Rating the worst husbands of the world
Rating the worst husbands of the world
1. Alexander Blok
Who: the great poet - symbolist
As it turned out in the list: gone too far in wanting to separate flies from cutlets, and sex from love
"I'm scared to meet with you. You do not meet the terrible "- wrote one block and foreboding had not deceived him. At least in regard to the first sentence of this verse. Despite the fact that the unit Lyubochka Mendeleeva married for love, the husband of the poet turned out, to put it mildly, strange. He seems permanently stuck in adolescence, when one girl boy adores, and on the other, more accessible - not averse to sex. Block flatly refused to fulfill his conjugal duty. For a year (!) After the wedding, Alexander did not touch his wife, prostitute content. Then Lyuba still managed to seduce her husband, but he still chose to "spiritual closeness" to ... do not give up on his wife and did not stop loving her. Erotic tension poet rented to someone else, but not with Anyone, and not even think to hide this fact from his wife.
"I went into the dark temple,
Poor commits ritual.
There I was waiting for the Beautiful Lady
In the blink of red lamps ».
Poor Lyuba! Suffice it to read it because it was the quatrain to understand that in this temple (and later in the Soviet Union), no sex!
2. Albert Einstein
Who: The author of the theory of relativity
As it turned out in the list: constantly confused God's gift to the eggs, and the wife of a servant
The great physicist was not too lazy to compose a manifesto that regulate his relationship with his first wife. That is to say, taking time between classes in science and an affair on the side. Albert wanted to somehow establish a rapidly deteriorating relationship with his wife, so as not to affect children. But ... everything turned out as always.
Judge for yourself: in the eleventh year of marriage the wife Mileva Maric Einstein received from her husband a list of demands.
She had to see to it that his clothes and underwear were always in order to supply the Alberta three times a day with food.
She had the duty not to humiliate him in front of the children - words or behavior - but all the flowers, if you look - nothing extraordinary in these areas do not. And then berries - Einstein veto conjugal duty. Mileva did not have to wait for her husband intimacy and / or to reproach him for the fact that they do not have sex.
She had to accept the fact that now her husband did not have to sit with her at home or traveling, and to give up illusions about who's boss. This is evidenced by the following two requirements: "You need to shut up if I ask you about it" and "You have to leave the bedroom or study immediately and without objection, if I tell you about it."
Is it any wonder that the marriage soon fell apart?
3. Ivan Bunin
Who: the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1933
As it turned out in the list: after twenty years of marriage, his wife decided to put "an obtuse angle in a love triangle»
The writer and his wife Vera Nikolayevna emigrated to France, fearing anarchy reigned in Russia after the October Revolution. But this did not prevent him to arrange a cozy little chaos at home. Last Love Bunin - Galina Kuznetsova - so gone to his head (re-read "Light breath" - it seems that Ivan Alekseevich really liked type "woman - a teenager"), he literally a year after the beginning of the novel, tired of secret meetings in a rented apartment in Paris, he settled in Grasse Galina ... at home, at the Villa "Belvedere».
My wife pretended not to notice the novel, which in emigre circles loudly discussed all. And then, it seems, it triggered one of the protective psychological mechanisms (as well that worked - otherwise Vera would lose and reason): the poor woman managed to convince herself that her husband loves Galya as a daughter, she replaces Ivan only son from his first marriage - Kolenka, died at the age of five from scarlet fever. And if so, then it must also love her.
Over time, the situation will change - the wife will be young lover, and it turns out that women prefer Galina - but that's another story ...
4. Ivan the Terrible
Who: The Emperor of All Russia
As it turned out in the list: was very harsh with their wives, when provoked, acting on the principle of "No man - no problem»
So far not determined how much time was married autocrat. According to the most common version, pious Ivan, there were seven (contrary to church canons, according to which it was only possible to get married twice). Lute was the king, and threatened not only when taking Kazan. It is strange that in Russia there is not a sign: 'If you want to commit suicide, to marry the lord. " Most queens life resembles a children's rhyme, made popular by Agatha Christie "Ten Little Indians went to dine, one choked on their remaining nine" and so on. D.
The first (most favorite) wife - Anastasia noblewoman Zakharyin rumored to be poisoned. The second - the daughter of the Circassian prince, characterized violent temper and a penchant for adultery, conspired with her lover to inflict the coup - Mary Temrjukovna imprisoned in the Kremlin under the supervision of the guardsmen, though she died of tuberculosis. The third time the king married Martha boyaryshne Aloetic, she lived not long after the wedding - two weeks in the house Saburovs entree was the brother of the late Queen Mary, who treated someone else's bride poisonous candied fruit (ostensibly the king's table). A year later, the emperor decided to marry again ...!
