Report from the medical "emergency" or 15 minutes
Driving on the wrong side, running a red and speeding. Occupation forces these people to venture into the non-stop in order to save other people's lives. And as the guarantor of the security of their own stands in the form of a convention rotating beacon blue ... But who pays attention to it? Among Minsk (and probably not only) of physicians 'emergency' is the legend of the Shrew driver does not give way to car c sick. Stubborn man could not imagine that the car service 103 his father died. Paramedics also often do not know what awaits them - on the road, on a call and on the way back. There are reports of severe bleeding, and the patient has a small scratch on the forehead or on the contrary, "light a cut" are 16 stab wounds. Correspondents held vigil with physicians Minsk city emergency medical service stations.
30 photos and text
- 253 I, on departure, - we did not have time to look around in the cramped little room, where doctors expect a call is on speakerphone brigade announce the number to which we "ascribed».
With this second countdown begins and we are moving at a rapid pace. On the way to the senior team "fast" Cyril Timonchik takes in the control printout. This card is a call in which the address of the data of the patient and the reason for the call. Often in the last column means "lying", "bleeding", "loss of consciousness". What lies behind this formulation, doctors have to figure out is already in place.
- Burn the lower extremities. The woman spilled boiling oil - to move the senior team to view maps of the call. - It is not known what area and depth of the lesion. Perhaps the development of burn disease. Therefore, we must hurry.
We have repeatedly reported similar cases that insidious consequences. Trying to extinguish the car caught fire, the drivers receive severe burns. For a while, the person can even be awake, but then his condition rapidly deteriorated. A case where the victim had even appeared in time to give an interview to journalists (at the time it seemed a satisfactory condition) and then fainted and later died in hospital.
We go down to the garage substation "fast", where we are waiting for "Gazelle". Basically "ruler" (the so-called medical assistant teams that serve the majority of calls on the line) to move on cars this mark, even though the park is now updated to Citroen Jumper, Peugeot Boxer, Renault Master (in the last three years to purchase only such machines). Brigades of intensive therapy and intensive care, of course, work on the cars better.
- Vyacheslav, go on the street. Zhudro. Plug flashers - refers to the driver Cyril Timonchik. The decision to use special signals it receives senior field team, not the driver. When will make a mark in a waybill and calling cards. This is not just a formality. In the event of an accident or a conflict situation such papers ask first.
Our car should be on the street. Kharkiv, str. Kalvaryiskaya, Pushkin ave. ... Driver toured congestion in the opposite lane. But immediately pass the intersection did not work even once - you have to slow down, further comprise a siren (for SDA, he is obliged to ensure the safety of the maneuver). Just be sure that all stopped our driver starts to move again. And it's still not safe - the problem of a limited review. Riding on the right lane often do not see emergency vehicles due to other cars, do not understand why all the stops, and continue to move on a legal green. Our driver remembered that it was in such a situation, narrowly escaped an accident.
- Blue Light is no different from an orange set on any tractor. The reaction of motorists same - with some resentment says Vyacheslav Zhamoydin that driving "fast" for more than 20 years. - In an accident, at best, found guilty of both drivers, and we still have to deduct for repairs and service machines.
One solution, which is now being discussed - to install RFID-tags on the cars service 103. In advance, at the entrance of the machine to the junction, the system reads the signal light and turn on the green light for the direction in which should be "fast". Moreover, these technologies have already been tested in Minsk, but also, alas, are not implemented. So it is necessary to rely solely on the convention blue beacon and the attention of drivers.
We turn off on the street. Zhudro. And here is the right yard. The journey was only 9 minutes. Stacked! According to the law on emergency call doctors are obliged to arrive in the city within 19 minutes to an urgent - within 30 minutes, the urgency - within an hour fifteen minutes (this is based on the time required for the journey and the transfer of gang call information). For the average person calls the name - synonymous. For physicians "fast" - strict grading. For emergency calls is referred, for example, reported a fall from height accidents with victims, fire, emergency, loss of consciousness. Derivatives - it is an arrhythmia, heart attacks, injuries, bleeding. Emergency considered, in particular, complaints of pressure, heat, pain in the abdomen.
Substations "fast" (there are in Minsk until nine, the tenth being built in rockery) are arranged in such a way that to the farthest point could be reached in 15 minutes. However, to meet the rush hour without the use of special signals will be difficult.
Physicians need to hurry. They take "stacking" (the so-called suitcase with the necessary set of medicines, bandages, braids, syringes, etc..) And cardiograph, but ... suddenly returned. It was found locked Set wrong. Most callers to "fast" wrong address. Their condition can understand, but such factual errors complicate the task of medical assistants.
The delay, however, is not critical and there is no threat to the woman's life. She burns 2nd degree 9% of the body surface. Boiling oil binds bad, there is a risk that the ugly scars remain. Doctors decide to take the patient to a burn center. Now our "Gazelle" is going to flow on a general basis, no special signals - no need for this.
Burn Center in the hospital ambulance, which brought the car service 103 patients from all over the city. This, by the way, basically deliver a car accident. Pass the patient and the accompanying documents to doctors, while they themselves are advancing towards the substation.
Halfway receives a call from the control room. On GPS-beacon out there we determined that our car is closest to the next scene.
