World Press Photo (64 photos)
Today announced the winners of World Press Photo Contest 2009, the most prestigious contest among photojournalists.
Apologies for the translation, not a linguist
P.S. Nominations are divided into single images and stories. The report consists of 5-10 pictures, I will post the best according to the jury. Who wants to go see all the link.
www.worldpressphoto.org ©
1. Best Picture 2008
The US economy is in crisis. Detective Robert Number ubdeit home residents should release him in accordance with a court order.
Nomination "Hot News". 1 place. One picture.
Rescue Group renders affected by the earthquake, China, May 14
2nd place.
A man trying to cross the border of Zimbabwe and South Africa, May 21
3rd place.
A man mourns his brother after the bombing of Gori, Georgia, August 9
Hot news. 1 place. Reporting. (I remind you this is one of the photo)
Unrest in Kenya after the elections
2nd place
Earthquake in China
3rd place.
Georgian conflict
Pochetenoe place (report)
The attack on the railway station, India
General news. 1 place. One picture.
Woman tries to stop forced evictions of its people, Brazil, May 10
2nd place
The survivors of the Chinese earthquake, May 20
3rd place
Palestinian protesters zaschischayutsya the Israeli tear gas, West Bank, May 27
General news. Reporting. 1st place.
Abkhazia, September-October
2nd place.
The armed conflict in Georgia in August
3rd place.
The effects of the cyclone in Burma
Nomination "People in the News." 1 place. Single.
Tribal conflicts in Kenya
2nd place
Anti-government uprising, Athens
3rd place
Hasim (?), The Afghanistan emigrant in Greece
People in the news. 1 place. Reporting.
Barack Obama's campaign
2nd place
Georgian conflict
3rd place
Rebel, Mali
"Sporting News". 1 place. Single.
Iralndtsy Greco, 17 championship
2nd place
winner of the 200 at the Beijing Olympics metrovke
3rd place
Tezhe games, triple jump
"Sporting News". 1 place. Reporting.
Again there, diving
2nd place
Sambo Championship, Peter
3rd place
Olympic Games, the 10-meter diving
Sports essays. 1 place. Single.
Judoka Ange Mercie Jean-Baptiste at the Olympics
2nd place
Check in mountain biking
3rd place
Little jockey, Mongolia
Exact same nomination, reports
Television in the Olympic Games
2nd place
Report of boxers before and after.
This is the best photo from the report, in this instance, all the better to see. This is the way "to»
3rd place
Michel Platini (series of pictures with him)
Nomination "Modern issues» (do not know how to translate). 1 place. Singles.
Coast Guard "burned" boat refugees
2nd place
Byshy home servant
3rd place
Memorial to violence against women, Guatemala
A place of honor
Homeless, Colombia
the same nomination, reports. 1st place.
Homeless, Brazil
2nd place
Albino, Tanzania
3rd place
Slums, Sicily
Nomination "everyday life." 1 place. Singles
Victim of gang warfare, El Salvador
2nd place
Wedding ... Achtung. Father and daughter.
3rd place
Corporate breakfast.
Just do not understand what the prize was given
A place of honor
People gathered around the body, Slum, Brazil
Exact same nomination. Reports. 1st place.
Troy, New York
2nd place
The crisis in the US
3rd place
Quiet crying: Autism in the family, Florida
Portraits. 1st place.
Rajiha Jihad Jassim with her son Sarhan, Baghdad
Dennis Hopper
3rd place
Tibetan novice monk
Portraits. Reports. 1st place.
Gypsy interior, Romania
2nd place
Forced identification: a transsexual on the
3rd place
Symbols war photography
Art and entertainment. 1 place. Singles.
Behind the scenes of the fashion show, Delhi
2nd place
Student of the Paris School of Ballet
3rd place
Fashion, Angola
Same. Reports.
Pamayat: tourists Osventseme
2nd place
One day at the beach
3rd place
Opera House, New York
Nature. 1 place. Single shots.