And he commanded him to marry Maria Koltovskaya. The fourth wife of Ivan IV, the lord in turn henpecked, disliked the boyars - slandered before the king. The rest of his days (quite a long way, more than 50 years), Anna spent in prison in the convent. Meanwhile, the king had his eye on Maria Dolgoruky. The first night it became clear that Mary is not only liked Ivan - and kept her maiden honor before the wedding. For his sin she paid a terrible price: it was drowned in the icy river (it was in November 1573rd).
Then there was the 17-year-old Anna, who died three months after the wedding of breast disease. Vasilisa Melentyeva - Terrible penultimate wife buried alive (there was nothing to change). Only Mary Naga - last wife Ivana - lucky she survived her husband!
5. Carl Jung
Who: the founder of analytical psychology
As it turned out in the list, not only strongly recommended to its clients polygamy as a panacea for all ills, but he did not avoid actively use this method
Great student of Freud was married only once, and he lived with his lawful wife for more than fifty years. Emma Rauschenbach gave her husband four daughters and a son. But was she happy? Life is a great psychologist was like a fairy tale - more and more terrible. Jung, as they say, used his official position and combined business with pleasure by engaging in intimate relations with a client who came to him for analysis. And Sabina Spielrein (her role in the film "A Dangerous Method" has got Kira Knightley) was not the only patient with which Karl approached.
Also Sabina, who captivated by the way, and Freud, too, there is still at least Fraulein Anthony Wolfe. According to Jung, "a great smart, a great sense of religion and philosophy" and Carl Gustaf of course.
That's it, he worked on the writings of the collective unconscious ... and learned the "mystical" value of sexuality - to realize this idea with his wife, who bore him five children, Jung somehow never occurred.
6. Lev Landau
Who physicist - theorist and Nobel laureate
As it turned out in the list: I do not know what they do
"The shop peddling" - so called Landau ... marriage. The great physicist believed that marriage and love are incompatible. He urged his beloved bark as not to spoil their high ratio wedding. The scientist was desperately afraid of losing what is most valued in the world - liberty, but ... still married.
However, before it made the bride swear that she will not be jealous of other women: "While all my talk about mistresses are unfortunately only theoretical ... Jealousy in our marriage excluded lover I definitely will! I want to live a bright, beautiful, interesting. "
The physicist chose a very appropriate, from his point of view, the moment to confirm his right to a mistress. When Cora was pregnant, Leo said: "The crust, I've come to a very nice news! Tonight I'll be back not alone. To me will be given to the girl! I told her that you are in the country. Sit quietly, like a mouse in a hole, or go away. Meet you should not. This may scare off her! ". Of course, we can understand the bark that has not suffered, and still came out of the closet, but Landau did not understand why his wife did ...
7. Amedeo Modigliani
Who: Artist - expressionist
As it turned out in the list: one of the versions proposed to his civil wife to share his ... death
While Amadeo cocaine and marijuana, it only destroyed itself. Yes, destructive, but he, like all of us, had a full and unconditional right to do with their lives whatever he wants. And let almost all the Artist's Model Modigliani after some time became not just a nudes - with creative people and it happens. It affects not the number of women with whom he entered into an intimate relationship, and swollen to unprecedented dimensions egotism of the artist. Jeanne Hebuterne was held with him through fire and water, except that the copper pipes in the story was not (Modigliani became famous only after his death). She quarreled with her parents, who did not approve of her choice (and who would have approved, Amedeo liked to drink, fight, not shied away from drugs, not of high moral character and calm character) bore Amedeo daughter virtually stopped writing itself, but was a talented artist, because that she had no choice but to work any time or energy.
What got in return?
Before his death, the artist proposed to Jeanne to die. Do you know for what? So he could be with his favorite model in paradise (Jeanne Modigliani painted at least 25 times) and with it, enjoy eternal bliss. The saddest thing is that the 22-year-old Jeanne, who wore a heart second baby, could not help but to fulfill the last will of Amedeo, she buried a loved one, and the next day took a step down from the sixth floor.