- Str. Nemiga, in the yard near the car of Toyota is a person - dictates Cyril Timonchik and adds, referring to the driver: - Includes spetssignaly!
Machine "fast" leaves the stage, standing at a traffic light, and begins to move in the opposite lane. I wonder what other drivers think? Physicians tired of standing at a traffic light? From the outside, perhaps, it looked that way. But the reason for the call just qualifies as an emergency. Again, the question is, what happened? "Lying beside the car" - then shot down during an accident or perhaps beaten? I guess in this situation - it is senseless and harmful.
On the way, we note that the majority of drivers (with rare exceptions) to see "fast" enabled beacons, trying to somehow give way. But that's just a single stubborn spoils. On a narrow street. Rakovski driver Skoda numbers of Moscow Region did not want to give way, but the possibilities were. I can not see? Many motorists are reasonable notice that the beacons installed on the roof of emergency vehicles, are not always visible in the rearview mirror. It's true, and strobe lights mounted on the radiator grille is not all machines "emergency».
Finally, do not easily find a car Toyota, right next to his wheel is a man. Immediately it becomes clear that casually dressed citizen with a blackened face brought himself into such a state voluntarily by abundant libations. Nevertheless paramedics placed him on a gurney and carefully inspected.
- Sergey, you are served in a polyclinic? - Emphasized politely refers Cyril Timonchik. The answer is heard bellowing incoherently.
- At the time of receiving the message it is considered an urgent call. But on arrival it turned out that medical assistance is not needed. And somewhere in the house is a man with a sharp pain in his stomach, but he has to wait, because it is considered to be an urgent challenge - says doctors.
They do not know how to weed out the "drunken" calls that do not need medical attention. In the evening, they said, are often such visits (of the city every day on average receives 1700 calls). Huge resources are spent on people who do not need to provide emergency medical care. But how to solve the problem, no one knows. To obtain objective information on the phone almost impossible.
After making sure that the patient does not require their participation, doctors call the police. Passing from hand to hand is also documented. Sergey has to change quite comfortable stretcher "Gazelle" to "luggage compartment" UAZ.
Now the car wash! After such a patient salon "Gazelle" would have to handle with a disinfectant solution. At the same time, doctors restock bandages and dispose of hazardous waste. Used syringes, for example, banned just throw in the trash. They were transported to the substation and process, and then takes a special service utilization.
Fifteen minutes of respite over. Brigade once again declare: "253rd, to leave." At this time, the police department on the street. Belsky. Again, physicians receive a printout from the control room with the phrase - "bleeding." Again beacons, travel into the oncoming lane, traffic red. 7 minutes we got to the destination. Paramedics are obviously not the first time.
The waiting room is an old man in a track suit, put on a naked body. In the temple he had a hematoma, blood on his face. Bleeding is not too great. Hoarse voice said: "I am the son of ... foot ... you hit me tie guys, and then I can go home? Otlezhus, everything goes ».
- Do you understand what you have traumatic brain injury? You can not reach. Right up until he lost consciousness, there is even a risk of death - warns Cyril Timonchik.
- Yes, I was in the hospital last night - it turns out, the patient is now consumed alcohol. - In his pocket a penny. How then I'll get to the house?
There was a feeling that the gang of "first" call for an unscheduled session of psychotherapy. Doctors on duty all the same after all obliged to come and listen to the patient, pougovarivat take care of their own health. While the old bandage, he can tell almost his entire biography. It still manages to convince, and we go to the emergency hospital.
The next call - from the same category. Again a message of strong bleeding, and the whole medical team rushes enabled spetssignalami through the whole area of the patient. He is unshaven man who is lying on a dirty bed in the Khrushchev. Seeing doctors, he starts screaming hysterically: "The whole area is seen as he gnawed gave me! I want to punish him ... »
- So you have a bleeding where? - Physicians struggle to find a hematoma at the back of the patient.
The patient is more inflamed. In remarks mother becomes clear that her son drinks and gets into such stories is not the first time. And now he wants to "remove the beatings" to punish the offender. "In the hospital we go!" - He commanded.
- Jura, here you now play with toys, and someone really needs help, - the mother swallows her tears. From this phrase, it seems, everything becomes clear.
But the patient is not complacent. A little more, and the man switched to physicians. He has already unhappy that the story of his offense, repeated for the fifteenth time, listen carefully enough. Incidentally, the attacks on the brigade of "first" is not such a rarity. Sometimes even incited the dogs.
And our driver remembered at all the criminal case: "Ten years ago, called the metro station" Frunzenskaya ". They took a guy with a suspected broken leg. We drove a few blocks, I hear the cry of our paramedic. I look - the patient's neck to put a girl sharpening. I slow down, and I think to myself: what can I do, because pyrnet? He stopped, opened the door, he nearly knocked me kick. Look - and it's all in headdresses. Helped case: next appeared the police, who detained the assailant. It turned out he wanted to put some tape in the tape recorder, and a paramedic refused. Then this guy gave three years for attempted murder ».
Well, we deliver all the restless passengers in the same hospital emergency room. Finally, he promises even someone to understand. Exhaling, doctors sent to the substation to transmit shift colleagues.
All! Duty completed. Only now, you know, in some tremendous emotional stress all the time are physicians. Listen stoically drunk, calm hysteria surrounding the beating, trying to persuade to accept help. After starting the call, doctors do not know what awaits them there: really in need of help, or a drunken brawler.
... By the way, because that old man from the legend, say doctors, rescue and failed.
30 photos and text

