If you are too busy for these five things, then you have gone astray
In 1979, a passenger liner with 257 people on board flew from New Zealand to Antarctica. The pilots did not know that someone changed the course of two degrees insignificant and thus led to the plane 28 miles south than necessary. Flying over Antarctica, they decided to let passengers enjoy the unforgettable scenery. But the wrong course led them straight to the crater of an active volcano Erebus. Clouds and snow on the mountain downed pilots confused - they thought that flying over flat ground. When the fog cleared, it was too late - the plane was flying too low and crashed on the mountain. All those on board were killed.
Error only two degrees led to the terrible tragedy.
small mistakes become big problems if not corrected. Always. The plane - an allegory for our lives. Even insignificant at first glance things can be the cause of many effects - both good and bad.
As you piloting your life? What fidbek you collect to adjust its course? How often do you check your navigation system? She has you at all? Where are you flying to? When do you plan to reach? And you do not strayed from the path? And if huddled together, how long ago? How to minimize turbulence and other factors that can take you off course?

Organize your life h3> I do not think I'm alone in how sloppy and inattentive I feel about certain aspects of his life. Life is full of troubles. It's hard to keep everything clean and tidy. Or maybe you do not want to live orderly. However, moving forward will be easier if you get rid of unnecessary baggage. All of your life - energy. If you take too much on themselves bear - physically or psychologically - you will be hard to go.
In his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey says that there are important things, but there is urgent
Nobody cares about your success more than you. And if you are not meticulous with regard to the details of your life, then you are responsible enough to have what you, as you say, you want to.
The energy of the environment h3> Your living space cluttered and in disarray or simple and neat? You store things (clothes, for example) that are no longer in use? If you have a car, the cabin you order or is another haven for dust and chaos?
Your environment is correlated with the emotions you want to feel? It has a positive effect on your emotional state and stimulates your energy?
Financial Energy h3> Do you have debts on loans is not very important, or shopping? You know how much money you spend each month? You earn as much as you want? Most people do not watch it all. And if followed, they would have been horrified by the fact at what nonsense spend more of their money.
To be honest, I'm a creative person, and all administrative and logical thing to drive me into a trance. I dodge in every way that they can not do. However, this behavior keeps me from reaching my goals.
Until then, until I dig deeper into their finances, I can not regulate their spending and become financially independent. As long as I do not take full responsibility for their finances, I'll be a slave to money. And you will.
Energy relations h3> Are your relationships most meaningful and joyful part of your life? You devote enough time relationships that really matter to you? You maintain a relationship that is no longer important?
As finances, relationships most people are not organized. However, we must pay more attention to such critical important aspect of our lives.
Health Energy h3> When you eat, you think about the consequences? You understand and control what you put in your body? The food that you eat, you good or harm? Your body reflects your wildest ideas? It is as much as you would like it to? Today, you are healthier than three months ago?
Health - is the wealth. If you sluggard, you do not care, how to organize your life. So just put aside their own health - a lot of sleep, take antidepressants and have horrible. But the little things turn into big problems. And once all go to pieces.
Spiritual energy h3> Do you have a goal in life? You've come to terms with life and death? How powerful you in creating your own future?
When you organize your spiritual life, you begin to understand what you live for. Why are you here and how you want to live your every day. What is important to you and that you are distracted.
Each person has a moral system that determines its behavior - no matter how it is correct. Most people think that the right to be kind and honest. But you can not feel the harmony between their views and values and the way you act, is not organizing its own spiritual world.
Time h3> What part of your time, you have complete control? You're wasting time on something that really does not give you pleasure? What do you do during the day brings you closer to the ideal future? Most of your time you follow your own plan or somebody's else? What kind of activity you should remove from your life? How much time a day do you spend in vain? How would your perfect day look? What can you delegate or transfer to outsourcing to free up time?
As long as you do not organize your time, it will run at a breakneck pace. I do not have time to look back, and all that night arrived. But as soon as you take control of the time, it will slow down. You will be able to live happily, spending time as you want. You will control one time, instead of all around.
1. Stop doing what you're doing, and make a plan h2> When you organize your life and consciously manage it (relationships, finances, time, and so on. D.), You get up to the position of a man who is building a future of your dreams. The fastest way to move forward in life - no more work, and to stop doing something that takes you away from the goal.
If you want to get in shape, just stop doing wrong, and instead do the right thing. Before you sit down and trainers, remove from your menu all muck which are deposited on your sides and walls of blood vessels.
Before you begin to earn more, learn to spend less. Stop and start to want more content with what you have. If you do not learn how to do it, no matter how much money you will be - they will always be missed.
This is the essence. Instead want more and more, be sure that you already have. Organize yourself. Get together. Your life - a garden.
Why do most people "hang" without moving forward? They can not organize their lives. They are trying to do more, be more productive, or try a different approach. But before the "fuss", just move order in his life.
2. Plan and invest in their future h2>
«The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time - now, "- Chinese proverb.
blockquote> In order to build your future, you need to take control of all the areas discussed above. But very few people consciously plan and build their lives. It's amazing how few Americans are investing in their future.