8. Vyacheslav Molotov
Who: politician
As it turned out in the list: allowed to arrest his wife, did not even attempt to argue
Molotov's wife - Pauline Pearl - incredibly annoying Comrade Stalin at least two reasons. Firstly, she was friends with Nadezhda Alliluyeva, and the leader of all peoples believed that it was she a bad influence on his wife, and, most likely, accused her in his wife's death (after another quarrel with her husband hope to walk around with Pauline at night Kremlin , complained that so can not go on, planned to divorce, and then shot herself that night).
Secondly, it was just "too much" - too strong-willed, too ambitious, too smart ... If saying that a man - the head, and the woman - neck, did not exist, it should have been invented specifically for Pauline. She spit her husband, as she wanted, and have time to do an independent career. Stalin repeatedly urged Vyacheslav Mikhailovich ... divorce! Molotov, his recommendations are not heeded, and then the persecution began. Pearl was taken out of alternate members, then charged with treason and arrested.
Vyacheslav did not even protest, despite the fact that his wife loved. "I - a member of the Politburo, and I had to obey party discipline ... I obeyed the Politburo, which decided that my wife should be eliminated," - he explained his behavior. "I had the great fortune - Molotov later said - that she was my wife. And beautiful, and smart, and most importantly - a real Bolshevik, real Soviet people. For her, life was awkward because she was my wife. She suffered through difficult times, but understood and not only scolded Stalin, and would not listen when his curse ».
9. Leo Tolstoy
Who: the great writer
As it turned out in the list: a wife forced to live their lives not
When they married, Leo was 34, and Sophia - 18. "I am afraid of myself. What if this desire and love, not love. I try to look only at her weaknesses, and yet it is "- Tolstoy wrote in his diary. Perhaps it is this lack of confidence in the feelings of the unconscious was the reason because of which the graph and then arranged his bride psychological test. It seems that he wanted to pass on to her fragile maiden shoulders the responsibility for what is happening.
What can we think about the groom, who on the eve of the wedding offer betrothed to share secrets and void sumnyashesya, tell her about his mistress - a married peasant woman Aksinya? Recognize the next 19 years, the couple Tolstoy was happy together, but ... all that time missed in the village Sophia, she will not go out of Yasnaya Polyana. Her life has not become balls, theaters, clothes, leaving only the endless chores around the house. "At any given moment I disquiet: students and hurting children, hygienic and, above all, the spiritual condition of her husband, great kids with their affairs, debts, children and service, sales and plans Samara name ... edition of the new and 13 part to the banned" Kreutzer Sonata "application sharing with ovsyannikovskim priest, proofreading Volume 13, Misha nightgowns, linens and shoes Andryusha; neither past due payments on the house, insurance, duties on behalf of, the passport of people, to score, to rewrite and so on. and so on. - And all this must necessarily directly touch me "- wrote Sophia.
Appreciate it if the victim Levushka? Of course not. Whenever his wife was pregnant and did not have time to come to himself after the next delivery, he "fell sensual temptation" and cheated on her with another maid or cook. It is not difficult to imagine the scale of a family catastrophe, if we remember that Sophia gave birth to Leo 13 (!) Children.
Later adultery added search for the meaning of life - and it is here that Sonyushka learned how much a pound is dashing. Good to her husband, it limited the distribution of valuable suggestions, such as "The younger children learn only what you need for living in the village, no foreign languages!", But he was trying to explain to his wife that he feels guilty before humanity was going to give up the property, then by all copyright to their works, leaving the family destitute. Then Sophia is accused and the fact that her husband and gone, and that he died ...
10. Henry VIII
Who: King of England
As it turned out in the list: the wives treated as consumables, consistently getting rid of annoying
Remember all the wives of the British monarch, who tied the knot six times, except that you can with the help of mnemonics, at least, of English schoolchildren are taught that way, "divorced - executed - dead - divorced - executed - has survived." It seems that the second representative of the Tudor dynasty quickly loses interest in what is received (no matter how much effort has gone into achieving this goal).
In order to marry Anne Boleyn, who flatly refused to become his mistress, the king, drawn into a complicated and painfully long (divorce with his first wife Catherine of Aragon lasted about seven years), in tatters he quarreled with the Vatican and went to the Department of English the Church of Rome. But just three years later Henry VIII blamed his wife, who bore him a daughter (and he wanted an heir to the throne, the daughter of one he already had!), Of treason and sent to the scaffold.
