Dangerous types are Narcissus, abuser. How to recognize what is dangerous, how to protect?
Description: In this article, we will consider the key features of the narcissist and the abuser, analyze how they are dangerous, how to recognize their manipulations in time and what methods can be protected from negative impact.

As much as we admire the diversity of human characters, there are types of personalities.
Interacting with them is especially difficult and even traumatic. Among them, most often they are narcissists and abusers.
In everyday communication, these people may seem charismatic, smart, hackter, but the “reverse side”
Their behavior can cause emotional damage and lead to protracted problems in the personal and professional sphere.
What exactly lies behind the narcissist’s brilliant self-confidence? Why abusers turn relationships into battlefields
Where does manipulation and suppression become the norm? In this article, we will reveal the nature of the “dangerous” types.
We will help you learn how to identify these personal patterns and share tips on how to protect yourself from destructive effects.
It is better to be prepared for “toxic” contacts than to be surprised to discover.
For a long time you have been under the influence of someone’s dictates or manipulations.
Narcissus: From Charm to the All-Consuming Ego
Oh. narcissists There are many myths. On the one hand, they are often considered people with increased
Self-esteem and excessive self-love. On the other hand, psychological studies say,
There may be deep uncertainty behind this external “confidence.”
And dependence on other people's admiration. This type of personality gets its name from the mythological hero Narcissus.
He could not look away from his own reflection.
Narcissists are characterized by:
- A constant search for admiration. If you don't pay enough attention to them, a narcissist can
This is considered a betrayal or “inattention to its importance.” - A sense of superiority. They truly believe they deserve special treatment and honor.
They ignore the rules if it does not correspond to their convenience. - Lack of empathy. A narcissist may be indifferent to your needs and feelings.
If they don’t fit in with his goal, keep an ideal image of himself. - Showing confidence. Behind the facade of "I'm the best"
Often there is a fragile ego, eager to confirm its uniqueness.
They know how to bewitch, to convince that they understand the situation best.
You're lucky to be around. Over time, interaction with a narcissist can lead to:
- Gradual loss of self-confidence, because your opinion is leveled;
- Shifting responsibility for any problems to protect your “perfect” image
- Emotional exhaustion from the constant need to “feed” his self-esteem.

How do you protect yourself from a narcissist?
1) Set boundaries. The narcissist will seek unlimited attention.
praise and control. Make it clear that you are not ready to “serve” his ego around the clock.
Learn to say no and don’t let yourself be manipulated.
2) Do not get involved in endless arguments. For a narcissist, argument is not a search for truth.
A field to prove your point. If you feel like dialogue is turning into a circus,
Just stop it and stay calm.
(3) Take care of your self-esteem. Constant criticism and comparison in favor of the narcissist
A typical trick to keep you in a subordinate position. Remind yourself that your values and abilities are real.
It doesn’t depend on someone’s need to dominate.
Abuse: A hidden or explicit “rapist” in a relationship
Abuse (from English "abuse" - abuse, insult) - a person who uses
“violent” (physical or psychological) ways of interacting
if monitor and suppress your partner. The problem of abuse is not always
Physical Aggression: Emotional, Economic, Sexual Forms of Violence
No less devastating to the victim.
Typical signs of abusive behavior:
- Manipulation of guilt. The abuser suggests that “all the problems are because of you”, makes you feel constantly guilty;
- Control and limitation. bans on meeting with friends, access to money, personal space;
- Emotional blackmail. Threatening to leave, punishing, or doing something terrible if the partner doesn’t obey.
- gaslighting (reality distortion) The abuser convinces the victim that she is “going crazy.”
misreading facts to deprive her of confidence in her own adequacy; - Honeymoon periods. After an outbreak of violence, the abuser can show care, give gifts,
To promise to change creates a cycle of addiction where the victim doesn’t go away hoping for the best.
Why are abusers dangerous?
The consequences of the relationship with the abuser are deep psychological trauma,
persistent anxiety, “learned helplessness” (when the victim does not believe he can make a difference)
social isolation. It's not just a "complex character" -- it's a destructive pattern.
It makes the partner dependent and incapable of healthy self-assertion.

How do you protect yourself from an abuser?
1) Realize the problem. The first step is to acknowledge that you are in a relationship.
where there is violence (albeit psychological). Without this understanding, it is easy to fall into a trap.
"Maybe it's just a complicated character."
2) Create a supportive environment. The problem with abusive relationships is the isolation of the victim.
Find people you trust: friends, relatives, psychologists. They can give you a look.
And the emotional support that the abuser is trying to destroy.
(3) Set or restore boundaries. If the danger is physical, look for ways.
Physical protection (asylum, assistance from the authorities). When it comes to psychological pressure,
Take a hard line: “I won’t discuss this until you stop insulting you,” etc.
(4) Do not hesitate to contact the professionals. Psychologist, crisis center, lawyer
Any support can be critical. The abusive often threatens or pressures feelings of guilt.
But the law in most countries protects against violence, and you have every right to seek help.
Narcissists and abusers are two types of personalities that may seem charming or influential.
But with close interaction, they do serious harm to the emotional well-being of others.
The narcissist focuses all his attention on himself, demanding constant admiration and devaluing others.
while the abusive uses violence Physical or psychological to control and suppress.
To protect yourself and your loved ones, it is important:
- Recognize characteristic patterns of behavior (manipulation, demand for endless praise, lower self-esteem, etc.)
- Be able to set healthy boundaries.
- Seek support (friends, professionals) when the situation is beyond your control.
- Do not expect to “go away” if there are already signs of destructive relationships.
“Beautiful words” of a person who only wants to assert himself at your expense.
True communication is based on mutual respect, freedom of choice and the ability to develop without fear or guilt.
If this is not the case in a relationship, it is worth considering whether it is time to take a step towards getting rid of it.
from the destructive influence - to live and breathe fully, without fear of being yourself.
A personality trait characterized by increased narcissism, a constant need for admiration, and low empathy for others.
A person who uses violent means of interaction (physical, psychological, economic, sexual) to suppress and control a partner.
A form of psychological manipulation in which the victim is persuaded to distort reality, making him doubt his sanity.
Learned helplessness
A condition in which a person, faced with repeated stressful situations, stops trying to change them, feeling that it is useless.
Active hearing
Interaction technique, in which the interlocutor demonstrates attentiveness and understanding, asks clarifying questions and gently paraphrases what he heard.
A hidden way of influencing when one person uses psychological techniques to make another make a decision that is beneficial to him.
Advice from Sigmund Freud. How to remove anxiety and know yourself?
11 topics that should not be raised in conversations, so as not to destroy the relationship