20 best TV shows according to the audience, not critics

We love the series, because today they are not inferior to the movie in many respects: a cool scenario, great costumes, talented actors. Among them there are those who have not yet received any award and not received the attention of critics, but won an army of fans. And not on an empty place.
The editors of the Website decided not to include in a compilation series like "Game of thrones", "Sherlock", "true detective", "Fargo" or "Downton Abbey" — they all know they have a lot of admirers and a lot of awards. We collected lesser known, but no less worthy. Please note — all the serials fresh, released after 2010.
Westworld Westworld

On this series working incredible team: the script deals with Jonathan Nolan, who invented all the movies brother, Christopher, played by talented actors, including Anthony Hopkins and Ramin Javadi, gave us the main theme of "Game of thrones", has written an inventive soundtrack. In General, the music in the series is just a holiday for you! What is Black Hole Sun or No surprises Radiohead played on the mechanical piano in a cowboy saloon. The one who managed to see claims that dark beauty, drama and richness of the plot of the series is not inferior to "Thrones".
- The rating on Kinopoisk — 8.46, IMDb is 9.1

Not to be confused with the American remake of his scold. But the Spanish love the original much more. The series tells the story of several seriously ill teenagers who met at the hospital and decided to test the theory about the ideal of the company, which must be six contestants: irreplaceable, beautiful, intelligent, girl, the leader and the man who could become leader, but he didn't. Sincere, kind and touching (but in any case not maudlin) story, which screenwriter albert Espinosa, who won a 10-year struggle with a serious illness, has invested a lot of personal.
- The rating on Kinopoisk — 8.36, IMDb — 8.20

It's not formulaic Comedy about a young dad who doesn't know which side to put the diaper on the baby. This is a fresh series Paolo Sorrentino, in which Jude law, included in the age of Mature beauty, plays Pope Pius XIII, the first ever American Head of the Roman Church. Brilliant, intelligent and provocative series, filmed with an aesthetic sophistication — so the frame you want to stop and examine, it is able to attract to the screen stronger than any Thriller.
- Kinopoisk — 8.28, IMDb Is 8.5

Take a nostalgic favorite genres: movies about teenagers, losers who beat a school of suave, science fiction in the spirit of Spielberg 80-ies about the inhuman scientists, mysticism, causing goosebumps in the style of Stephen king. Add charming kids and stylish music. And as the cherry on the cake, dig out from the margins of cinema favorite 90s Winona Ryder. And get a "Very strange case". The series combined all the ingredients is so organic and amazing whole that is around him after the first season had a powerful community.
- The rating on Kinopoisk — 8.38, on IMDb — 9.00

Historical series about the English middle Ages — a time so dark, how romantic. This adaptation of the wonderful novel by Ken Follet and one of the best historical series the last time with anxious Eddie redmayne in the title role.
- Kinopoisk — 8.18, IMDb — 8.10

The American remake of the story about the misadventures of a large eccentric family of Tennessee and their drunken dads that fall into the most incredible adventure and try to survive in this world. Fans say that the series is impossible not to fall in love. It's not just "black" that someone, somewhere life is not easy (though and about it too). Humor, charismatic and totally not stereotypical heroes, their spirit and devotion to family no matter what — all this makes the long-running hit series survivor 2011 7 seasons.
- Rating 8.58 IMDb, IMDb: 8.70

Dark atmosphere, disturbing soundtrack, unpredictable plot, temper, brilliantly embodied by Killian Murphy and Tom hardy — all of it brought the series millions of fans. Yes, and then the bandits impossible stylish — everything, from hairstyles to fashion.
Unusual and sometimes funny, which had to learn the actors is a special treat. 20 years in Birmingham spoke not as now, and to further take in the atmosphere of the time, I advise you to watch a couple of episodes in the original language (with English subtitles you will understand even those who know the language of the medium).
- The rating on Kinopoisk — 8.45, on IMDb — 8.80

Each episode in this series — the story of modern media technologies, driven to the absurd to the grotesque. All this is so familiar to us — after all, who did not feel a pleasant release of endorphins when the photo in social networks gathered more likes than usual or not reveled in a realistic shooter.
After the release of the third season on Facebook even launched a game based on the series Nosedive ("the Fall"). In this world ranking person in the social network determines his social status. And then not even allowed to raise his voice for fear that the other person will immediately give you a seen yet After which you can fall that you won't be allowed into your amazing stylish office, perfect for a selfie. Anyway more will not let go.
- The rating on Kinopoisk — 8.44, IMDb — 8.90