Then the king was kindled passion for Jane Seymour, maid of honor Boleyn, married her a week after the execution of Anne. Jane died in childbirth. When the king asked who to save - the mother or the child, he said, "Save the child. Women I can get as much as anything. "

1. Alexander Blok
Who: the great poet - symbolist
As it turned out in the list: gone too far in wanting to separate flies from cutlets, and sex from love
"I'm scared to meet with you. You do not meet the terrible "- wrote one block and foreboding had not deceived him. At least in regard to the first sentence of this verse. Despite the fact that the unit Lyubochka Mendeleeva married for love, the husband of the poet turned out, to put it mildly, strange. He seems permanently stuck in adolescence, when one girl boy adores, and on the other, more accessible - not averse to sex. Block flatly refused to fulfill his conjugal duty. For a year (!) After the wedding, Alexander did not touch his wife, prostitute content. Then Lyuba still managed to seduce her husband, but he still chose to "spiritual closeness" to ... do not give up on his wife and did not stop loving her. Erotic tension poet rented to someone else, but not with Anyone, and not even think to hide this fact from his wife.
"I went into the dark temple,
Poor commits ritual.
There I was waiting for the Beautiful Lady
In the blink of red lamps ».
Poor Lyuba! Suffice it to read it because it was the quatrain to understand that in this temple (and later in the Soviet Union), no sex!

2. Albert Einstein
Who: The author of the theory of relativity
As it turned out in the list: constantly confused God's gift to the eggs, and the wife of a servant
The great physicist was not too lazy to compose a manifesto that regulate his relationship with his first wife. That is to say, taking time between classes in science and an affair on the side. Albert wanted to somehow establish a rapidly deteriorating relationship with his wife, so as not to affect children. But ... everything turned out as always.
Judge for yourself: in the eleventh year of marriage the wife Mileva Maric Einstein received from her husband a list of demands.
She had to see to it that his clothes and underwear were always in order to supply the Alberta three times a day with food.
She had the duty not to humiliate him in front of the children - words or behavior - but all the flowers, if you look - nothing extraordinary in these areas do not. And then berries - Einstein veto conjugal duty. Mileva did not have to wait for her husband intimacy and / or to reproach him for the fact that they do not have sex.
She had to accept the fact that now her husband did not have to sit with her at home or traveling, and to give up illusions about who's boss. This is evidenced by the following two requirements: "You need to shut up if I ask you about it" and "You have to leave the bedroom or study immediately and without objection, if I tell you about it."
Is it any wonder that the marriage soon fell apart?

3. Ivan Bunin
Who: the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1933
As it turned out in the list: after twenty years of marriage, his wife decided to put "an obtuse angle in a love triangle»
The writer and his wife Vera Nikolayevna emigrated to France, fearing anarchy reigned in Russia after the October Revolution. But this did not prevent him to arrange a cozy little chaos at home. Last Love Bunin - Galina Kuznetsova - so gone to his head (re-read "Light breath" - it seems that Ivan Alekseevich really liked type "woman - a teenager"), he literally a year after the beginning of the novel, tired of secret meetings in a rented apartment in Paris, he settled in Grasse Galina ... at home, at the Villa "Belvedere».
My wife pretended not to notice the novel, which in emigre circles loudly discussed all. And then, it seems, it triggered one of the protective psychological mechanisms (as well that worked - otherwise Vera would lose and reason): the poor woman managed to convince herself that her husband loves Galya as a daughter, she replaces Ivan only son from his first marriage - Kolenka, died at the age of five from scarlet fever. And if so, then it must also love her.
Over time, the situation will change - the wife will be young lover, and it turns out that women prefer Galina - but that's another story ...

4. Ivan the Terrible
Who: The Emperor of All Russia
As it turned out in the list: was very harsh with their wives, when provoked, acting on the principle of "No man - no problem»
So far not determined how much time was married autocrat. According to the most common version, pious Ivan, there were seven (contrary to church canons, according to which it was only possible to get married twice). Lute was the king, and threatened not only when taking Kazan. It is strange that in Russia there is not a sign: 'If you want to commit suicide, to marry the lord. " Most queens life resembles a children's rhyme, made popular by Agatha Christie "Ten Little Indians went to dine, one choked on their remaining nine" and so on. D.
The first (most favorite) wife - Anastasia noblewoman Zakharyin rumored to be poisoned. The second - the daughter of the Circassian prince, characterized violent temper and a penchant for adultery, conspired with her lover to inflict the coup - Mary Temrjukovna imprisoned in the Kremlin under the supervision of the guardsmen, though she died of tuberculosis. The third time the king married Martha boyaryshne Aloetic, she lived not long after the wedding - two weeks in the house Saburovs entree was the brother of the late Queen Mary, who treated someone else's bride poisonous candied fruit (ostensibly the king's table). A year later, the emperor decided to marry again ...!
