20 Superfoods: triple benefit to your body. So just another nobody lost weight!
All natural fruit and vegetables are good without exception. However, there are special products 20, which have not only the food, but also improving value. They have healing diuretic (excrete excess fluid), promote weight loss, eliminate toxins, as well as lower blood pressure. How to become healthy without medicines and tablets? Just include in your diet, these podukty!
1. Lemon
It displays the body of excess fluid with vitamins, especially vitamin C.
2. Oats
It helps to get rid of excess weight, has a diuretic effect, removes from the body harmful cholesterol.
3. Celery
Saturate the body with water and trace elements, has a pronounced diuretic effect, improves metabolism.
4. Brussels sprouts
Low-fat, has lots of antioxidants, strengthens the body and helps to lose weight.
5. Ginger It strengthens the immune system, helps burn calories faster, displays the body of excess fluid.
6. Beet
It contains a huge amount of antioxidants, displays the body of excess water, tones and gently cleans the intestines.
7. Apple cider vinegar
Cleanses the body of toxins, removes excess fluid, helps to "stir up" the digestive system and promotes weight loss.
8. Cabbage
It is an excellent prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease, has a diuretic and tonic effect on the body.
9. Cranberry juice
Grappling with urinary tract infections, antioxidants nourishes and rejuvenates the skin and tones the body.
10. Eggplant
Helps fight obesity, removes excess fluid from the body, it helps in combating stress.
11. Parsley
Parsley is known for its rejuvenating properties, it tones the skin, improves digestion and freshens breath.
12. Caffeinated drinks
Any drink containing caffeine is a diuretic property.
13. Water
Although it seems counter-intuitive, water helps to rid the body of excess fluid. To increase the diuretic effect, just add a glass of lemon juice or grated ginger root.
14. Tomatoes
For tomatoes faster derive water from the body, they need to be eaten raw. They also have a powerful antioxidant effect, help fight cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
15. Cucumber
Nutrients and minerals contained in cucumbers and help fight obesity, cancer and diabetes.
16. Watermelon
This berry has a pronounced diuretic effect, improves eyesight, helps fight diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. The main thing is not to abuse this product and do not eat too much watermelon at a time.
17. Carrots
It cleans the intestines, improves eyesight, promotes weight loss, relieves fatigue, tones the body.
18. Garlic
Indispensable in the cold season. It strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, purifies the blood, improves digestion.
19. Artichokes
Displays the body of excess fluid, clean the intestines, kidneys and liver, are a dietary product that is perfectly assimilated in diabetes.
20. Asparagus
It strengthens the heart, liver, urinary system, lowers blood pressure, helps get rid of excess weight.
With the onset of summer is a sin not to use the gifts of nature, which have a high content of useful vitamins and minerals. Diversify your diet and be sure to include in their menu, these 20 products. Sure, you will not only become healthier, but also rack up strength before the long winter. Share this article with your friends, even if they, too, will make a step towards healthy eating!
via takprosto cc
1. Lemon
It displays the body of excess fluid with vitamins, especially vitamin C.

2. Oats
It helps to get rid of excess weight, has a diuretic effect, removes from the body harmful cholesterol.

3. Celery
Saturate the body with water and trace elements, has a pronounced diuretic effect, improves metabolism.

4. Brussels sprouts
Low-fat, has lots of antioxidants, strengthens the body and helps to lose weight.

5. Ginger It strengthens the immune system, helps burn calories faster, displays the body of excess fluid.

6. Beet
It contains a huge amount of antioxidants, displays the body of excess water, tones and gently cleans the intestines.

7. Apple cider vinegar
Cleanses the body of toxins, removes excess fluid, helps to "stir up" the digestive system and promotes weight loss.

8. Cabbage
It is an excellent prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease, has a diuretic and tonic effect on the body.

9. Cranberry juice
Grappling with urinary tract infections, antioxidants nourishes and rejuvenates the skin and tones the body.

10. Eggplant
Helps fight obesity, removes excess fluid from the body, it helps in combating stress.

11. Parsley
Parsley is known for its rejuvenating properties, it tones the skin, improves digestion and freshens breath.

12. Caffeinated drinks
Any drink containing caffeine is a diuretic property.

13. Water
Although it seems counter-intuitive, water helps to rid the body of excess fluid. To increase the diuretic effect, just add a glass of lemon juice or grated ginger root.

14. Tomatoes
For tomatoes faster derive water from the body, they need to be eaten raw. They also have a powerful antioxidant effect, help fight cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

15. Cucumber
Nutrients and minerals contained in cucumbers and help fight obesity, cancer and diabetes.

16. Watermelon
This berry has a pronounced diuretic effect, improves eyesight, helps fight diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. The main thing is not to abuse this product and do not eat too much watermelon at a time.

17. Carrots
It cleans the intestines, improves eyesight, promotes weight loss, relieves fatigue, tones the body.

18. Garlic
Indispensable in the cold season. It strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, purifies the blood, improves digestion.

19. Artichokes
Displays the body of excess fluid, clean the intestines, kidneys and liver, are a dietary product that is perfectly assimilated in diabetes.

20. Asparagus
It strengthens the heart, liver, urinary system, lowers blood pressure, helps get rid of excess weight.

With the onset of summer is a sin not to use the gifts of nature, which have a high content of useful vitamins and minerals. Diversify your diet and be sure to include in their menu, these 20 products. Sure, you will not only become healthier, but also rack up strength before the long winter. Share this article with your friends, even if they, too, will make a step towards healthy eating!
via takprosto cc
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