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Exercise with a raisin — STOP, YOU're hungry!

To implement the principle of the Hamster, one of courage is not enough, although you need it. It is important to analyze what kind of food do you like is you have an appetite and is forbidden.

In contrast to popular belief, it is amazing how little food can be kept in the house of a compulsive eater. Available food only appears in moments of overeating — and then disappears.

Usually in the fridge compulsive eater is a carton of milk, lays some eggs, misses podvyadshie cucumber.

Another, also very common, when purchased and stored food intended for the other members of the family, the needs of the compulsive consumer is simply not counted — after all, his task is as small as possible, but it is best not to eat! That is in the fridge, steak for husband", "children" chicken biscuits for Breakfast for the whole family, candy "for guests" — for everyone but me.

The implementation of the Principle of a Hamster is to start to consider their nutritional needs, desires, allow yourself to want. Have compulsive consumer food causes such profound anxiety that it finds thousands of important reasons not to have it in the house. For example, the classic explanation — I only eat fresh, I'm afraid that the food has lain for a few hours/days in the fridge will spoil. It makes me use my body like a trash can, that is, to eat up, so spoiled, it also allows me to have at least food in the house.

The task of normalizing relations with food partially is to create for himself "a nutrient medium", and this choice of food must be extensive, and many of its names needs to treat the food that you consider delicious.

A common mistake a compulsive eater is to try "there are rules", that is to adhere a certain nutrition plan.

The most ultimate model of the nutrition plan I've met in the Dutch families, which often do not like to wrestle with the question of what we eat today. Therefore, the family is plan — Wednesday pasta, Thursday is steak Friday — chicken. The plan is repeated from week to week. In this case, you never respond to the call of your body to feed him a certain food, you eat what is written in the table, something from your "useful" basket, which is designed to protect you from food breakdown. In the end, you fill stomach, but continue to feel unsatisfied.

This dissatisfaction leads to the fact that sooner or later you embark on the search for "tasty" — that will calm unhappy grumpy monster inside. Dissatisfaction reaches so high level that there is food breakdown. By the way, we forgot in the house, nothing is tasty for you. In the course are "candy for guests", "baby biscuits", what you are, in the end, again don't want. And thus provoke the following breakdown.

So, to be able to determine the point of saturation, it is important to eat when hungry and eat exactly what you want.

Still, for many compulsive eaters, the definition of the point of saturation continues to be the most difficult part. What techniques can help?


The rate at which we consume food is directly dependent on our physical and mental state.

If you are too hungryand late to the moment when the intensity of hunger is more average, you'll eat quickly. In the end, you miss the point of saturation.

If you are in a hurry and accustomed to hurryif you grew up in a situation where you customized the parents, not listening to your individual life rhythm ("Well hurry up! What are you doing!"), then you start to eat quickly, not realizing in this report.

If you are an experienced, Binger or compulsive eater, who repeatedly in front of his family started and was losing the fight against excess weight, then perhaps you ashamed to eat what you want, in the presence of loved ones. In this case you eat secretly, alone, and very quickly.

If you are a busy, business-oriented career (disturbing, very responsible, etc.) a person who strongly prefers the other areas than the lowland area of your own body, you will eat slowly, probably reading, computer. work.

If you do not feel the importance and value yourself, your body, as a phenomenon, you will eat carelessly and hastily.

Most compulsive eaters still lightning fast eaters. The recommendation "eat slowly" everyone has heard a thousand times, but what really does it mean?

In fact, it means to take the trouble to be present, mentally and physically, in the present moment. Then the "here and now", acquired such fame, is realized every day when we sit at the dining table. If between me and food are obstacles — guilt, the clock, parental morals — I'll do anything to not attend, I will slip away.

Only fully present in the present moment, you can tell when I'm sated.

Teaching presence in the present, to recognize ourselves in now devoted to a relatively young area of modern psychotherapy — Mindfullnes, one of the basic exercises which we now do.

Exercise raising

We all know the expression "there like seeds." Should start eating something small — seeds, nuts, popcorn, how, fascinated, lose contact with reality, which is the process of eating, I carry thoughts in the area that I am really interested in or concerned about, enthusiastically reading or watching a movie. I'm not here. Strange as it may sound, the situation with eating sunflower seeds is a typical situation when I'm not-here and not-now, and "there" and "then".

This exercise must be done very slowly, so choose a time when you are really ready to devote a bit of time. As the raisins you can use a small piece of candy, slice of chocolate, any product that you tend to eat, like seeds".

1. Put in the palm of one raisin, nut, seed or grain, popcorn. Consider it as it should. Note the color of the surface, wrinkles or cracks on it.

2. Add another raisin. Compare them. How are they similar and different?

3. Roll a raisin between the thumb and index finger. What do you feel? Softness? Hardness? Roughness? The stickiness?

4. Put one raisin in your mouth, but do not start to chew. Roll it on the tongue. How do you feel today? What is its texture in your mouth?