And he commanded him to marry Maria Koltovskaya. The fourth wife of Ivan IV, the lord in turn henpecked, disliked the boyars - slandered before the king. The rest of his days (quite a long way, more than 50 years), Anna spent in prison in the convent. Meanwhile, the king had his eye on Maria Dolgoruky. The first night it became clear that Mary is not only liked Ivan - and kept her maiden honor before the wedding. For his sin she paid a terrible price: it was drowned in the icy river (it was in November 1573rd).
Then there was the 17-year-old Anna, who died three months after the wedding of breast disease. Vasilisa Melentyeva - Terrible penultimate wife buried alive (there was nothing to change). Only Mary Naga - last wife Ivana - lucky she survived her husband!

5. Carl Jung
Who: the founder of analytical psychology
As it turned out in the list, not only strongly recommended to its clients polygamy as a panacea for all ills, but he did not avoid actively use this method
Great student of Freud was married only once, and he lived with his lawful wife for more than fifty years. Emma Rauschenbach gave her husband four daughters and a son. But was she happy? Life is a great psychologist was like a fairy tale - more and more terrible. Jung, as they say, used his official position and combined business with pleasure by engaging in intimate relations with a client who came to him for analysis. And Sabina Spielrein (her role in the film "A Dangerous Method" has got Kira Knightley) was not the only patient with which Karl approached.
Also Sabina, who captivated by the way, and Freud, too, there is still at least Fraulein Anthony Wolfe. According to Jung, "a great smart, a great sense of religion and philosophy" and Carl Gustaf of course.
That's it, he worked on the writings of the collective unconscious ... and learned the "mystical" value of sexuality - to realize this idea with his wife, who bore him five children, Jung somehow never occurred.

6. Lev Landau
Who physicist - theorist and Nobel laureate
As it turned out in the list: I do not know what they do
"The shop peddling" - so called Landau ... marriage. The great physicist believed that marriage and love are incompatible. He urged his beloved bark as not to spoil their high ratio wedding. The scientist was desperately afraid of losing what is most valued in the world - liberty, but ... still married.
However, before it made the bride swear that she will not be jealous of other women: "While all my talk about mistresses are unfortunately only theoretical ... Jealousy in our marriage excluded lover I definitely will! I want to live a bright, beautiful, interesting. "
The physicist chose a very appropriate, from his point of view, the moment to confirm his right to a mistress. When Cora was pregnant, Leo said: "The crust, I've come to a very nice news! Tonight I'll be back not alone. To me will be given to the girl! I told her that you are in the country. Sit quietly, like a mouse in a hole, or go away. Meet you should not. This may scare off her! ". Of course, we can understand the bark that has not suffered, and still came out of the closet, but Landau did not understand why his wife did ...

7. Amedeo Modigliani
Who: Artist - expressionist
As it turned out in the list: one of the versions proposed to his civil wife to share his ... death
While Amadeo cocaine and marijuana, it only destroyed itself. Yes, destructive, but he, like all of us, had a full and unconditional right to do with their lives whatever he wants. And let almost all the Artist's Model Modigliani after some time became not just a nudes - with creative people and it happens. It affects not the number of women with whom he entered into an intimate relationship, and swollen to unprecedented dimensions egotism of the artist. Jeanne Hebuterne was held with him through fire and water, except that the copper pipes in the story was not (Modigliani became famous only after his death). She quarreled with her parents, who did not approve of her choice (and who would have approved, Amedeo liked to drink, fight, not shied away from drugs, not of high moral character and calm character) bore Amedeo daughter virtually stopped writing itself, but was a talented artist, because that she had no choice but to work any time or energy.
What got in return?
Before his death, the artist proposed to Jeanne to die. Do you know for what? So he could be with his favorite model in paradise (Jeanne Modigliani painted at least 25 times) and with it, enjoy eternal bliss. The saddest thing is that the 22-year-old Jeanne, who wore a heart second baby, could not help but to fulfill the last will of Amedeo, she buried a loved one, and the next day took a step down from the sixth floor.