- 253 I, on departure, - we did not have time to look around in the cramped little room, where doctors expect a call is on speakerphone brigade announce the number to which we "ascribed».
With this second countdown begins and we are moving at a rapid pace. On the way to the senior team "fast" Cyril Timonchik takes in the control printout. This card is a call in which the address of the data of the patient and the reason for the call. Often in the last column means "lying", "bleeding", "loss of consciousness". What lies behind this formulation, doctors have to figure out is already in place.

- Burn the lower extremities. The woman spilled boiling oil - to move the senior team to view maps of the call. - It is not known what area and depth of the lesion. Perhaps the development of burn disease. Therefore, we must hurry.
We have repeatedly reported similar cases that insidious consequences. Trying to extinguish the car caught fire, the drivers receive severe burns. For a while, the person can even be awake, but then his condition rapidly deteriorated. A case where the victim had even appeared in time to give an interview to journalists (at the time it seemed a satisfactory condition) and then fainted and later died in hospital.
We go down to the garage substation "fast", where we are waiting for "Gazelle". Basically "ruler" (the so-called medical assistant teams that serve the majority of calls on the line) to move on cars this mark, even though the park is now updated to Citroen Jumper, Peugeot Boxer, Renault Master (in the last three years to purchase only such machines). Brigades of intensive therapy and intensive care, of course, work on the cars better.


- Vyacheslav, go on the street. Zhudro. Plug flashers - refers to the driver Cyril Timonchik. The decision to use special signals it receives senior field team, not the driver. When will make a mark in a waybill and calling cards. This is not just a formality. In the event of an accident or a conflict situation such papers ask first.