5. Now start to chew. Note the change in texture, taste. Slowly lived through and swallow the raisin, feel it sinking down into period.

6. Repeat this with the second raisin. What are your feelings different?

How has been your experience with raising is very different from how you usually eat?

Our clients in the clinic receive special training in Mindfullness Eating. In this training exercise with a raisin and a number of other exercises you should perform daily as a routine, at least for three weeks. As a result, developing the skill of awareness that help us in the process of absorption of food to be in contact with your own body and the slightest signals of the saturation — here's a delicious, favorite food didn't seem so tasty, we begin to mechanically chew... and now stomach says " I'm ready to stop, but the plate is still full, and all around are still eating.

Starting to practice mindful eating, you will be surprised how small volumes of food we are actually able to get enough.

Here are a few practical recommendations on the determination of the saturation moment.

1. Imagine the result. Before you begin eating, try to estimate how much food you need to feed. It does not matter how much is on your plate, or how much is left in the box or package is all that is important as you need your body to reach the level of "half-fed". Don't be afraid to rate wrong, it's okay if later you need more or less food.

2. The importance of pauses. For each meal periodically postpone a knife and fork or spoon, and listen to yourself. At what stage of starvation is now your body? Try to imagine how many more mouthfuls, pieces or slices you need to reach the desired stage of saturation?

3. Don't be afraid to eat too little. One of the vicious circles which includes compulsive eaters, is that in itself the feeling of hunger is deeply worrying, as is the signal power that the body has over us. If hunger is interpreted by us as a positive sign ("Hurrah! I'm hungry so I can eat!"), this problem is solved.

It does not matter if you eat enough. Thus, you probably get hungry soon and can eat again.

Each new experience of eating will give you a new, important experience that improves your contact with the body and relationship with food.

4. Don't forget about Search Similarity (Yes, as in homeopathy). Is exactly what you want, is to ask yourself pared the beginning of the meal, what food will satisfy now, and will saturate your body best?

A lot depends on what the individual characteristics of your perception in General. You tend to think in pictures? It is easier to try to imagine how it looks right dish.

If visual perception is not your strongest side, try to imagine the texture and taste that you are now required. Salty or sweet? Spicy or fresh? Crispy or soft? Hot or cold? The combination of these factors and lead you on the right course. Cold, soft, sweet yoghurt, ice cream. Hot, soft, sweet mush. Supple, spicy, hot — maybe steak? Allow yourself to play with different flavors, don't forget to realize what it, what you now eat.

5. In that moment, when you are already filled, you will be influenced by various factors that prevent you to stay:

  • You need to finish it.
  • The others continue to eat.
  • The food looks so good and appetizing.

Very helpful at this point to imagine yourself in the latest stage of saturation on the Scale of Hunger: full, bloated, hardly translating breath. You want? I also do not. Maybe time to stop?

Here I would like to mention another important issue. I keenly realized it when after a break of 8 weeks (as is a training in Mindfullness) to my advice came from Anna, the one who decided to have children through adoption or through artificial insemination.

I was amazed when he saw it — there is no better argument for the effectiveness of your own work than to take a break and not to see the client a couple of months. Came to me quite a different woman — so sexy and beautiful, slender, younger-looking. Losing weight, Anne cut her hair and started to use makeup. Her usually pale face of a typical natural blonde adorned a blush, his eyes seemed bright.

And if you think the secret is that she dramatically lost weight, you are mistaken. Anna lost only 18 pounds. Just. In "our" numbers regarding weight, usually in excess of a hundredweight, it is not so much. But enough that the figure looks proportional, toned, and most importantly — Anna was starting to enjoy myself, and this is immediately reflected in how she looks and feels.

Triumph? No. Anna was very, very sad. I don't remember her crying. Never. Now, barely sitting on the chair, she cried, clumsily wiping away tears with a napkin. She cried from confusion, fear, anxiety. Until she was full, her life was completely under control, she ran, taxied to her. Losing weight and revising priorities in life, she went to a gynecologist, who suddenly told her that she... can get pregnant by herself, "and begin procedures on Monday.

Anna was shocked. My unwavering Anna confused. She was no longer her protective layer that saves from such shocks. She began to feel real feelings. Sadness, fear, panic of farewell to the familiar, already established way of life. A lot of questions — how will it be if we appears the child, because so much will change, and we do it ourselves? She cried for almost an hour, and then said:

"You know, this is what I needed. To know that this is normal. That life is sometimes unpredictable. I'm not used to live, I could always hide it in food. And now... now I feel everything! Thank you, I'll be fine."

And left.

Finding that food no longer needed as a regulator of mood and well-being, many people are experiencing real grief, fear or panic. Opening that saturation quite a bit, a lot less than they used to consume on a daily basis, many people feel that losing my best friend. So to put this into practice can be difficult.published

Author: Svetlana Ilyina


P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©

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Source: svetlyachok.livejournal.com/595987.html