Methods for weight loss at home that knows no equal: Bodyflex. I begin to do!

Technology Bodyflex unique in that it always brings results. Even those people who have been obese later hormonal disruptions and serious metabolic disorders, successfully lose weight with this program! The complex was developed by American Greer Childers. The woman who gave birth to three children, was able to return in good shape with the help of training Bodyflex and decided to help other people by opening the sports courses. There are several features that distinguish it from any other training: need to deal with an empty stomach, the best - in the morning, before breakfast. For results you need to train every day, it is a prerequisite - so his morning breathing exercises. But its performance exceeds all expectations ... During training Bodyflex held this pleasant rule: "Do not suffer hunger - snacking!". Losing weight without any dietary restrictions possible!

Proper breathing. Bodyflex based on characteristics of the breath, which is to learn first. If the breathing instructions for during exercise, oxygen is sent to clear fat cells and cleaves it. Breathing Bodyflex is performed in 5 steps:

a deep breath; breathe deeply; a strong breath; holding the breath at the maximum retracted stomach (at this point you need to take a pose Exercises that are performed); a sharp breath.

5 basic postures to practice Bodyflex

All poses are performed in the fourth step of breath - when the stomach retracted. Each exercise must be repeated 4 times.

1. Chest
Stay sharp with your back straight, feet at shoulder level. Press the palms together at chest level and expand the inside. Hold your hands in this position for 8 counts, it follows that from the elbow to elbow was a flat line. Feel the power in your hands. The pose strengthens the back muscles, chest, hands.

2. The abdominal muscles
Sit down with a smooth back, stretch your arms forward, keep your legs bent at shoulder width. Holding his breath, slowly lean back to the maximum possible points.

The feet were fixed on the floor, keep your back straight. During the exercise you need to feel how the muscles of the abdomen.

3. Inner thighs
Sit down with your back flat and feet press together and tighten as close as possible to him. Hold on to the ankles, knees elbows located on.

Holding his breath, slowly leans down as much as possible to the floor clutching his feet. Exercise is very good for the problem areas of women's feet.

4. Stretching
Straighten legs, push each other in a sitting position with a flat back. Holding your breath, goes down, trying to get his stomach thigh. A great way to stretch the hamstrings!

5. Buttocks
Knock down one leg to the other, so that its toe found himself knee pressed against his legs. Without lifting your buttocks off the floor, slowly tyanis forward.

This is an amazing video - exercises for beginners. On the complex itself tells Greer Childers. Thanks to Russian subtitles, everything is clear, and the enthusiasm and energy of women inspire!

Pursuing such a physical practice every day, do not need to specifically limit yourself to food. Greer claims that hunger should not exist! Be sure to eat breakfast - a breakfast fit best fried porridge, constantly snacking, preferring fruit and vegetables. Lunch should be dense and light at the same time: 150 grams of meat, a large plate of lettuce, a slice of bread. Do not miss dinner - fish, steamed vegetables, cheese with pita bread fit into a healthy diet menu for Bodyflex. Drink more water - 7 glasses a day would be just fine. Sometimes you can allow yourself to sweets - through breathing exercises weight loss will still happen!

Share this article with your friends about the unique technology Bodyflex. This is a delightful way to save any shape and to keep it in great shape!

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