If a child is choking, he could die. Remember action in a dangerous situation!
Suppress or choke can be anyone as an adult and a child. But the situation is more complicated with kids they do not know how to properly handle food, they need to be taught throughout. Unconditioned reflexes, unfortunately, not always save when foreign objects in the throat. In many cases, a child choking - so expose themselves to mortal danger. Adults need to know how to provide first aid to a child in such a dangerous situation. Not confused and do Learn to see everything that depends on you to save the life of a little man!
If a child choking, you will notice these signs:
the child can not cry, breathe the air, screaming voice almost inaudible; eyes baby is wide open, they read the horror; mouth too wide open, actively appears saliva; skin redden, then - turn blue; baby can clasp the throat arms; In severe cases, possible loss of consciousness.
1. Put your hands up baby. Airway expand, breathing process get better.
2. If number 1 does not help, put your baby on his stomach, on his hands and clap 5 times between the shoulder blades.
3. If the child choked on small object or piece of food, you need to raise both his legs, or induce vomiting by clicking on the root of the tongue.
When a foreign object stuck in the airways, a number of other symptoms. The kid can not scream and cry at the same time actively pulls the stomach. To release the child's airway, follow these steps:
1. Turn it back to her, embrace one hand, pushing it on the stomach. Tilt the baby forward, pat on the back.
2. If the method number 1 gave the result: Put the baby on his back so that the head is positioned lower than the body. Under brisket shove your middle and index finger. Do pressure, alternating with the sternum by straightening up to the arrival of an ambulance.
3. If the airway is stuck solid foreign objects - candy or small toys item, put the child on the hand face down. It follows that the head was below the rib cage at the same time. Pat the baby between the shoulder blades. Another option: raise a child by the legs and too pat between the shoulder blades.
In no case do not place fingers in the throat of the child: you risk further promote the object so that it will be difficult to get out. It will exacerbate the situation.
Help your child after a year
The main thing - keep calm, because the child is older than many realize. He can be transmitted to your panic, it is very worsen the situation. To eject pieces of food or foreign bodies in children older than one year using the method Helmicha:
1. Stand behind the child, it is possible - on his knees behind him. Em>
2. Hold the baby's waist. Em>
3. Brush squeeze of one hand into a fist, is located between the ribs and the fist navel baby fingers inside. Em>
4. Second hand clasp fist. Em>
5. Draw your elbows to the sides, click on the child's stomach from the bottom up. Em>
Perform such movements as a piece of food does not come out.
Because of the stress of the child possible spasm in the throat, which entails stopping breathing. Watch the video on how to do CPR on the baby:
To avoid falling into a critical situation, take precautions. Do not buy soft toys with a long nap, which sprinkled, making sure that the kids do not play with toys with small parts too. Teach a child to eat slowly, chew food. Good yields - grind food for children up to the age of reason, when he stops messing with food. Never feed a child by force - in such cases increases the risk of choking.
This information is very important for the life and health of the children of your loved ones! Share this article with them.
via takprosto cc
If a child choking, you will notice these signs:
the child can not cry, breathe the air, screaming voice almost inaudible; eyes baby is wide open, they read the horror; mouth too wide open, actively appears saliva; skin redden, then - turn blue; baby can clasp the throat arms; In severe cases, possible loss of consciousness.
1. Put your hands up baby. Airway expand, breathing process get better.
2. If number 1 does not help, put your baby on his stomach, on his hands and clap 5 times between the shoulder blades.

3. If the child choked on small object or piece of food, you need to raise both his legs, or induce vomiting by clicking on the root of the tongue.
When a foreign object stuck in the airways, a number of other symptoms. The kid can not scream and cry at the same time actively pulls the stomach. To release the child's airway, follow these steps:
1. Turn it back to her, embrace one hand, pushing it on the stomach. Tilt the baby forward, pat on the back.
2. If the method number 1 gave the result: Put the baby on his back so that the head is positioned lower than the body. Under brisket shove your middle and index finger. Do pressure, alternating with the sternum by straightening up to the arrival of an ambulance.

3. If the airway is stuck solid foreign objects - candy or small toys item, put the child on the hand face down. It follows that the head was below the rib cage at the same time. Pat the baby between the shoulder blades. Another option: raise a child by the legs and too pat between the shoulder blades.

In no case do not place fingers in the throat of the child: you risk further promote the object so that it will be difficult to get out. It will exacerbate the situation.

Help your child after a year
The main thing - keep calm, because the child is older than many realize. He can be transmitted to your panic, it is very worsen the situation. To eject pieces of food or foreign bodies in children older than one year using the method Helmicha:
1. Stand behind the child, it is possible - on his knees behind him. Em>
2. Hold the baby's waist. Em>
3. Brush squeeze of one hand into a fist, is located between the ribs and the fist navel baby fingers inside. Em>
4. Second hand clasp fist. Em>
5. Draw your elbows to the sides, click on the child's stomach from the bottom up. Em>

Perform such movements as a piece of food does not come out.

Because of the stress of the child possible spasm in the throat, which entails stopping breathing. Watch the video on how to do CPR on the baby:
To avoid falling into a critical situation, take precautions. Do not buy soft toys with a long nap, which sprinkled, making sure that the kids do not play with toys with small parts too. Teach a child to eat slowly, chew food. Good yields - grind food for children up to the age of reason, when he stops messing with food. Never feed a child by force - in such cases increases the risk of choking.
This information is very important for the life and health of the children of your loved ones! Share this article with them.
via takprosto cc
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