This blind woman has come to the next session of ultrasound. What did the doctors for her - priceless!
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Almost all women during pregnancy are ultrasound to physicians could see that everything was OK and how the fetus develops. It must be confessed, for each of the fair sex when she sees on the screen a tiny fruit with tiny arms and legs - is priceless. However, for the 30-year-old Tatiana Guerra another trip to the doctor has become a phenomenal event that will be remembered for sure her life. The fact that this woman went blind 13 years ago and resigned to the fact that he would never see his little miracle. She wants to smell it, feel his heartbeat and look just days before the miraculous appearance of the crumbs into the light.
Starting that day to the doctor for an ultrasound, Tatiana could not think, what a surprise it prepared fate. Her insanely interested to whom the baby will be like. B>
Tatiana wondered what little nose offspring will look like potatoes. It sounds pathetic, and even a little sad, because the expectant mother could not see on the screen of their child. B>
During spiritual conversation with the doctor, she shared her experiences and assumptions. Could Tatiana imagine that at the moment is preparing something magical ...
in minutes the printer has received data and ultrasound machine printed version of the exact appearance of the baby Murilo (so plans to call his mom son).
It was an unforgettable moment! Tatiana was able to see her baby, test the cast, which were sealed face and handle the crumbs. Everyone knows that the blind have an incredible sense of touch, so you can assume that a happy woman was able to "see" a lot more than meets the ordinary man in the US. B>
Be sure to see this touching video, which does not leave anyone indifferent. Emotions woman so strong, that each viewer can separate them with a future mother. B>
This mother truly fortunate - such a gift is worth a lot! We hope that this is only the first step to ensure that blind parents are also able to "see" their children before birth. This is the case when a supernova invention is really necessary and useful. Like the surprise that doctors did blind mom? Then this post deserves to share with their friends.
Almost all women during pregnancy are ultrasound to physicians could see that everything was OK and how the fetus develops. It must be confessed, for each of the fair sex when she sees on the screen a tiny fruit with tiny arms and legs - is priceless. However, for the 30-year-old Tatiana Guerra another trip to the doctor has become a phenomenal event that will be remembered for sure her life. The fact that this woman went blind 13 years ago and resigned to the fact that he would never see his little miracle. She wants to smell it, feel his heartbeat and look just days before the miraculous appearance of the crumbs into the light.
Starting that day to the doctor for an ultrasound, Tatiana could not think, what a surprise it prepared fate. Her insanely interested to whom the baby will be like. B>

Tatiana wondered what little nose offspring will look like potatoes. It sounds pathetic, and even a little sad, because the expectant mother could not see on the screen of their child. B>

During spiritual conversation with the doctor, she shared her experiences and assumptions. Could Tatiana imagine that at the moment is preparing something magical ...

in minutes the printer has received data and ultrasound machine printed version of the exact appearance of the baby Murilo (so plans to call his mom son).

It was an unforgettable moment! Tatiana was able to see her baby, test the cast, which were sealed face and handle the crumbs. Everyone knows that the blind have an incredible sense of touch, so you can assume that a happy woman was able to "see" a lot more than meets the ordinary man in the US. B>

Be sure to see this touching video, which does not leave anyone indifferent. Emotions woman so strong, that each viewer can separate them with a future mother. B>
This mother truly fortunate - such a gift is worth a lot! We hope that this is only the first step to ensure that blind parents are also able to "see" their children before birth. This is the case when a supernova invention is really necessary and useful. Like the surprise that doctors did blind mom? Then this post deserves to share with their friends.
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