My husband was tired of his wife-duddy, and he asked God's wife, the goddess ...
Once upon a husband and wife - Ivan and Elena. Husband returns from work, was arranged on the couch watching TV and reading the newspaper. His wife cooked and served dinner to her husband, and while grumbling that he was at home doing nothing, and earn a little money.
Ivan eternal reproaches irritated wife. But he said nothing in response, and thought to himself: "very broody something untidy, and I also indicated. When married, just because the other was - a beautiful, cheerful, affectionate ».
One day, when my wife demanded that Ivan made a litter, he reluctantly broke away from the TV, and went into the yard. Coming back, the husband stopped at the door and turned to God:
- My God, how unlucky I got a life! Is my whole life with such unattractive wife-duddy happen to live? It's punishment for some!
And suddenly I heard Ivan quiet voice from somewhere over:
- Bede thy help I could. But if I give thee to wife the beautiful goddess, surrounding, seeing such a change in your life, come in amazement. Let's we will do so. Gradually I will instill in your wife the goddess spirit, to change its appearance and behavior. But you also need to change your life, if you want to remain with you a goddess.
- Thank you, my God! The life of a goddess ready for any change. Tell me only when my wife starts to change?
- A little bit I'll change it right now. And every day will transform more and more.
Ivan went home and sat down on the couch, turned on the TV and picked up a newspaper. But something he did not read ... could not wait to see how his wife was changing. And then he went into the kitchen and leaned his shoulder against the jamb and began to look at his wife. And she stood back to him: doing the dishes after dinner.
And then Elena felt eyes and turned. Their eyes met. Ivan looked at her and thought: "No, as long as the changes in my wife has not yet started to happen».
His wife, seeing unusual attention to her husband and did not understand what was happening, suddenly straightened her hair, and her flushed cheeks blush:
- What are you looking at me?
My husband did not know what to say, and muttered:
- I thought you might need help to wash the dishes?
- Dishes? - He asked his wife in surprise, removing the apron - so I washed.
"Wow, it is changing right before our eyes - thought to myself, Ivan. - And prettier somehow. " And he began to slowly wipe the dishes.
The next day her husband would hurry home after work. So do not wait to see his wife, who is transformed into a goddess. "What if she has much changed? And I'm still the same ... Just in case you need to buy flowers to face in the dirt does not hit ».
The door opened, and the defeat of Ivan saw a Helen, who was standing in a smart dress he bought her a year ago. Hairstyle is so beautiful and sparkling earrings. He suddenly lost his head and held his wife flowers, admiring it. Elena gasped slightly, took the flowers and a little flushed. "Oh, what goddesses eyes! How pleasing their character! How beautiful they are in every way! ". And Ivan, going into the house, in turn exclaimed in surprise - the table was set with sleek appliances, two glasses, mouth-watering dishes and two flickering candles.
When they sat down, Elena suddenly jumped up and said:
- I'm sorry, I forgot how much you love, turn on the TV and the newspapers here are bought for you.
- I do not need a TV, and in newspapers the same write - sincerely Ivan replied, - I no longer want to know how would you like to spend the weekend?
Quite taken aback, Elena asked:
- Do you?
- And I have now decided on the occasion of two theater tickets to buy. But the performance in the evening and during the day, maybe you want to go shopping? After all, you seem to have an evening dress?
Ivan said, and almost added "dress worthy of a goddess." He saw that at this moment in front of him sat a goddess indeed. Her face glowed with happiness, his eyes sparkled, and her smile was sweet and mysterious at the same time.
"God, how beautiful all the same goddess! And if it is so fast prettier if I can be a worthy companion for her? - Ivan thought. And then his mind like lightning pierced. - We must have time! While the goddess to me, ask it from me to give birth to a child. I will be the favorite child of the beautiful goddess! ».
- What are you thinking about what's bothering you? - Elena asked, staring at her husband.
And he was so excited that I did not know what to say. It's no joke - to ask the child goddess ?! Such a gift God has not promised to him. And lost in thoughts and feelings, Ivan suddenly said:
- I do not know ... Is it possible ... But I want to say ... a long time ... I want a child from you, my beautiful goddess.
Elena went to her husband, her eyes full of love, gleaming tears of happiness. Then she gently leaned over to Ivan, who opened his arms.
