. The effect lasts about 48 hours. So try to go to the gym at least three times a week.
In addition, strength training can quickly build muscle. And it is also the maintenance of the body will be spending quite a lot of energy.
5. You - sovaSolnechny light, which some people enjoy in the morning is very important for your metabolism. The fact that it adjusts and normalizes circadian rhythms.
Everything is simple: if they are violated - your metabolism slows down as the body decides that he lives in a state of constant danger.
In general, try to wake up early. And, accordingly, before going to bed.
6. You are trying to completely abandon uglevodovI making a big mistake. Refusal of carbohydrates - a very dangerous idea. Although, if only because your muscles need glycogen, and it is formed from the reserves of carbohydrates.
In addition, if you give up carbs, it will almost certainly live with chronic fatigue. Without glycogen you have no energy, not only for training but also for everyday life.
7. Sometimes you snack chips, crackers and suharikamiEsli you occasionally eat snacks such as crackers, chips or sugary yogurts and still want to lose weight, then you have to change your habits. You must not have meals with harmful trans fats and sugar, and snacks with polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Walnuts - the perfect option. If for some reason you do not like, try other kinds of nuts. Fits any vegetables.
8. You sleep at too high temperatureProverte your thermostat. Your body efficiently burns calories while you sleep only when the temperature comfortable for him. No need to sleep on the cold, but you must remember that the ideal temperature in the bedroom should be in the range of 18-19 degrees Celsius.
And remember: it is the fastest night burned so-called "brown" fat that is concentrated in the area around the belly and hips.
9. You may only use sea solMy have nothing against sea salt: it is pleasant to the taste and not as harmful as other forms of it. The bad news is that for the normal metabolism of all we need iodine. Therefore, at least occasionally buy iodized salt.
You should also lean on active iodine-containing food: seaweed, eggs, shrimp and cod liver oil.
10. You do not buy organic produktyVeschestva contained in pesticides (organohloriny) interfere with your body to effectively burn energy. Toxins slow down the metabolism.
How to protect yourself? Start by buying in season fruits and vegetables in stores and markets. And try to avoid the "greenhouse" products. Pickles banks healthier fresh cucumbers in March!
11. You do not get enough zhelezaEsli your body lacks iron, it means that your muscles are experiencing a chronic shortage of oxygen. As a result - general weakness, fatigue and completeness.
Women should pay special attention to iron intake. Eat more legumes and dark leafy greens - spinach, broccoli, Chinese cabbage.
12. You nervnichaeteNikto too many in the world can boast that they live without stress. But it is important to remember that the body is nervous person burns an average of 100 fewer calories than in the halcyon days.
In addition, stress triggers our cravings for junk food. It is therefore vitally important to give yourself time to relieve tension. Method choose the one that is more suitable for you personally. The goal - to achieve a smooth and deep breathing, which allows you to burn fat as efficiently as possible.
via lifter.com.ua/12-sposobov-zamedlit-metabolizm-ne-osoznavaya-etogo

1. You are not using a schedule for lunch and uzhinaVashe body - shiny car. When the body is waiting for food, he begins to expend energy in an accelerated program. After all, he knows that soon receive a new batch of fuel.
If you eat every time in a different time, and also allow yourself to work long hours without eating, your body will slow down your metabolism. He just goes into power save mode as "do not know" when to feed him the next time.
The ideal schedule of meals to support the metabolism as high as possible: every 3-4 hours. Just remember that you need to have small portions.
2. Do you drink too little vodyDlya normal functioning of cells in your body they need quite a lot of water. When your body senses a lack of water, you burn at least 2% fewer calories than they could.
If you do not like plain drinking water, replace it with green tea. Each circle accelerates metabolism of at least three hours. Coffee, by the way, does the same thing, but on the condition that you will wash down with water.
3. You avoid dairy produktovMolochnye products contain nutrients that play an important role in fat burning and muscle building.
It is, in particular, a substance called conjugated linoleic acid. This whey from casein and calcium. Calcium plays an important role in metabolism. The more it is in the fat cells, the more fat your body will burn during the day.
4. You do not pay due attention to the physical nagruzkamVash metabolism is accelerated after the workout is over. The effect lasts about 48 hours. So try to go to the gym at least three times a week.
In addition, strength training can quickly build muscle. And it is also the maintenance of the body will be spending quite a lot of energy.
5. You - sovaSolnechny light, which some people enjoy in the morning is very important for your metabolism. The fact that it adjusts and normalizes circadian rhythms.
Everything is simple: if they are violated - your metabolism slows down as the body decides that he lives in a state of constant danger.
In general, try to wake up early. And, accordingly, before going to bed.
6. You are trying to completely abandon uglevodovI making a big mistake. Refusal of carbohydrates - a very dangerous idea. Although, if only because your muscles need glycogen, and it is formed from the reserves of carbohydrates.
In addition, if you give up carbs, it will almost certainly live with chronic fatigue. Without glycogen you have no energy, not only for training but also for everyday life.
7. Sometimes you snack chips, crackers and suharikamiEsli you occasionally eat snacks such as crackers, chips or sugary yogurts and still want to lose weight, then you have to change your habits. You must not have meals with harmful trans fats and sugar, and snacks with polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Walnuts - the perfect option. If for some reason you do not like, try other kinds of nuts. Fits any vegetables.
8. You sleep at too high temperatureProverte your thermostat. Your body efficiently burns calories while you sleep only when the temperature comfortable for him. No need to sleep on the cold, but you must remember that the ideal temperature in the bedroom should be in the range of 18-19 degrees Celsius.
And remember: it is the fastest night burned so-called "brown" fat that is concentrated in the area around the belly and hips.
9. You may only use sea solMy have nothing against sea salt: it is pleasant to the taste and not as harmful as other forms of it. The bad news is that for the normal metabolism of all we need iodine. Therefore, at least occasionally buy iodized salt.
You should also lean on active iodine-containing food: seaweed, eggs, shrimp and cod liver oil.
10. You do not buy organic produktyVeschestva contained in pesticides (organohloriny) interfere with your body to effectively burn energy. Toxins slow down the metabolism.
How to protect yourself? Start by buying in season fruits and vegetables in stores and markets. And try to avoid the "greenhouse" products. Pickles banks healthier fresh cucumbers in March!
11. You do not get enough zhelezaEsli your body lacks iron, it means that your muscles are experiencing a chronic shortage of oxygen. As a result - general weakness, fatigue and completeness.
Women should pay special attention to iron intake. Eat more legumes and dark leafy greens - spinach, broccoli, Chinese cabbage.
12. You nervnichaeteNikto too many in the world can boast that they live without stress. But it is important to remember that the body is nervous person burns an average of 100 fewer calories than in the halcyon days.
In addition, stress triggers our cravings for junk food. It is therefore vitally important to give yourself time to relieve tension. Method choose the one that is more suitable for you personally. The goal - to achieve a smooth and deep breathing, which allows you to burn fat as efficiently as possible.
via lifter.com.ua/12-sposobov-zamedlit-metabolizm-ne-osoznavaya-etogo