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14 reasons due to which you constantly feel tired

In permanent fatigue has its reasons, and can be borotsya

Lack of sleep - this is not the only thing that saps your strength. Some minor things that you do (or do not) can also exhaust you both physically and mentally. Experts have identified some bad habits that cause chronic fatigue. They also found a few simple tricks you back vivacity.

1. You miss a workout when ustali

If you miss a workout for energy savings, it actually works against you. That is the conclusion reached by researchers from the University of Georgia, after watching a group of adults, primarily engaged in sedentary work. These people have experienced chronic fatigue, but despite this, started to train every other day for 20 minutes each week. After six weeks of training, the subjects reported that their state of health has improved significantly, and fatigue receded. Regular exercise increases endurance, make the cardiovascular system work more efficiently and deliver to the tissues of the body more oxygen and nutrients. So the next time you have a desire to lie down on the sofa tired, go for a walk. You will not regret it.

2. You do not drink enough water

Even slight dehydration, only 2% of normal, seriously affects the ability of the body, says dietitian Amy Goodson. Dehydration results in a reduction of volume of blood, resulting in blood becomes thicker. Such blood the heart pumps is not as effective as the speed thick blood is greatly reduced. And the time it takes oxygen and nutrients to reach the muscles and organs, increases significantly.

3. You consume little zheleza

Deficiency of iron in the body can cause you to feel fatigue, irritability, weakness. Focus on something, too, it will not be easy. "Fatigue occurs because the oxygen content is reduced in cells of the body," - said Goodson. It should increase the intake of iron in order to reduce the risk of anemia: eat more lean beef, beans, eat the eggs (yolks with), eat nuts, peanut butter, dark green leafy vegetables. All of this is best to combine with products with a high content of vitamin C (because vitamin C contributes to the rapid absorption of iron). However, it should be remembered that iron deficiency may be associated with serious diseases. So if the symptoms of this deficiency occur regularly, you should see a doctor.

4. You - perfektsionist

The constant pursuit of excellence (to achieve that, as we know, impossible) makes you work much longer and much more tension than necessary, says Irene S. Levine, a professor of psychiatry at New York University. "You put yourself unrealistic goals, the achievement of these goals either incredibly difficult or impossible. As a result, you never feel a sense of satisfaction. " In such situations, it is recommended to establish themselves and their projects a time limit, and carefully observe it. Over time you will realize that spent more time on the job is not always leads to perfection.

5. You make of flies slona

If you suspect that you are going to fire every time the chief suddenly causing you to yourself, or you are too afraid to ride a bike, because you think that you are sure to suffer - it means that you are in any situation always expect the worst case scenario .

This constant worry can paralyze you, and eventually lead to a complete burnout, says Levin. When you catch yourself at such disturbing thoughts, take a deep breath, and then ask yourself how likely it is that the worst actually happens. Fresh air, meditation, exercise, or just talk about your worries with a friend can help to cope with such a way of thinking and begin to look at things more soberly.

6. You miss zavtrak

The food that you eat - is the fuel for your body, and when you sleep, your body continues to use what you ate for dinner. So when you wake up in the morning, you again "refuel" breakfast. Skip breakfast and you'll feel sluggish. "Breakfast - it is something like a plug for your body, it is breakfast spurs your metabolism," - said Goodson.

Recommended breakfast that includes whole grains, lean meats and healthy fats. A good example of this is the breakfast of oatmeal with protein powder and peanut butter, fruit cocktail, low-fat milk and almond oil. Or a couple of fried eggs with toast of whole grains and low-fat Greek yogurt.

7. Do you eat junk pischu

Many foods overloaded with sugar and simple carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index, which measures how quickly the carbohydrates can increase blood sugar. Standing jumps in blood sugar followed by sharp downturns can cause fatigue, Goodson says. To avoid this, a good choice might be chicken (baked, not fried) and brown rice, sweet potatoes and salmon, or chicken salad and fruit.

8. You can not say "no"

People who want to please everyone, often operate at the expense of their own happiness and your own energy. Worse, it could eventually make them resentful and angry at the whole world. So if your baby suddenly the coach asked you to bake cookies for an entire football team, no need to rush to tell him 'yes ».

It should accustom ourselves to speak out loud "no," says Susan Albers, a licensed psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic. "At first, work out in the car to say it," - she says. "This training will enable to get used to the sound of this word spoken aloud. And it will be easier to say, when there is a real need for this ».

9. You have a mess in ofise

Cluttered desk psychologically exhausting you, limiting the ability to concentrate, and limiting the ability of your brain to process information. That is the conclusion reached by researchers at Princeton University. "At the end of the day, make sure your work and personal belongings are properly organized or removed. This will help create a positive attitude to work the next morning ».

10. You are working without otpuskov

If you check your email at a time when the need to relax by the pool, as a result, you can fully "burnout", experts say. Disconnecting from work and now allows you to relax the mind and rejuvenate the body, then you can go back to work. "If you take breaks periodically, you will be more creative, productive and effective when the new will take over the work».

11. Do you drink a glass of wine (or two) before going to bed

A glass of wine at night sounds like a good way to relax before going to sleep, but this habit can be very unpleasant consequences. First, alcohol depresses the central nervous system, causing sedation, says Allen Toufay, MD, of New York. "But in the end the alcohol leads to sleep disturbance, as it greatly affects the metabolism, which could lead to a sharp increase in the level of adrenaline. That's why you sometimes wake up in the middle of the night after a drink, "- he says. The doctor recommends Toufay stop taking alcohol for three to four hours before bedtime.

12. Do you check email before snom

Glare screen of your smartphone or computer monitor light can disrupt the body's natural circadian rhythm, suppressing the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles, says Dr. Toufay. Sensitivity to light from various high-tech gadgets can vary from individual to individual, but in general it will be very good if you refrain from the use of these devices for two hours before bedtime. You can not refrain from checking mail before going to bed? In this case, keep the device as far as possible from the person to reduce the risk of interference with sleep cycles.

13. Do you rely too much on caffeine during dnya

Start the morning with a cup of coffee, in fact, is not such a bad idea. Not going to happen is nothing wrong if drinking an average of three cups of coffee a day. But the excess of this amount can trigger a violation of the sleep cycle, says Dr. Toufay. Caffeine blocks adenosine, a by-product of cellular activity, which is the accumulation of causes drowsiness. In one recent study demonstrated that caffeine intake even six hours before bedtime has a big effect on sleep. So you need to stop drinking coffee in the afternoon.

14. You go to bed late at vyhodnym

If you go late on Saturday, and then how to sleep on Sunday, it will be very difficult to sleep on Sunday night and Monday morning to sleep, says Dr. Toufay. Since this condition is not normal, you should not go to bed on Saturdays too late. If Monday still feel tired, you should find an opportunity to take a nap for 20 minutes. "A 20-minute nap allows the body to relax, without going into the deeper stages of sleep, after which you can wake up even more tired," - says the doctor.

via factroom.ru