If your partner - narcissus, you'd better read this. Protect yourself from energy vampires!
What attracts the kind, sensitive, able to empathize with people daffodils? This is a question that has bedeviled me many times how many around the couple that are pathological, unhealthy relationship! The partnership where both men have equal rights and duties, does not occur very often. But examples of the interaction energy vampire and sacrifice - weight ... a relationship in which one person uses another - it's wrong. Of course, everyone defines value for himself, but from primitive considerations of humanity can draw a simple conclusion: it should not be. To begin with we shall understand who the daffodil. This can be a man or a woman.
One of the hallmarks of human narcissus - lack of empathy, or, in other words, empathy. Narcissus can not feel the pain of another, he is always busy only themselves. For him there are no people! em> All around narcissus subjects - only objects to meet their personal needs. If everything goes the way you want Narcissus, he was pleased. Once the requirements are no longer met, he gets angry and expresses dissatisfaction - about any patience, compassion and understanding can be no question. Partner empath gives Narcissus is what we need: he feels instinctively how to satisfy the needs of most narcissus quality! Empathy requires Narcissus - a victim with a bunch of useful features, inexhaustible source of energy. And why empathy daffodil?
The answer is quite predictable. Connect their lives with daffodils insecure people. So uncertain, even scary. They do not just do not like yourself, partners daffodils hate and punish yourself with the help of destructive relationships. After all, to be with a man, anxious only to their own interests - a real punishment. He never takes care of the other, he does not think about his feelings, will not help. Instead, it takes advantage of the full victim: find material benefit, to help make yourself will arrange conflicts to recharge your energy reserve.
If you are in a relationship with a narcissist narcissist, you should think about.
1. Freedom from fear. Look into the eyes of his fear. What are you most afraid of? Left alone? Believe me, it's not as scary as it draws your imagination. Stereotypes society make people suffer, but would not be alone. While alone there are many positive aspects - for example, extra time to work on yourself. Instead of endless prisluzhivaniya Narcissus can make yourself nice!
2. Spirituality. The development of spirituality - the path to self-acceptance and peace. When you love your life, the people around them and the world in general, inevitably begin to love yourself. Meditate - not such a bad idea! I know people who pray every time daffodil makes it hurt. Also a good practice to save their energy.
3. Forgiveness. Forgive yourself. Say to yourself, "I forgive myself. I do not feel guilt, anger, frustration. Grievances have no power over me. I am a beautiful creature, I deserve the best. " Let your will be difficult to accept at first, these words seriously, but this practice gives a wonderful effect. By forgiving yourself, you become a better person and open to new faces! Worth a try.
4. Trust. Trust yourself! You know that you are well, and that - no. Use your intuition and with this knowledge.
5. Courage. You can at any time withdraw from wherever you uncomfortable. It is your right and your great strength. The cup of patience overflows with time even the hardiest people. Do not wait for the last drop that can injure you - walk away from situations unpleasant to you. Even if you decide to give up a relationship in which you are using - do not worry. You have that right.
Daffodils and Empathy - the two sides of the same coin. Just some assert themselves at the expense of others, while those same others allow themselves the victim. You should not blame these imperfections of the individual parents or society! Man can not be changed, but it can change. Show this article to your friends. Someone exactly this information will benefit!
via takprosto cc

One of the hallmarks of human narcissus - lack of empathy, or, in other words, empathy. Narcissus can not feel the pain of another, he is always busy only themselves. For him there are no people! em> All around narcissus subjects - only objects to meet their personal needs. If everything goes the way you want Narcissus, he was pleased. Once the requirements are no longer met, he gets angry and expresses dissatisfaction - about any patience, compassion and understanding can be no question. Partner empath gives Narcissus is what we need: he feels instinctively how to satisfy the needs of most narcissus quality! Empathy requires Narcissus - a victim with a bunch of useful features, inexhaustible source of energy. And why empathy daffodil?
The answer is quite predictable. Connect their lives with daffodils insecure people. So uncertain, even scary. They do not just do not like yourself, partners daffodils hate and punish yourself with the help of destructive relationships. After all, to be with a man, anxious only to their own interests - a real punishment. He never takes care of the other, he does not think about his feelings, will not help. Instead, it takes advantage of the full victim: find material benefit, to help make yourself will arrange conflicts to recharge your energy reserve.
If you are in a relationship with a narcissist narcissist, you should think about.
1. Freedom from fear. Look into the eyes of his fear. What are you most afraid of? Left alone? Believe me, it's not as scary as it draws your imagination. Stereotypes society make people suffer, but would not be alone. While alone there are many positive aspects - for example, extra time to work on yourself. Instead of endless prisluzhivaniya Narcissus can make yourself nice!
2. Spirituality. The development of spirituality - the path to self-acceptance and peace. When you love your life, the people around them and the world in general, inevitably begin to love yourself. Meditate - not such a bad idea! I know people who pray every time daffodil makes it hurt. Also a good practice to save their energy.
3. Forgiveness. Forgive yourself. Say to yourself, "I forgive myself. I do not feel guilt, anger, frustration. Grievances have no power over me. I am a beautiful creature, I deserve the best. " Let your will be difficult to accept at first, these words seriously, but this practice gives a wonderful effect. By forgiving yourself, you become a better person and open to new faces! Worth a try.
4. Trust. Trust yourself! You know that you are well, and that - no. Use your intuition and with this knowledge.
5. Courage. You can at any time withdraw from wherever you uncomfortable. It is your right and your great strength. The cup of patience overflows with time even the hardiest people. Do not wait for the last drop that can injure you - walk away from situations unpleasant to you. Even if you decide to give up a relationship in which you are using - do not worry. You have that right.

Daffodils and Empathy - the two sides of the same coin. Just some assert themselves at the expense of others, while those same others allow themselves the victim. You should not blame these imperfections of the individual parents or society! Man can not be changed, but it can change. Show this article to your friends. Someone exactly this information will benefit!
via takprosto cc
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