My husband decided to check his wife wrote her a farewell note
One man suddenly felt that his estranged wife and stopped loving him. He wanted to know how she would react if he would leave her.
He decided to write a letter to his wife, saying that he was tired of her and no longer wants to live together. My husband knew it was a few children act, but he had to know what it feels for his wife.
Write a letter, he put it on the bedside table, and then hid under the bed, waiting for the arrival of his wife. He hoped to hear her upset, she starts to cry, to call friends ...
When his wife finally came home, she saw the letter and read it.
After a few minutes of silence, she picked up a pen and began to attribute something to the letter. Then she dressed, whistling a merry tune, singing and dancing in place. It was rather happy, rather than upset and depressed.
My husband was shocked. But it gets worse.
My wife picked up the phone and dialed. My husband listened, as a wife to someone on the phone:
- Hi dear. I have met and I leave to you. With regard to this fool, I finally brought him, and he was gone. And I could only marry him? It is a pity that we have not met before. See you, honey!
She hung up and went out and the room.
After a while, my husband heard the opened and closed the front door - Frustrated wife is gone ... and with tears in his eyes, he crawled out from under the bed and began to read that his wife attributed the letter.
Through tears, he read: "I can see your feet sticking out from under the bed. I'm in the store for bread ».
He decided to write a letter to his wife, saying that he was tired of her and no longer wants to live together. My husband knew it was a few children act, but he had to know what it feels for his wife.
Write a letter, he put it on the bedside table, and then hid under the bed, waiting for the arrival of his wife. He hoped to hear her upset, she starts to cry, to call friends ...

When his wife finally came home, she saw the letter and read it.
After a few minutes of silence, she picked up a pen and began to attribute something to the letter. Then she dressed, whistling a merry tune, singing and dancing in place. It was rather happy, rather than upset and depressed.
My husband was shocked. But it gets worse.
My wife picked up the phone and dialed. My husband listened, as a wife to someone on the phone:
- Hi dear. I have met and I leave to you. With regard to this fool, I finally brought him, and he was gone. And I could only marry him? It is a pity that we have not met before. See you, honey!

She hung up and went out and the room.
After a while, my husband heard the opened and closed the front door - Frustrated wife is gone ... and with tears in his eyes, he crawled out from under the bed and began to read that his wife attributed the letter.
Through tears, he read: "I can see your feet sticking out from under the bed. I'm in the store for bread ».