People noted a fascinating story, which not only does not give to miss a minute, so even a few times in the series makes you bounce in your chair, stunning cinematography, a strong cast. And the series about how the cops hunt for famed drug Lord Pablo Escobar, is growing — the second season went even better than the first one, which happens not so often.
- The rating on Kinopoisk — 8.44, IMDb — 8.90

The famous Indian epic "Mahabharata" comes to life, and this is probably the easiest and most exciting way to touch the thousand-year wisdom of the Indian people. Kings, heroes and gods here, love, fight, compete and take wise decisions. Viewers love the show in the first place not for special effects (which here is not important, and it is slightly noticeable), and for the eternal theme of struggle of good, the divine baser. At the end of each series to think about, gives the God Krishna, parting with the words "Think about it".
- Kinopoisk — 8.34, IMDb — 8.70

A dynamic story, spectacular fights of gladiators, the famous manners of the Romans — this show is the most colourful spectacle today about the Roman Empire in all its glory and depravity. The main series is called "Spartacus: Blood and sand" and "Gods of the arena" is its prequel, which praise, perhaps even more.
- Blood and sand. Kinopoisk — 8.28, IMDb — 8.60
- Gods of the arena. Kinopoisk — 8.29, IMDb — 8.60

Our enormous gratitude to the one who started the cycle of film adaptations historical plays of William Shakespeare and came up to invite the heavy acting artillery in the person of Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch and Jeremy irons. It turned out wonderful.
- Kinopoisk — 8.24, IMDb — 8.50

This Indian series is not very popular, but on IMDb rating it more than "Friends". He is in the top ten best TV shows of the 2010s, according to viewers, along with "Game of thrones", "True detective", "Very strange things" and other hits. It's the story of four cute friends who quit their jobs to start their own business. And in this way they face a lot of funny and sometimes sad events.
- IMDb — 9.4

One of the best Russian TV series of the last time the audience called post-apocalyptic Thriller about how the virus "Cleito" turned Moscow into a Ghost town, populated by deadly, but strangely attractive mutants-Muranyi. 11 people trapped in the bunker, where I want to get out, and the developments are really interesting to watch.
- Kinopoisk — 8.49, IMDb — 7.50

The animated mini-series about the adventures of brothers, lost in a dark forest, turned out to be surprisingly stylish, smart, slightly Gothic and surreal, in the spirit of Lynch. And the forest here is not what it seems.
- Kinopoisk — 8.63, IMDb — 9.20

One of the most fascinating and complicated history which has ever filmed. Music, visuals, story, characters linked in a great narrative with a fascinating harmony. People noted hypnotically unfolding action, which is not to come off and where the plot is not forgotten. Another feature of this Swedish-Danish series the ultimate naturalistic and individuals, and events.
- Kinopoisk — 8.14, IMDb — 8.60

The life of a male Zimin and his children's home company irrevocably changed one rainy night. A local orphanage was destroyed by old age, and the children remained in the street. At the gathering of the village was adopted by an extraordinary decision — for the duration of the repair companies to dismantle kids home. They are incomplete eighteen, a whole life ahead, vast as the sea. Textured actors, steppe landscapes, touching story — this series is like a breath of fresh air.
- Kinopoisk — 8.28

Viewers call the show phenomenal, and perhaps deservedly so. "The doctors House" in law, a couple of brilliant lawyers — Heartbreaker and dolt — a brilliant benefit the most intricate and complex cases.
- Kinopoisk — 8.36, IMDb — 8.7

A charming series with Steve Buscemi in the title role of a new York pub, which for a hundred years own generation of Karasov and Pits. Here you will find a bunch of ribald jokes on the topic of the day, and a bit of philosophy, and a minimum of hypocrisy for a second time-keeping. This series invites you to sit in a comfortable chair at the bar, Horace and Pete, to laugh and to think. Series set in the manner of theatrical productions, and at least unnecessary.
- Kinopoisk — 8.05, IMDb — 8.90

The story is about the transformation of Elizabeth from a young Princess, wife and mother in great Queen will tell you all about the British monarchy without reserve. Series many expected, and not without reason: he has surpassed all expectations. The action develops slowly, but the "Crown" has several subplots, each of which would be enough for a full series: dissension within the family of Windsor, political struggle and the complexity of marriage, in which one is doomed to remain forever in the shadows.
- Kinopoisk — 7.96, IMDb — 8.8
According to the materials of Kinopoisk
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15 series, which looks at one go
10 British TV shows that are worth a look
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