"Oh, what a night it was! And what a morning! And such a beautiful day! How wonderful life with the goddess! "- Thought Ivan, putting the second grandchild for a walk.
: Marketium.ru
Ivan eternal reproaches irritated wife. But he said nothing in response, and thought to himself: "very broody something untidy, and I also indicated. When married, just because the other was - a beautiful, cheerful, affectionate ».

One day, when my wife demanded that Ivan made a litter, he reluctantly broke away from the TV, and went into the yard. Coming back, the husband stopped at the door and turned to God:
- My God, how unlucky I got a life! Is my whole life with such unattractive wife-duddy happen to live? It's punishment for some!
And suddenly I heard Ivan quiet voice from somewhere over:
- Bede thy help I could. But if I give thee to wife the beautiful goddess, surrounding, seeing such a change in your life, come in amazement. Let's we will do so. Gradually I will instill in your wife the goddess spirit, to change its appearance and behavior. But you also need to change your life, if you want to remain with you a goddess.
- Thank you, my God! The life of a goddess ready for any change. Tell me only when my wife starts to change?
- A little bit I'll change it right now. And every day will transform more and more.
Ivan went home and sat down on the couch, turned on the TV and picked up a newspaper. But something he did not read ... could not wait to see how his wife was changing. And then he went into the kitchen and leaned his shoulder against the jamb and began to look at his wife. And she stood back to him: doing the dishes after dinner.
And then Elena felt eyes and turned. Their eyes met. Ivan looked at her and thought: "No, as long as the changes in my wife has not yet started to happen».
His wife, seeing unusual attention to her husband and did not understand what was happening, suddenly straightened her hair, and her flushed cheeks blush:
- What are you looking at me?
My husband did not know what to say, and muttered:
- I thought you might need help to wash the dishes?
- Dishes? - He asked his wife in surprise, removing the apron - so I washed.
"Wow, it is changing right before our eyes - thought to myself, Ivan. - And prettier somehow. " And he began to slowly wipe the dishes.
The next day her husband would hurry home after work. So do not wait to see his wife, who is transformed into a goddess. "What if she has much changed? And I'm still the same ... Just in case you need to buy flowers to face in the dirt does not hit ».
The door opened, and the defeat of Ivan saw a Helen, who was standing in a smart dress he bought her a year ago. Hairstyle is so beautiful and sparkling earrings. He suddenly lost his head and held his wife flowers, admiring it. Elena gasped slightly, took the flowers and a little flushed. "Oh, what goddesses eyes! How pleasing their character! How beautiful they are in every way! ". And Ivan, going into the house, in turn exclaimed in surprise - the table was set with sleek appliances, two glasses, mouth-watering dishes and two flickering candles.
When they sat down, Elena suddenly jumped up and said:
- I'm sorry, I forgot how much you love, turn on the TV and the newspapers here are bought for you.
- I do not need a TV, and in newspapers the same write - sincerely Ivan replied, - I no longer want to know how would you like to spend the weekend?
Quite taken aback, Elena asked:
- Do you?
- And I have now decided on the occasion of two theater tickets to buy. But the performance in the evening and during the day, maybe you want to go shopping? After all, you seem to have an evening dress?
Ivan said, and almost added "dress worthy of a goddess." He saw that at this moment in front of him sat a goddess indeed. Her face glowed with happiness, his eyes sparkled, and her smile was sweet and mysterious at the same time.
"God, how beautiful all the same goddess! And if it is so fast prettier if I can be a worthy companion for her? - Ivan thought. And then his mind like lightning pierced. - We must have time! While the goddess to me, ask it from me to give birth to a child. I will be the favorite child of the beautiful goddess! ».
- What are you thinking about what's bothering you? - Elena asked, staring at her husband.
And he was so excited that I did not know what to say. It's no joke - to ask the child goddess ?! Such a gift God has not promised to him. And lost in thoughts and feelings, Ivan suddenly said:
- I do not know ... Is it possible ... But I want to say ... a long time ... I want a child from you, my beautiful goddess.
Elena went to her husband, her eyes full of love, gleaming tears of happiness. Then she gently leaned over to Ivan, who opened his arms.
"Oh, what a night it was! And what a morning! And such a beautiful day! How wonderful life with the goddess! "- Thought Ivan, putting the second grandchild for a walk.
: Marketium.ru
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