Friday 13th

When we say, "witch", our imagination helpfully shows a full set of witches, cauldron potion, cards, candles, pomelo and, of course, a black cat. And what associates the word "magician"? Well, of course old books, manuscripts, spicy flavors, amulets, talismans and indispensable attribute of witchcraft - a black cat. What is so attractive that animal, why black, not red cat became a symbol of mysticism, unknown, incomprehensible and mysterious?

It turns out that this is the explanation. Only black color has the ability to perfectly protect from negative influences aimed, fully absorbing all the negative energy and nullifying such as diligence energy vampires get into your biofield. And the magicians and clients across different, and the competition again. ... One never knows, will fall victim to envy from colleagues. Yes, and communication with spirits, ghosts and other undead does not pass in vain.


Black Cat better than other colors handles functions defender, he warned of the danger in time and remove negativity.


Black Cat twice saved the life of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev. Being in India 1969godu, Brezhnev met with the Dalai Lama and he gave him a black magic cat, has the unique ability to warn of impending misfortune and protect his master. Brezhnev took seriously the warnings Lama and did not question his word. And did not regret. In the same year, when the cat, not wanting to let the owner of the house, showed concern, Brezhnev changed the place of his car in the motorcade and the serious injuring those who rode a traditional Brezhnev place.


The second time through the year, history repeated itself. The cat did not want to again produce a host of home and Brezhnev, canceling all cases, stayed home. Stupidity, right? Cancelling a business meeting because of a black cat, which occurred to pomyaukat. But it is in this time in a government car, leave without general secretary, crashed truck and a passenger died legkovushki.


In spring 1982 the black cat was gone. ... A few months later, having lost its mascot, died and his master ...


Cat is a portable biogenerator, create electromagnetic radiation. The combination of black and biosily cats give stunning results. The frequency and amplitude of the waves emitted by a black cat have a strong impact on the person as protecting it, and the healing of many diseases. That is why cats are actively used in animaterapii - a special branch of medicine that has existed since the mid-50s of the last century and is gaining popularity these days.


In favor of the fact that cats can not only relieves nervous stress, and heal, such as cardiovascular disease, said the fact that almost 49% of American doctors recommend their patients to get a cat, which helps reduce the risk of heart attack.


In past centuries, wizards and mages were concurrently healers and knowing about extraordinary ability cats used them in medical practice in the same way as they are used today, doctors involved animaterapiey.


Black cats - reliable energy advocates, has tremendous magical powers and are eternal associates of the mysterious.


Do you believe that black cats bring bad luck when caught

You on the road? Or do you think that black cats bring good luck?

In fact, it all depends on what country you live ...


In different cultures and myths related to the black cats are completely different. If you live and the United States, or in most European countries, in an encounter with a black cat, you'll definitely wait for failure.


If you live in England or Japan, the meeting is a black cat will bring good luck.


If you live in Germany, there is believed that if a black cat crossed the road from right to left, it is a bad sign, but if the cat has moved from left to right, it will guarantee you a good time.


The Italians believe that a black cat lives on the bedside of a dying man dies after him.


In China, it is believed that a black cat is a harbinger of hunger and poverty.


In Latvia, like most Europeans, people believe that a black cat brings bad luck, but in ancient times in Latvia was considered lucky to keep the farm black dog, black cat and a black rooster. It was believed that these black cat, being a spirit Runtsis bring a good harvest and good fortune.


In Scotland, a black cat catch sitting on the porch is considered a sign of wealth and prosperity.




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