But you have the power to control your life, you just want to do it. From this solution begins material behavior - this is when you terminate the destructive relationship, saying "no" unimportant activity and just stop wasting time. Solve need right now.
"If you can not plan, you plan on not being able to", - said Franklin.
Your vision should be based on the question "why", and to a lesser extent the "what". Your "why" - the reason your "what" - a manifesto. And this 'what' can be millions of different variations. For example, my "why" is the desire to help people curb their lives and learn how to live it the way they want. My "that" may be blogerstvom, fatherhood, meeting over dinner and anything else.
Too many people believe that the creation of a vision - it is understanding what they want to turn 20 years old. The problem is that such far-reaching plans in reality slow down your potential.
Instead of a plan that he wants to do, Tim Ferris 3-6 months has been that the emu like at the moment - for the sake of the experiment. And he has no idea how it would end. He does not build far-reaching plans. He just comes in every open door to get acquainted with all the possibilities and do not miss the best. But his 'why' is not changed.
Invest in your future h3> When you give up a minute of pleasure for the sake of the future, you are investing in your future. Most often, people do not succeed. Most people do not invest in your health, time, relationships and finances intentionally. But when you invest in yourself and your future, you have to renew it and make more complete and happy.
Thus, your life will become better and more like the ideal picture in your head.
3. Important measured values of h2>
«When progress is measured, progress is improving. When progress is measured and analyzed, the level of improvement is growing, "- Thomas Monton.
blockquote> The organization and investing in the future are useless if you do not make measurements. You must clearly understand what is happening in the most important aspects of your life.
Measure difficult. If you've tried to do it, you most likely have thrown in a few days. But studies show that when the behavior is measured and assessed, the result is improved several times.
If you do not measure the key aspects of your life, you probably have lost our way stronger than you think. If you were honest with yourself, you would be horrified at how everything in your life is rapidly getting out of control. As he wrote the author of "Peter Pan" J. M. Barry, "a person's life - it is a diary in which he would like to write a story, and wrote another. And the most modest hour, he compares what he wanted to get to what happened ».
The good news is that when you organize, make a plan and measure their achievements, everything changes for the better very quickly. Personally, I measure such aspects:
my income / expenses, the number of new subscribers per month, every minute of his life (a simple scheduler), best important relationships in my life, daily progress of key objectives, weight, muscle mass and percentage of body fat body every month.
4. Pray or meditate to eliminate noise h2>
«I have so many things today that I have to spend three hours of prayer, to do everything," - Martin Luther.
blockquote> Today is a very great emphasis on trouble. Trouble, trouble, trouble. But all these efforts, if they are in the wrong direction, you can not save. As Thomas Merton said, "people can whole life climbing the mountain of success, so that scrambled to finally see that it was not the mountain».
This happens too often. We understand that other people chasing targets forgetting about their own. Prayer and meditation help relieve your mind of unnecessary noise and make it clear what you are doing and why. These rituals reveal your mind as you could never reveal it, being busy.
For example, recently, I spent the whole morning in prayer, meditation, under the inspiring music. At the same time he wrote his journal. A few hours later I came up quite a terrific idea. And I realized something very important about their relationship, and once this realization came to me, I have written several important messages for me people. The result was an amazing collaboration and mentoring.
When you pray or meditate with you amazing things happen. If you do not believe in miracles, call it luck. And the more time you spend for such pursuits, the more luck comes to you. Things happen that you do not control, but they bring you benefit.
If you are skeptical about such ideas, just give them a chance. Otherwise, why the majority of successful people have such rituals? There is something beyond our comprehension, and if it is curbed, it will help you to uncover more opportunities. Edintvennoe that keeps you from it - is in your head.
5. Move to the goal every day h2> How many days pass, the code you are not doing anything to achieve their goals? Probably a lot. Life is full of troubles.
If you do not pay your goal at least a few minutes a day, then your time just disappears. Before you know it, and you have an old unfulfilled in life a person who can not understand how life could go so fast.
In the words of Harold Hill, "Continue to save" tomorrow, "and one day you will not have anything but useless" Yesterday "».
But once you organize your life, you begin to plan, measure and periodically meditate your actions toward the goal will be automatic. It is best to discuss all these points in the morning, because if you put them in the evening, it did not follow. In the evening you will be completely exhausted and do anything to postpone the life of tomorrow.
First, the worst - with him and begin. Let this be your mantra. Do what you need. And then do it again tomorrow.
If you do at least one step in the direction of your goals, then one will see that these goals were not so far away.
Conclusion h3> It's easy to lose your way of life. We, as the aircraft must constantly adjust course. But rest assured: to get to the destination can only be organizing their lives by planning ahead, measuring progress by controlling consciousness and bustling.
Do all this and you will be shocked at the result. Full speed ahead!
Author Benjamin Hardy, strategist, lifestyle coach; Russian version of Maya Spring; edition AIN.ua
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