8. Vyacheslav Molotov
Who: politician
As it turned out in the list: allowed to arrest his wife, did not even attempt to argue
Molotov's wife - Pauline Pearl - incredibly annoying Comrade Stalin at least two reasons. Firstly, she was friends with Nadezhda Alliluyeva, and the leader of all peoples believed that it was she a bad influence on his wife, and, most likely, accused her in his wife's death (after another quarrel with her husband hope to walk around with Pauline at night Kremlin , complained that so can not go on, planned to divorce, and then shot herself that night).
Secondly, it was just "too much" - too strong-willed, too ambitious, too smart ... If saying that a man - the head, and the woman - neck, did not exist, it should have been invented specifically for Pauline. She spit her husband, as she wanted, and have time to do an independent career. Stalin repeatedly urged Vyacheslav Mikhailovich ... divorce! Molotov, his recommendations are not heeded, and then the persecution began. Pearl was taken out of alternate members, then charged with treason and arrested.
Vyacheslav did not even protest, despite the fact that his wife loved. "I - a member of the Politburo, and I had to obey party discipline ... I obeyed the Politburo, which decided that my wife should be eliminated," - he explained his behavior. "I had the great fortune - Molotov later said - that she was my wife. And beautiful, and smart, and most importantly - a real Bolshevik, real Soviet people. For her, life was awkward because she was my wife. She suffered through difficult times, but understood and not only scolded Stalin, and would not listen when his curse ».

9. Leo Tolstoy
Who: the great writer
As it turned out in the list: a wife forced to live their lives not
When they married, Leo was 34, and Sophia - 18. "I am afraid of myself. What if this desire and love, not love. I try to look only at her weaknesses, and yet it is "- Tolstoy wrote in his diary. Perhaps it is this lack of confidence in the feelings of the unconscious was the reason because of which the graph and then arranged his bride psychological test. It seems that he wanted to pass on to her fragile maiden shoulders the responsibility for what is happening.
What can we think about the groom, who on the eve of the wedding offer betrothed to share secrets and void sumnyashesya, tell her about his mistress - a married peasant woman Aksinya? Recognize the next 19 years, the couple Tolstoy was happy together, but ... all that time missed in the village Sophia, she will not go out of Yasnaya Polyana. Her life has not become balls, theaters, clothes, leaving only the endless chores around the house. "At any given moment I disquiet: students and hurting children, hygienic and, above all, the spiritual condition of her husband, great kids with their affairs, debts, children and service, sales and plans Samara name ... edition of the new and 13 part to the banned" Kreutzer Sonata "application sharing with ovsyannikovskim priest, proofreading Volume 13, Misha nightgowns, linens and shoes Andryusha; neither past due payments on the house, insurance, duties on behalf of, the passport of people, to score, to rewrite and so on. and so on. - And all this must necessarily directly touch me "- wrote Sophia.
Appreciate it if the victim Levushka? Of course not. Whenever his wife was pregnant and did not have time to come to himself after the next delivery, he "fell sensual temptation" and cheated on her with another maid or cook. It is not difficult to imagine the scale of a family catastrophe, if we remember that Sophia gave birth to Leo 13 (!) Children.
Later adultery added search for the meaning of life - and it is here that Sonyushka learned how much a pound is dashing. Good to her husband, it limited the distribution of valuable suggestions, such as "The younger children learn only what you need for living in the village, no foreign languages!", But he was trying to explain to his wife that he feels guilty before humanity was going to give up the property, then by all copyright to their works, leaving the family destitute. Then Sophia is accused and the fact that her husband and gone, and that he died ...

10. Henry VIII
Who: King of England
As it turned out in the list: the wives treated as consumables, consistently getting rid of annoying
Remember all the wives of the British monarch, who tied the knot six times, except that you can with the help of mnemonics, at least, of English schoolchildren are taught that way, "divorced - executed - dead - divorced - executed - has survived." It seems that the second representative of the Tudor dynasty quickly loses interest in what is received (no matter how much effort has gone into achieving this goal).
In order to marry Anne Boleyn, who flatly refused to become his mistress, the king, drawn into a complicated and painfully long (divorce with his first wife Catherine of Aragon lasted about seven years), in tatters he quarreled with the Vatican and went to the Department of English the Church of Rome. But just three years later Henry VIII blamed his wife, who bore him a daughter (and he wanted an heir to the throne, the daughter of one he already had!), Of treason and sent to the scaffold.
Then the king was kindled passion for Jane Seymour, maid of honor Boleyn, married her a week after the execution of Anne. Jane died in childbirth. When the king asked who to save - the mother or the child, he said, "Save the child. Women I can get as much as anything. "