Our car should be on the street. Kharkiv, str. Kalvaryiskaya, Pushkin ave. ... Driver toured congestion in the opposite lane. But immediately pass the intersection did not work even once - you have to slow down, further comprise a siren (for SDA, he is obliged to ensure the safety of the maneuver). Just be sure that all stopped our driver starts to move again. And it's still not safe - the problem of a limited review. Riding on the right lane often do not see emergency vehicles due to other cars, do not understand why all the stops, and continue to move on a legal green. Our driver remembered that it was in such a situation, narrowly escaped an accident.

- Blue Light is no different from an orange set on any tractor. The reaction of motorists same - with some resentment says Vyacheslav Zhamoydin that driving "fast" for more than 20 years. - In an accident, at best, found guilty of both drivers, and we still have to deduct for repairs and service machines.

One solution, which is now being discussed - to install RFID-tags on the cars service 103. In advance, at the entrance of the machine to the junction, the system reads the signal light and turn on the green light for the direction in which should be "fast". Moreover, these technologies have already been tested in Minsk, but also, alas, are not implemented. So it is necessary to rely solely on the convention blue beacon and the attention of drivers.

We turn off on the street. Zhudro. And here is the right yard. The journey was only 9 minutes. Stacked! According to the law on emergency call doctors are obliged to arrive in the city within 19 minutes to an urgent - within 30 minutes, the urgency - within an hour fifteen minutes (this is based on the time required for the journey and the transfer of gang call information). For the average person calls the name - synonymous. For physicians "fast" - strict grading. For emergency calls is referred, for example, reported a fall from height accidents with victims, fire, emergency, loss of consciousness. Derivatives - it is an arrhythmia, heart attacks, injuries, bleeding. Emergency considered, in particular, complaints of pressure, heat, pain in the abdomen.
Substations "fast" (there are in Minsk until nine, the tenth being built in rockery) are arranged in such a way that to the farthest point could be reached in 15 minutes. However, to meet the rush hour without the use of special signals will be difficult.
Physicians need to hurry. They take "stacking" (the so-called suitcase with the necessary set of medicines, bandages, braids, syringes, etc..) And cardiograph, but ... suddenly returned. It was found locked Set wrong. Most callers to "fast" wrong address. Their condition can understand, but such factual errors complicate the task of medical assistants.


The delay, however, is not critical and there is no threat to the woman's life. She burns 2nd degree 9% of the body surface. Boiling oil binds bad, there is a risk that the ugly scars remain. Doctors decide to take the patient to a burn center. Now our "Gazelle" is going to flow on a general basis, no special signals - no need for this.
Burn Center in the hospital ambulance, which brought the car service 103 patients from all over the city. This, by the way, basically deliver a car accident. Pass the patient and the accompanying documents to doctors, while they themselves are advancing towards the substation.



Halfway receives a call from the control room. On GPS-beacon out there we determined that our car is closest to the next scene.

- Str. Nemiga, in the yard near the car of Toyota is a person - dictates Cyril Timonchik and adds, referring to the driver: - Includes spetssignaly!
Machine "fast" leaves the stage, standing at a traffic light, and begins to move in the opposite lane. I wonder what other drivers think? Physicians tired of standing at a traffic light? From the outside, perhaps, it looked that way. But the reason for the call just qualifies as an emergency. Again, the question is, what happened? "Lying beside the car" - then shot down during an accident or perhaps beaten? I guess in this situation - it is senseless and harmful.

On the way, we note that the majority of drivers (with rare exceptions) to see "fast" enabled beacons, trying to somehow give way. But that's just a single stubborn spoils. On a narrow street. Rakovski driver Skoda numbers of Moscow Region did not want to give way, but the possibilities were. I can not see? Many motorists are reasonable notice that the beacons installed on the roof of emergency vehicles, are not always visible in the rearview mirror. It's true, and strobe lights mounted on the radiator grille is not all machines "emergency».
Finally, do not easily find a car Toyota, right next to his wheel is a man. Immediately it becomes clear that casually dressed citizen with a blackened face brought himself into such a state voluntarily by abundant libations. Nevertheless paramedics placed him on a gurney and carefully inspected.



- Sergey, you are served in a polyclinic? - Emphasized politely refers Cyril Timonchik. The answer is heard bellowing incoherently.

