25 fabulous outfits from the St. Petersburg subway. Nothing more original I've ever seen!
Fashion - one of the ways of expression for the individual. Each of us chooses clothes that is not just. Even in those cases when a person fills their wardrobe only newfangled innovations, he decides what, how and what to wear. Personal preferences in clothing can say a lot about the state of health, mood and outlook on life of each of us.
In the subway every day, millions of people are, and amidst all this time to see a lot of diversity happen. Some passers-by forever haunting his unusual attire, as well as original approach to his own appearance.
1. Fad. B>
2. I forgot to wear a skirt in a hurry. B>
3. Caution among us Spider-Man! B>
4. Bank robbery to be stylish. B>
5. Predator went on the hunt. B>
6. Just a diver in the subway, there is such can be seen every day. B>
7. Aphrodite on her way to work. B>
8. Very comfortable and stylish solution. B>
9. What mix of what pompons! B>
10. Down with the gray days! B>
11. Colorful couple. B>
12. Not extinct in Russia, the real heroes! B>
13. The subtle combination. B>
14. Man, stop wearing clothes her daughter! B>
15. Pushkin our time. B>
16. People in white. B>
17. What is this strange creature? B>
18. Bright image. B>
19. Another goddess of beauty. B>
20. Each stands as can. B>
21. I'd like to believe that they are not going to eat this sweet dog. B>
22. The kings of the subway - a normal phenomenon. B>
23. "Mom, you can come to me girlfriend?» B>
24. Inspired by the film "Maleficent». B>
25. A la naturel. B>
Some of them are not taken seriously in their appearance, others - on the contrary, consider themselves to be the benchmark of style and good taste, one more - is engaged in unsuccessful pursuit of fashion. In any case, you'll find something to laugh in this collection of photographs from the St. Petersburg metro.
In the subway every day, millions of people are, and amidst all this time to see a lot of diversity happen. Some passers-by forever haunting his unusual attire, as well as original approach to his own appearance.
1. Fad. B>

2. I forgot to wear a skirt in a hurry. B>
3. Caution among us Spider-Man! B>

4. Bank robbery to be stylish. B>

5. Predator went on the hunt. B>

6. Just a diver in the subway, there is such can be seen every day. B>

7. Aphrodite on her way to work. B>

8. Very comfortable and stylish solution. B>

9. What mix of what pompons! B>

10. Down with the gray days! B>

11. Colorful couple. B>
12. Not extinct in Russia, the real heroes! B>

13. The subtle combination. B>

14. Man, stop wearing clothes her daughter! B>

15. Pushkin our time. B>

16. People in white. B>

17. What is this strange creature? B>

18. Bright image. B>

19. Another goddess of beauty. B>

20. Each stands as can. B>

21. I'd like to believe that they are not going to eat this sweet dog. B>

22. The kings of the subway - a normal phenomenon. B>

23. "Mom, you can come to me girlfriend?» B>

24. Inspired by the film "Maleficent». B>

25. A la naturel. B>
Some of them are not taken seriously in their appearance, others - on the contrary, consider themselves to be the benchmark of style and good taste, one more - is engaged in unsuccessful pursuit of fashion. In any case, you'll find something to laugh in this collection of photographs from the St. Petersburg metro.
While on the walls flaunt such graffiti, all is not lost ... 19 powerful figures of the modern world.
This blind woman has come to the next session of ultrasound. What did the doctors for her - priceless!