2nd place
Sandy tornadoes during the exercise of French soldiers
3rd place
Hunting leopard
Nature. Reports. 1st place
Snow Leopard: beyond a shadow
2nd place
Some moments from the life of the tree
3rd place
The animal's eyes (very beautiful, I advise you to see everything)
Apologies for the translation, not a linguist
P.S. Nominations are divided into single images and stories. The report consists of 5-10 pictures, I will post the best according to the jury. Who wants to go see all the link.
www.worldpressphoto.org ©
1. Best Picture 2008
The US economy is in crisis. Detective Robert Number ubdeit home residents should release him in accordance with a court order.
Nomination "Hot News". 1 place. One picture.
Rescue Group renders affected by the earthquake, China, May 14
2nd place.
A man trying to cross the border of Zimbabwe and South Africa, May 21
3rd place.
A man mourns his brother after the bombing of Gori, Georgia, August 9
Hot news. 1 place. Reporting. (I remind you this is one of the photo)
Unrest in Kenya after the elections
2nd place
Earthquake in China
3rd place.
Georgian conflict
Pochetenoe place (report)
The attack on the railway station, India
General news. 1 place. One picture.
Woman tries to stop forced evictions of its people, Brazil, May 10
2nd place
The survivors of the Chinese earthquake, May 20
3rd place
Palestinian protesters zaschischayutsya the Israeli tear gas, West Bank, May 27
General news. Reporting. 1st place.
Abkhazia, September-October
2nd place.
The armed conflict in Georgia in August
3rd place.
The effects of the cyclone in Burma
Nomination "People in the News." 1 place. Single.
Tribal conflicts in Kenya
2nd place
Anti-government uprising, Athens
3rd place
Hasim (?), The Afghanistan emigrant in Greece
People in the news. 1 place. Reporting.
Barack Obama's campaign
2nd place
Georgian conflict
3rd place
Rebel, Mali
"Sporting News". 1 place. Single.
Iralndtsy Greco, 17 championship
2nd place
winner of the 200 at the Beijing Olympics metrovke
3rd place
Tezhe games, triple jump
"Sporting News". 1 place. Reporting.
Again there, diving
2nd place
Sambo Championship, Peter
3rd place
Olympic Games, the 10-meter diving
Sports essays. 1 place. Single.
Judoka Ange Mercie Jean-Baptiste at the Olympics
2nd place
Check in mountain biking
3rd place
Little jockey, Mongolia
Exact same nomination, reports
Television in the Olympic Games
2nd place
Report of boxers before and after.
This is the best photo from the report, in this instance, all the better to see. This is the way "to»
3rd place
Michel Platini (series of pictures with him)
Nomination "Modern issues» (do not know how to translate). 1 place. Singles.
Coast Guard "burned" boat refugees
2nd place
Byshy home servant
3rd place
Memorial to violence against women, Guatemala
A place of honor
Homeless, Colombia
the same nomination, reports. 1st place.
Homeless, Brazil
2nd place
Albino, Tanzania
3rd place
Slums, Sicily
Nomination "everyday life." 1 place. Singles
Victim of gang warfare, El Salvador
2nd place
Wedding ... Achtung. Father and daughter.
3rd place
Corporate breakfast.
Just do not understand what the prize was given
A place of honor
People gathered around the body, Slum, Brazil
Exact same nomination. Reports. 1st place.
Troy, New York
2nd place
The crisis in the US
3rd place
Quiet crying: Autism in the family, Florida
Portraits. 1st place.
Rajiha Jihad Jassim with her son Sarhan, Baghdad
Dennis Hopper
3rd place
Tibetan novice monk
Portraits. Reports. 1st place.
Gypsy interior, Romania
2nd place
Forced identification: a transsexual on the
3rd place
Symbols war photography
Art and entertainment. 1 place. Singles.
Behind the scenes of the fashion show, Delhi
2nd place
Student of the Paris School of Ballet
3rd place
Fashion, Angola
Same. Reports.
Pamayat: tourists Osventseme
2nd place
One day at the beach
3rd place
Opera House, New York
Nature. 1 place. Single shots.
2nd place
Sandy tornadoes during the exercise of French soldiers
3rd place
Hunting leopard
Nature. Reports. 1st place
Snow Leopard: beyond a shadow
2nd place
Some moments from the life of the tree
3rd place
The animal's eyes (very beautiful, I advise you to see everything)