- At the time of receiving the message it is considered an urgent call. But on arrival it turned out that medical assistance is not needed. And somewhere in the house is a man with a sharp pain in his stomach, but he has to wait, because it is considered to be an urgent challenge - says doctors.
They do not know how to weed out the "drunken" calls that do not need medical attention. In the evening, they said, are often such visits (of the city every day on average receives 1700 calls). Huge resources are spent on people who do not need to provide emergency medical care. But how to solve the problem, no one knows. To obtain objective information on the phone almost impossible.
After making sure that the patient does not require their participation, doctors call the police. Passing from hand to hand is also documented. Sergey has to change quite comfortable stretcher "Gazelle" to "luggage compartment" UAZ.

Now the car wash! After such a patient salon "Gazelle" would have to handle with a disinfectant solution. At the same time, doctors restock bandages and dispose of hazardous waste. Used syringes, for example, banned just throw in the trash. They were transported to the substation and process, and then takes a special service utilization.


Fifteen minutes of respite over. Brigade once again declare: "253rd, to leave." At this time, the police department on the street. Belsky. Again, physicians receive a printout from the control room with the phrase - "bleeding." Again beacons, travel into the oncoming lane, traffic red. 7 minutes we got to the destination. Paramedics are obviously not the first time.
The waiting room is an old man in a track suit, put on a naked body. In the temple he had a hematoma, blood on his face. Bleeding is not too great. Hoarse voice said: "I am the son of ... foot ... you hit me tie guys, and then I can go home? Otlezhus, everything goes ».

- Do you understand what you have traumatic brain injury? You can not reach. Right up until he lost consciousness, there is even a risk of death - warns Cyril Timonchik.
- Yes, I was in the hospital last night - it turns out, the patient is now consumed alcohol. - In his pocket a penny. How then I'll get to the house?
There was a feeling that the gang of "first" call for an unscheduled session of psychotherapy. Doctors on duty all the same after all obliged to come and listen to the patient, pougovarivat take care of their own health. While the old bandage, he can tell almost his entire biography. It still manages to convince, and we go to the emergency hospital.


The next call - from the same category. Again a message of strong bleeding, and the whole medical team rushes enabled spetssignalami through the whole area of the patient. He is unshaven man who is lying on a dirty bed in the Khrushchev. Seeing doctors, he starts screaming hysterically: "The whole area is seen as he gnawed gave me! I want to punish him ... »

- So you have a bleeding where? - Physicians struggle to find a hematoma at the back of the patient.
The patient is more inflamed. In remarks mother becomes clear that her son drinks and gets into such stories is not the first time. And now he wants to "remove the beatings" to punish the offender. "In the hospital we go!" - He commanded.
- Jura, here you now play with toys, and someone really needs help, - the mother swallows her tears. From this phrase, it seems, everything becomes clear.
But the patient is not complacent. A little more, and the man switched to physicians. He has already unhappy that the story of his offense, repeated for the fifteenth time, listen carefully enough. Incidentally, the attacks on the brigade of "first" is not such a rarity. Sometimes even incited the dogs.

And our driver remembered at all the criminal case: "Ten years ago, called the metro station" Frunzenskaya ". They took a guy with a suspected broken leg. We drove a few blocks, I hear the cry of our paramedic. I look - the patient's neck to put a girl sharpening. I slow down, and I think to myself: what can I do, because pyrnet? He stopped, opened the door, he nearly knocked me kick. Look - and it's all in headdresses. Helped case: next appeared the police, who detained the assailant. It turned out he wanted to put some tape in the tape recorder, and a paramedic refused. Then this guy gave three years for attempted murder ».
Well, we deliver all the restless passengers in the same hospital emergency room. Finally, he promises even someone to understand. Exhaling, doctors sent to the substation to transmit shift colleagues.

All! Duty completed. Only now, you know, in some tremendous emotional stress all the time are physicians. Listen stoically drunk, calm hysteria surrounding the beating, trying to persuade to accept help. After starting the call, doctors do not know what awaits them there: really in need of help, or a drunken brawler.

... By the way, because that old man from the legend, say doctors, rescue and failed.
